On June 27 2013 08:04 PenguinWithNuke wrote:
And I have no idea what I'm doing in SCII. So right now what I do per matchup:
ZvT: 15 hatch opener, go transition into mutas
ZvP: Stephano style 200 roach push
ZvZ: ????
I have literally no idea what to do with regard to ZvZ.
Anyway, I just started playing again, and now I'm in gold. I die to stupid stuff a lot because I don't scout properly (got killed by battlecruisers because I'm a moron) and sometimes I just get killed because my opponent macros better.
Advice please?
Grind to get the rust off.
ZvT: Ultras are pretty neat now, roach/hydra into late viper can work - scout for 3 CC, if 3 CC roach bane all in, 4 queens to go mad on creep spread
ZvP: Snorehost into mass static defense if you play to win
ZvZ: Has not changed that much at all, pure mass muta is no longer viable, infestors are rather weak, swarmhosts are good in roach/hydra wars.