Enjoy~ -haji
18:30 KOR Time on OnGameNet
Hanbit Stars - 9th (4-6 Win/Lose, 19-22 Overall)
Star Performers: Free (P) 6-4, Fantastic (P)/Max (Z) 5-0.
KTF MagicNs - 6th (5-5 Win/Lose, 22-4 Overall)
Star Performers: rA (P) 7-3, Reach (P)/ZergbOy (Z) 3-0
Game 1. free[gm] (P) < Nemesis > Hery[Hyo] (T)
An interesting matchup here, Free, just eliminated from the MSL by Sea, and Hery who embarassingly lost to MuMyung (that is not a typo) in 2 straight games on Python and Peaks. If Hery cannot establish himself in this game, I will lose trust in him. But I will go for free in this game.
Game 2. PokJu[S.G] (P) < Python > By.Flash (T)
PokJu is a newcomer to the scene if I remember. Flash is too also. Flash also has the benefit of excellent training partners, is in a starleague, and is 15. My pick is Flash.
Game 3. FanTastic_NamoO (P)/Qoo)Max (Z) < Vampire > Reach (P)/ZergBOy (Z)
The two best 2v2 teams for both teams playing eachother on Vampire. I am extremely impressed by Hanbit's 2v2 team, while KTF's has been a bit unstable as of late. My pick here is Hanbit.
Game 4. GGPlay (Z) < Tau Cross > Nal_rA (P)
The End-Game Master vs The Dreamer. This is a very good match to watch IMO. GGPlay impressed me beating NaDa on Python and Stork on Monty Hall, while rA managed to sneak his way through his MSL group and win vs Midas in the SKT-KTF rivalry ace match. I will narrowly give this one to rA.
Ace Match < Geometry >
I have not seen any Hanbit Terrans except Joker[Gamei], and I'm definitely sure they wont be using him for such an important match. Geometry obviously favours Terrans. So it would be no surprise if GoodFriend, Hery or Sync get sent out for this game. Meanwhile, Hanbit can also send out Free, Daezang (although I am not sure if he still plays for Hanbit due to his army commitments), or Max.
Nether the less, I reckon KTF would take this one.
14:00 KOR Time on MBCGame
CJ Entus - 5th (6-5 Win/Lose, 24-21 Overall)
Star Performers: Much (P) 6-1, DarkElf (T) 3-1.
MBCGame HERO - 7th (5-6 Win/Lose, 23-21 Overall)
Star Performers: Sea (T) 7-3, PuSan (P) 3-0
Game 1. TheManiaMST (T) < Python > Sea[Shield] (T)
TheMania is supposedly a very good, young terran, who has won many amateur tournaments. Sea though, is in the same vein. I will give the nod to Sea this game since it is TvT and he has won 7 games.
Game 2. Much[gm] (P) < Nemesis > Bisu (P)
40 Year Old Protoss vs Guy who wins but can't seem to win a damn game in Proleague. This game is going to be very interesting, but if Bisu can't keep his game flowing the way he wants it to go, I have to give this to Much.
Game 3. Orion (Z)/Nbs[gm] (P) < Chariots of Fire > PuSan (P)/TheZerg[HyO] (Z)
CJ experimenting with another team, Pusan in a 2v2? Wow, strange experiment here by MBC. I will give this to MBC because PuSan is playing, and I want to see how he goes.
Game 4. IriS[gm] (T) < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > Light[aLive] (T)
I believe this is Iris' game. Why? This is his staple matchup. His staple map, and Light has been practicing with Chobo's on WGTour. Light also hasn't impressed me at all with TvT, playing Flash and losing terribly.
Ace Match < Monty Hall >
This may turn out to be XellOs vs Pusan, which will be a good game. I'm sure both players have been practicing hard. Perfect Terran against Zealot factory will be an amazing game to watch.
I'd like to thank Carnac for his statistics, and thedeadhaji for posting these up.