MOD NOTE: The bracket on Liquipedia is not final and should be assumed to be speculative. If you are a competitor, trust what MLG Admins tell you over the bracket. |
great looks like they're going to have to sort the brackets by hand maybe they should have had an early check in?
Earlier you mean? I checked in a few hours ago.
On April 21 2013 02:36 Killmouse wrote:Show nested quote +On April 21 2013 02:33 rasnj wrote:It seems you must be logged in so I copied it here for people without a login. The bracket is: + Show Spoiler +79 ROOTSucceed 512 Pitomba Pictu
257 Gosudark 256 Phog
385 EGMachine 128 WaZ
65 Evil Geniuses 448 Pasildan
321 kamker 192 Hishpocalypse
193 KawaiiRice 320 sciinsane
449 Tron 64 iamthesky
33 Team Game On 480 pwf05
289 The Heart of 224 Filho
161 Kobu 352 Kaipywcs
417 Gretorp 96 machinationsS
97 Jonny McFisto 416 GetJanked
353 PsychoHB 160 [FXO]TheoRy.8
225 TokeN Gaming 288 Alb
481 Swarm 32 Carcarah
17 Patwah 496 JonSnowStarcr
273 Break 240 Quetzal
145 giXsc2 368 Banzai Gaming
401 LiLSighKoh 112 SC2Bright
81 EnVvy 432 Treisk
337 King Eevee 176 BluDragon
209 SMITHYGLEN 304 Cleveland bar
465 Stax 48 Genuine
49 icebuddha 464 AMG THE S
305 Mathies180 208 coLTriMaster
177 DualDispatch 336 Remember
433 crvg 80 TeamBleikz
113 Charlie 400 ROOT
369 Tealz 144 NerO
241 Masterleaguef 272 Gtoss
497 ThoughtItWasI 16 Mobius
9 Prime Directi 504 mewo1
265 Kirito423 248 mewbyy
137 DireWolves Te 376 Jaramir
393 oddz 120 bertu
73 Team Unsustai 440 natsumesc222
329 Arush 184 Maintain Star
201 OMAtheGreat 312 SickZergBro
457 rsmmmmmmmmmm 56 Sage
41 Gama bears 472 Thorzain is A
297 Problemzerg 216 zoocourage
169 Sentinel Gami 344 Eternal AFK
425 Falcanium 88 Skiiman
105 haphazaRdsc2 408 EGJD
361 Koali 152 DHL
233 abc1234 280 SpiriT
489 HEYALEX 24 EGRevival
25 JohnWang123 488 zawersed
281 Teamsouless 232 Team Soolid
153 eXponential G 360 WinterStarcra
409 Aquilix 104 Nubl33t
89 Grayteam 424 RoHTheTRUTH
345 Powoo 168 EG iNcontroL
217 Dreadski[WCS] 296 Spanishiwa.75
473 No Luck Gamin 40 TEKsc2
57 dasaniii 456 Perpetual
313 bestfOu 200 Team-Raine
185 brent 328 GrammmerLifeS
441 SaintSeiya 72 2qt_WallNut
121 Pprboat 392 cheeseheadlog
377 Team Funke 136 Starcraft 2 S
249 Sons Ø 264 Hurricane603
505 Lublin 8 Reload
5 OverwhelmingP 508 SoNoShiDidnt
261 Maesy Tournam 252 AnseLmo
133 ConceptEX 380 dice5
389 2QT 124 FruitsBasket
69 Apocalipse Te 444 IAmBelieve
325 gameofdrones 188 Sunny
197 Kappnsc2 316 Teams are dum
453 Mojojojo 60 Zang
37 Clarity Sipho 476 2rule
293 avilo 220 frozengaming
165 Carties 348 Team TBo
421 zoohow 92 Team AlphaSC2
101 Vio 412 colinteam
357 TJI 156 StarCraft Asc
229 SMK 284 Northern Crus
485 LaGT 28 snowfall
21 Doll House Ga 492 iEchoi
277 Axiom eSports 236 WCSSleet
149 For Brian 364 Sentinel Gami
405 Dire Wolves T 108 Kreayshawn
85 dycee 428 asimov
341 HereticFurbyW 172 Sc2DicE
213 Chivas 300 frysc2
469 StorMTaiwan 44 Axiom1
53 Eternity Gami 460 ResOundinG
309 Ozy 204 Team Shogun
181 coL academy P 332 YeaRS
437 Dmega 76 ksjig
117 FXOJimRising 396 jamaican bobs
373 VIMY 140 Clarity Gamin
245 Kaos Latin Ga 268 dont do raper
501 Itzsketchy lo 12 LoF
13 TheGiantNome 500 Frozen Gaming
269 Zoozerg 244 Drunkenboi
141 CatZ 372 [SCS]Tyranus
397 EGOz 116 shorez
77 UltimateHero 436 Impulse E-Spo
333 easymind 180 Team LiquidZe
205 DagothUr 308 ArenaChris
461 Nv deth 52 Duster
45 abc123 468 maskedhero
301 xxyoloswagxx 212 Thrive
173 Dust 340 gHQDark
4 binski terran 84 Jaehoon
109 FutureSC2 404 Revolution Ga
365 Hejie 148 Lateralus
237 Atlas 276 sonic12345
493 KsAlexCMoi 20 Team Zath
29 HFCC.Azzurri 484 L_Clan
285 Perrysnagy 228 cpi
157 Aurean TEam 356 NSGRuslanko
413 Team solo noo 100 moosy moosy
93 CajunMan 420 smiDakykun
349 iMp MinT 164 xxxYoLoSwAgxx
221 MiG 292 ISGGool
477 @Rootcaliber 36 UnLiMited
61 Supremo 452 AstroPenguin
317 Next Step Gam 196 VanSC_Purge
189 SHS 324 spartanstarle
445 APIx 68 Eradin
125 Bails 388 lex
381 Decaado 132 Scorched
253 Kiom 260 FuriousMiya
509 Odyssey 429 2qt_Maze
94 hctauqsas 510 Haarp
259 TtZeus 254 JacobNX01-A
131 LGS 382 tunicolo
387 Midday 126 Immutable
67 Emyndri 446 bond
323 RUSHERRRRRRRR 190 FunkyOtter7
195 420yoloswag 318 Solar Night
451 Deathbloodsc 62 Noobity
35 QuanticHwangS 478 PackAttack
2 EGaLive 222 complexityqxc
163 Newbish4life 350 dissonance845
419 nocturnalgame 3 badcopsc2
99 TBKs 414 TrollKings
355 Fox 158 xODTPocks
227 coLTheStC 286 ntc
483 yoeIronMen 30 FKteam
19 EGJYP 494 ZooTop
275 DrMooose 238 MCBFS
147 DarkBlade 366 henryz
403 YoyoDevo 110 Black Sky
83 rsvp5 430 PoeT
339 rolloverdj458 174 sMiDayss
211 Nv Rossi 302 UwinMrage
467 Quantis Intel 46 Proud
51 SteAdfaSt 462 AnGrY
307 Raldan 206 Absox
1 Axiom5 334 Elroh
435 Brad 78 steak of heav
115 cShew 398 RhanT
371 Aegon 142 glurk
243 Pursuit 270 Meister
499 Odanrot 14 Kyosc2
11 GrBDark 502 maasked
267 DarkenedLite 246 cardhu
139 Ado 374 Hiei
395 Sourgecko 118 QuanticApocal
75 Atrophy 438 MSD
331 FlamingPie 182 Trunkys
203 yoeIM 310 Chapin Street
459 Oranos 54 FlatLine
43 Envy The Skil 470 Deceiver
299 Exile 5 214 Team 820
171 [FML] 342 plusev
427 [CAP] SURGE 86 team2000
107 Fuzzy Bunnies 406 Sheep
363 NonY 150 Siret
235 OhHaiVegA 278 Cinema
491 ShamWOW 22 stvygxld
27 Jacmert 486 Orcspit
283 Hobomotrons 230 Hacin
155 Cryo 358 furiouz-pengu
411 NiB 102 TOTIS2013
91 CaFFeiNe 422 Sietesoles
347 FGElegance 166 GOON
219 Glitch 294 UCSDKero
475 kipisan 38 blooregardx
59 schapel 454 Chillaxing Lo
315 waynekylelebr 198 Nocreativitys
187 FXOdesRow 326 Axiom2
443 Bonkaroonis 70 SterlingSC2
123 snakehips 390 Striderxd.500
379 GHST 134 ngsVoltz
251 T_R_Avian 262 TIME TO GO PR
507 LzGaMeR 6 MaydorK
7 Mystik 506 Carbon11
263 Mintograde [W 250 OhBareN
135 Slothmaster 378 bubaizhanshen
391 SenDoh 122 QuanticJakeBa
71 SXG Team 442 KsSoultouch
327 Tropa 186 ThisIsJimmy
199 Akhee 314 Silent
455 Redskin 58 Team Brom0
39 Eclipzed 474 ExileR
295 Prplppleatr W 218 Tiy
167 MaSa 346 Rumpelteazer
423 Tamayo Gaming 90 Fight With Ho
103 Feel The3 PAI 410 Fighter
359 fierytycoon4 154 Boner
231 Zapo 282 KiF1rE.
487 EliGEz 26 InvictusGamin
23 aery 490 VaderZerg
279 Dashiz 234 sMiMrCash
151 coLRyze 362 Empathy
407 Outlawesports 106 UnsafeInterfe
87 RoHChedoo 426 EscapingJail1
343 Avatar 170 wildMX
215 twotimintim 298 Team op
471 xSpherex 42 SnaKKer
55 Hans 458 Smokey
311 Nv JazBas 202 2ccute
183 Alltomata_ 330 Mevious
439 ISanddbox 74 jackgiletto
119 wtfThisWebsit 394 _Syringe
375 narwhal 138 OpSathorod
247 Andro 266 owmygroin
503 GraphixSC2 10 Chupirul
15 Latin America 498 MysterySc2
271 [SCS]coyote 242 NO TEAM
143 Kambing 370 aDj
399 aiurrrrrrrrrr 114 jejune
79 Nerdraging16 434 RoHKieds
335 Daices2 178 NrGquasAr
207 Paradise 306 Sentinel Gami
463 CosT 50 LaserJSC
47 Padre 466 twistedalpha
303 Ero_Sennin 210 dorian piekar
175 aaaaaaa 338 iSKoMA
431 Frenetic Arra 82 GreeK
111 zillas 402 [ASCCT]
367 Laika 146 Digital Drago
239 Qntc Gaming 274 rhag
495 Bones 18 scSurge
31 sLideWCS 482 K-Pop
287 QuanticCenter 226 Huchdown
159 Nickfurd 354 OpEx
415 Ivy 98 QuanticHyuN
95 Darkness.1512 418 LGSChavO
351 vL 162 KingKron
223 The Justice L 290 asdfgsfdghjdf
479 Moosegills 34 Mutation
63 TheCreaturEX 450 VUZIQ
319 funnyman 194 SKTFartinG
191 Relaria 322 Jetty
447 2QT_Vital 66 Glorious Peng
127 Quantic_MaSsa 386 Gunshy
383 WhoJG 130 XelNaga
255 Rob 258 xXxMLGYOLOxXx
511 Intense555sc 291 Bop I have no idea how to format it properly and it is way too big for a screenshot. EDIT: So apparently something is wrong with this bracket so don't go by it. u leaked it!!!!! haha jk Was it supposed to be secret? I just logged in with my MLG account, I'm not even a competitor.
I think the guy called Evil geniuses is Demuslim
Me and Fenner didn't get in T_T
Oh well, gl to the rest of the Aussies playing through the middle of the night!
EDIT: Apparently brackets aren't final?
Wasn't this supposed to start almost 40 mins ago?
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
On April 21 2013 02:37 Mellon wrote: I think the guy called Evil geniuses is Demuslim
I hope so If that is the case as well, it means DeMuslim will be facing off vs Machine pretty early on
On April 21 2013 02:33 rasnj wrote:It seems you must be logged in so I copied it here for people without a login. The bracket is: + Show Spoiler +79 ROOTSucceed 512 Pitomba Pictu
257 Gosudark 256 Phog
385 EGMachine 128 WaZ
65 Evil Geniuses 448 Pasildan
321 kamker 192 Hishpocalypse
193 KawaiiRice 320 sciinsane
449 Tron 64 iamthesky
33 Team Game On 480 pwf05
289 The Heart of 224 Filho
161 Kobu 352 Kaipywcs
417 Gretorp 96 machinationsS
97 Jonny McFisto 416 GetJanked
353 PsychoHB 160 [FXO]TheoRy.8
225 TokeN Gaming 288 Alb
481 Swarm 32 Carcarah
17 Patwah 496 JonSnowStarcr
273 Break 240 Quetzal
145 giXsc2 368 Banzai Gaming
401 LiLSighKoh 112 SC2Bright
81 EnVvy 432 Treisk
337 King Eevee 176 BluDragon
209 SMITHYGLEN 304 Cleveland bar
465 Stax 48 Genuine
49 icebuddha 464 AMG THE S
305 Mathies180 208 coLTriMaster
177 DualDispatch 336 Remember
433 crvg 80 TeamBleikz
113 Charlie 400 ROOT
369 Tealz 144 NerO
241 Masterleaguef 272 Gtoss
497 ThoughtItWasI 16 Mobius
9 Prime Directi 504 mewo1
265 Kirito423 248 mewbyy
137 DireWolves Te 376 Jaramir
393 oddz 120 bertu
73 Team Unsustai 440 natsumesc222
329 Arush 184 Maintain Star
201 OMAtheGreat 312 SickZergBro
457 rsmmmmmmmmmm 56 Sage
41 Gama bears 472 Thorzain is A
297 Problemzerg 216 zoocourage
169 Sentinel Gami 344 Eternal AFK
425 Falcanium 88 Skiiman
105 haphazaRdsc2 408 EGJD
361 Koali 152 DHL
233 abc1234 280 SpiriT
489 HEYALEX 24 EGRevival
25 JohnWang123 488 zawersed
281 Teamsouless 232 Team Soolid
153 eXponential G 360 WinterStarcra
409 Aquilix 104 Nubl33t
89 Grayteam 424 RoHTheTRUTH
345 Powoo 168 EG iNcontroL
217 Dreadski[WCS] 296 Spanishiwa.75
473 No Luck Gamin 40 TEKsc2
57 dasaniii 456 Perpetual
313 bestfOu 200 Team-Raine
185 brent 328 GrammmerLifeS
441 SaintSeiya 72 2qt_WallNut
121 Pprboat 392 cheeseheadlog
377 Team Funke 136 Starcraft 2 S
249 Sons Ø 264 Hurricane603
505 Lublin 8 Reload
5 OverwhelmingP 508 SoNoShiDidnt
261 Maesy Tournam 252 AnseLmo
133 ConceptEX 380 dice5
389 2QT 124 FruitsBasket
69 Apocalipse Te 444 IAmBelieve
325 gameofdrones 188 Sunny
197 Kappnsc2 316 Teams are dum
453 Mojojojo 60 Zang
37 Clarity Sipho 476 2rule
293 avilo 220 frozengaming
165 Carties 348 Team TBo
421 zoohow 92 Team AlphaSC2
101 Vio 412 colinteam
357 TJI 156 StarCraft Asc
229 SMK 284 Northern Crus
485 LaGT 28 snowfall
21 Doll House Ga 492 iEchoi
277 Axiom eSports 236 WCSSleet
149 For Brian 364 Sentinel Gami
405 Dire Wolves T 108 Kreayshawn
85 dycee 428 asimov
341 HereticFurbyW 172 Sc2DicE
213 Chivas 300 frysc2
469 StorMTaiwan 44 Axiom1
53 Eternity Gami 460 ResOundinG
309 Ozy 204 Team Shogun
181 coL academy P 332 YeaRS
437 Dmega 76 ksjig
117 FXOJimRising 396 jamaican bobs
373 VIMY 140 Clarity Gamin
245 Kaos Latin Ga 268 dont do raper
501 Itzsketchy lo 12 LoF
13 TheGiantNome 500 Frozen Gaming
269 Zoozerg 244 Drunkenboi
141 CatZ 372 [SCS]Tyranus
397 EGOz 116 shorez
77 UltimateHero 436 Impulse E-Spo
333 easymind 180 Team LiquidZe
205 DagothUr 308 ArenaChris
461 Nv deth 52 Duster
45 abc123 468 maskedhero
301 xxyoloswagxx 212 Thrive
173 Dust 340 gHQDark
4 binski terran 84 Jaehoon
109 FutureSC2 404 Revolution Ga
365 Hejie 148 Lateralus
237 Atlas 276 sonic12345
493 KsAlexCMoi 20 Team Zath
29 HFCC.Azzurri 484 L_Clan
285 Perrysnagy 228 cpi
157 Aurean TEam 356 NSGRuslanko
413 Team solo noo 100 moosy moosy
93 CajunMan 420 smiDakykun
349 iMp MinT 164 xxxYoLoSwAgxx
221 MiG 292 ISGGool
477 @Rootcaliber 36 UnLiMited
61 Supremo 452 AstroPenguin
317 Next Step Gam 196 VanSC_Purge
189 SHS 324 spartanstarle
445 APIx 68 Eradin
125 Bails 388 lex
381 Decaado 132 Scorched
253 Kiom 260 FuriousMiya
509 Odyssey 429 2qt_Maze
94 hctauqsas 510 Haarp
259 TtZeus 254 JacobNX01-A
131 LGS 382 tunicolo
387 Midday 126 Immutable
67 Emyndri 446 bond
323 RUSHERRRRRRRR 190 FunkyOtter7
195 420yoloswag 318 Solar Night
451 Deathbloodsc 62 Noobity
35 QuanticHwangS 478 PackAttack
2 EGaLive 222 complexityqxc
163 Newbish4life 350 dissonance845
419 nocturnalgame 3 badcopsc2
99 TBKs 414 TrollKings
355 Fox 158 xODTPocks
227 coLTheStC 286 ntc
483 yoeIronMen 30 FKteam
19 EGJYP 494 ZooTop
275 DrMooose 238 MCBFS
147 DarkBlade 366 henryz
403 YoyoDevo 110 Black Sky
83 rsvp5 430 PoeT
339 rolloverdj458 174 sMiDayss
211 Nv Rossi 302 UwinMrage
467 Quantis Intel 46 Proud
51 SteAdfaSt 462 AnGrY
307 Raldan 206 Absox
1 Axiom5 334 Elroh
435 Brad 78 steak of heav
115 cShew 398 RhanT
371 Aegon 142 glurk
243 Pursuit 270 Meister
499 Odanrot 14 Kyosc2
11 GrBDark 502 maasked
267 DarkenedLite 246 cardhu
139 Ado 374 Hiei
395 Sourgecko 118 QuanticApocal
75 Atrophy 438 MSD
331 FlamingPie 182 Trunkys
203 yoeIM 310 Chapin Street
459 Oranos 54 FlatLine
43 Envy The Skil 470 Deceiver
299 Exile 5 214 Team 820
171 [FML] 342 plusev
427 [CAP] SURGE 86 team2000
107 Fuzzy Bunnies 406 Sheep
363 NonY 150 Siret
235 OhHaiVegA 278 Cinema
491 ShamWOW 22 stvygxld
27 Jacmert 486 Orcspit
283 Hobomotrons 230 Hacin
155 Cryo 358 furiouz-pengu
411 NiB 102 TOTIS2013
91 CaFFeiNe 422 Sietesoles
347 FGElegance 166 GOON
219 Glitch 294 UCSDKero
475 kipisan 38 blooregardx
59 schapel 454 Chillaxing Lo
315 waynekylelebr 198 Nocreativitys
187 FXOdesRow 326 Axiom2
443 Bonkaroonis 70 SterlingSC2
123 snakehips 390 Striderxd.500
379 GHST 134 ngsVoltz
251 T_R_Avian 262 TIME TO GO PR
507 LzGaMeR 6 MaydorK
7 Mystik 506 Carbon11
263 Mintograde [W 250 OhBareN
135 Slothmaster 378 bubaizhanshen
391 SenDoh 122 QuanticJakeBa
71 SXG Team 442 KsSoultouch
327 Tropa 186 ThisIsJimmy
199 Akhee 314 Silent
455 Redskin 58 Team Brom0
39 Eclipzed 474 ExileR
295 Prplppleatr W 218 Tiy
167 MaSa 346 Rumpelteazer
423 Tamayo Gaming 90 Fight With Ho
103 Feel The3 PAI 410 Fighter
359 fierytycoon4 154 Boner
231 Zapo 282 KiF1rE.
487 EliGEz 26 InvictusGamin
23 aery 490 VaderZerg
279 Dashiz 234 sMiMrCash
151 coLRyze 362 Empathy
407 Outlawesports 106 UnsafeInterfe
87 RoHChedoo 426 EscapingJail1
343 Avatar 170 wildMX
215 twotimintim 298 Team op
471 xSpherex 42 SnaKKer
55 Hans 458 Smokey
311 Nv JazBas 202 2ccute
183 Alltomata_ 330 Mevious
439 ISanddbox 74 jackgiletto
119 wtfThisWebsit 394 _Syringe
375 narwhal 138 OpSathorod
247 Andro 266 owmygroin
503 GraphixSC2 10 Chupirul
15 Latin America 498 MysterySc2
271 [SCS]coyote 242 NO TEAM
143 Kambing 370 aDj
399 aiurrrrrrrrrr 114 jejune
79 Nerdraging16 434 RoHKieds
335 Daices2 178 NrGquasAr
207 Paradise 306 Sentinel Gami
463 CosT 50 LaserJSC
47 Padre 466 twistedalpha
303 Ero_Sennin 210 dorian piekar
175 aaaaaaa 338 iSKoMA
431 Frenetic Arra 82 GreeK
111 zillas 402 [ASCCT]
367 Laika 146 Digital Drago
239 Qntc Gaming 274 rhag
495 Bones 18 scSurge
31 sLideWCS 482 K-Pop
287 QuanticCenter 226 Huchdown
159 Nickfurd 354 OpEx
415 Ivy 98 QuanticHyuN
95 Darkness.1512 418 LGSChavO
351 vL 162 KingKron
223 The Justice L 290 asdfgsfdghjdf
479 Moosegills 34 Mutation
63 TheCreaturEX 450 VUZIQ
319 funnyman 194 SKTFartinG
191 Relaria 322 Jetty
447 2QT_Vital 66 Glorious Peng
127 Quantic_MaSsa 386 Gunshy
383 WhoJG 130 XelNaga
255 Rob 258 xXxMLGYOLOxXx
511 Intense555sc 291 Bop I have no idea how to format it properly and it is way too big for a screenshot. EDIT: So apparently something is wrong with this bracket so don't go by it.
Thanks anyway! I don't see Leiya, was she seeded into Challenger? I can't remember...
On April 21 2013 02:37 RPR_Tempest wrote: Me and Fenner didn't get in T_T
Oh well, gl to the rest of the Aussies playing through the middle of the night!
EDIT: Apparently brackets aren't final?
Fenner nooo
I wish I could give him my spot!
On April 21 2013 02:36 ClairvoyanceSC2 wrote: Isn't taeja competing in NA? Why isnt he here in the bracket He's currently in Code S, pretty sure he's not going to play WCS NA until next season.
Jaehoon vs binski rnd 1? Real Jaehoon? o.o
Anyone spotted top koreans in the bracket beside EGaLive
great looks like they're going to have to sort the brackets by hand maybe they should have had an early check in? Earlier you mean? I checked in a few hours ago. don't mind me, i'm just trolling
the exact same thing happened at the first WCS EU qualifier (except there was even more players than anticipated) and everyone went mad on how esl handled it
It's okay guys, NonY told us to chill. Everything is fine now.
Every minute of delay is going to make this tournament harder for the Korean players. It's already 2:40 am for them and the tournament hasn't even started yet.
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
Anyone know how many players make it ? Is it 8 players or 6? I forgot how many groups it is xD
On April 21 2013 02:39 DOUDOU wrote:Show nested quote +On April 21 2013 02:36 Glurkenspurk wrote:On April 21 2013 02:35 DOUDOU wrote:On April 21 2013 02:33 Glurkenspurk wrote: [LaRe] Wiggin: DO NOT START MATCHES YET. THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH BRACKET, IT'S BEING FIXED RIGHT NOW. DO NOT START MATCHES. WE WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN THE BRACKET IS BACK UP. PLEASE DO NOT CHAT UNLESS IT'S SPECIFIC TO THE TOURNAMENT.
great looks like they're going to have to sort the brackets by hand maybe they should have had an early check in? Earlier you mean? I checked in a few hours ago. don't mind me, i'm just trolling the exact same thing happened at the first WCS EU qualifier (except there was even more players than anticipated) and everyone went mad on how esl handled it
I don't think there are that many people interested in this tournament, which is why there are less angry posts.
But lol MLG... have to register for their site to even view the brackets, what a joke.
On the account of Evil Geniuses it says
Evil Geniuses Team ID:17323601 Founded:Apr 12, 2013 by DeMusliM and they have seed 7 which suggests it very likely is Demuslim.
Regarding the possible Demuslim vs Machine in round 4, I'm personally much more concerned that we will likely have Revial vs JD in round 3 unless that part of the brackets change.
I dont know why they let register people named like:
... seriously?
United Kingdom2950 Posts
On April 21 2013 02:40 Pandemona wrote: Anyone know how many players make it ? Is it 8 players or 6? I forgot how many groups it is xD
Should be 8?
On April 21 2013 02:40 MasterOfPuppets wrote:Show nested quote +On April 21 2013 02:39 DOUDOU wrote:On April 21 2013 02:36 Glurkenspurk wrote:On April 21 2013 02:35 DOUDOU wrote:On April 21 2013 02:33 Glurkenspurk wrote: [LaRe] Wiggin: DO NOT START MATCHES YET. THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH BRACKET, IT'S BEING FIXED RIGHT NOW. DO NOT START MATCHES. WE WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN THE BRACKET IS BACK UP. PLEASE DO NOT CHAT UNLESS IT'S SPECIFIC TO THE TOURNAMENT.
great looks like they're going to have to sort the brackets by hand maybe they should have had an early check in? Earlier you mean? I checked in a few hours ago. don't mind me, i'm just trolling the exact same thing happened at the first WCS EU qualifier (except there was even more players than anticipated) and everyone went mad on how esl handled it I don't think there are that many people interested in this tournament, which is why there are less angry posts. But lol MLG... have to register for their site to even view the brackets, what a joke. And so I try to register, but can't activate the account...
Fuggin bullsnot.