I´ve been doing quite a lot of material for my team and I feel I need to upgrade in terms of equipment. We aim to improve the standard of our content. With new sponsors we need to set the bar higher then before. Sure, we are not EG yet but we can do the best to always produce better content.
Anyway. As the topic I´m in need of a new microphone and camera. The camera I´m probably about to buy is the Sony Nex 5 http://www.sony.se/product/nex-5/nex-5n
Microphone. This is the hard part. I´ve been looking and looking for a suiting mic. There are som many options. My critera:
Should be able to record in loud environments, events etc. Should be able to survive a couple of hits. Cost around 1-200$
Will have a portable audio recorder for the audio since the NEX does not have 3.5mm or any other input.
Any advices?
Hi! If you're going to carry around a recorder...why not use the same thing journalists do? A recorder microphone. Zoom produces some nice ones, Flashmics are also widely used.
If you want it to be a microphone, make sure to buy a dynamic mic, not a condenser one. To keep it simple, condenser mics tend to clip more easily in loud surroundings. Dynamic mics can record even while a live band is playing (if the gain level is set low enough and the microphone is really close to the speaker's mouth).
Get a zoom, used them plenty of times, works wonders and they can be plugged in with a zeppelin, smaller mic, anything really. Good value for ur money.
As for a camera i´d get a Nikon simply because all nikon lenses works with all nikon cameras, even like 60 year old ones will always fitt. I have the D3100 with some random medium zoom lense, cost me like 5 - 6k norwegian in total so like 6 - 7k sek. Works like a charm. Just remember that 99/100 times the lenses you get when buying a camera are normally garbage, pay a lil extra and get a proper one - does a lot of difference. Also nice you are not getting a video camera type of thing, the added depth from a lense is very nice.
Also buy a mosquito type of mic, u know the really small ones u attach to a person, they´re the best for an interview since they don´t pick up much background noise. Sennheisers are normally good.