Protoss morale is at its absolute worst. Forums everywhere are alight with protoss balance whine, but no matter how hard Blizzard buffs them, the other races seem to always be one step ahead.
Then Legacy of the Void is announced. No one seems interested because msot Protoss players have quit the game or changed race. The beta is released and Zerg and Terrans swarm to fill the Grandmaster league. After a while however something weird happens. A lone P is rising among the T's and Z's. A player named as so many others |||||||||||||, but there is something different about this one. He plays Protoss.
The internet is going crazy trying to figure out who this mystery hero of Aiur is.
A release tournament is announced by Blizzard, the biggest prize pool in Starcraft yet. It will be a tournament to rival The International and it will happen in October. Blizzard invites the top players from both Terran and Zerg sides. But there is only one Protoss player invited. The mystery man from the ladder. He shows up to the tournament completely covered except for his hands.
The mystery man schools all of his opponents and Protoss players around the world are cautiously regaining hope. Then he is up against Hero in the semi-finals who has long since switched to Terran and has since become even better than his teammate Taeja. Even the powered up Hero has no chance against the masked stranger. Being the mannered guy he is he gets up to give his opponent a handshake and congratulate him on getting to the finals. As soon as he gets in the booth and grabs the hand of this mysterious stranger he feels something familiar. He apologizes to the man and runs out of the booth, headed straight for the practice area. Nazgul runs after his player to see if he can comfort him, he sees Hero loading up a game on ladder. He is playing Protoss.
The stranger then has a couple of close games against Flash in the finals, but even the ultimate weapon couldn't get more than 2 wins in the best of 7 series.
As the masked man is led to the center of the stage cheers erupt from everywhere. A chant begins, but since no one knows the name of the masked man only one word seems appropriate. "Protoss".
Finally the man is handed his trophy and asked by the hostess "Who are you?"
The man takes the microphone in his hand and says one word that silenced the entire crowd before erupting in even more cheering and screaming. That word is "Arbiterssss."