Poll: Which team are you cheering for?Axiom-Acer (74) 56% LG-IM (58) 44% 132 total votes Your vote: Which team are you cheering for? (Vote): LG-IM (Vote): Axiom-Acer
Poll: Who will win?LG-IM (63) 65% Axiom-Acer (34) 35% 97 total votes Your vote: Who will win? (Vote): LG-IM (Vote): Axiom-Acer
Poll: Player you want to see the most in HotS?MMA (33) 27% Mvp (28) 23% Nestea (17) 14% Ryung (9) 7% MC (8) 7% Seed (5) 4% Crank (5) 4% Other (5) 4% Alicia (4) 3% Yonghwa (3) 2% Miya (2) 2% First (1) 1% Happy (1) 1% Yoda (1) 1% Heart (1) 1% 123 total votes Your vote: Player you want to see the most in HotS? (Vote): Mvp (Vote): Seed (Vote): Nestea (Vote): MC (Vote): Yonghwa (Vote): First (Vote): Happy (Vote): Yoda (Vote): MMA (Vote): Alicia (Vote): Crank (Vote): Heart (Vote): Miya (Vote): Ryung (Vote): Other
Poll: MMA vs mvp Re-Re-Re-Rematch?FUCK YEAH (68) 75% no I hate fun (23) 25% 91 total votes Your vote: MMA vs mvp Re-Re-Re-Rematch? (Vote): FUCK YEAH (Vote): no I hate fun
Let' Say GOGO Acer & Axiom, but 6:10 am is rude ! :o
United States97274 Posts
I'd like to see Axiom-Acer pick up a win in their debut like Azubu. Alicia just had a strong run in the IPL6 Korean HoTS qualifier so he's looking good right now. They have a good lineup and have probably been playing a lot of HoTS so I could see them winning for sure.
Australia54756 Posts
I believe Scarlett is not in Korea yet, am I wrong?
On February 23 2013 06:05 Dodgin wrote: I believe Scarlett is not in Korea yet, am I wrong? I have March 9th in my head as arrival date, but that's only foggy memory. :D
Gogo LGIM, smash the SlayerS remnants!
Edit: Fuck yeah, my memory is AWESOME!
Ryung as starter? Interesting, hopefully he can get an allkill!
Scarlett will be in Korea right after IEM WC. if you want the exact information ^^
Let's hope either MVP or Nestea figure out some particular strong build/cheese and show it. Just please don't let it go to late game (if it is Nestea).
Man... Seed will destroy this match.
Come on Axiom!! Show us that practice!
East Gorteau22261 Posts
On February 23 2013 06:25 tomwizz wrote:MMA MMA MMA!!! + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_lW97oqnw4
That video warms my heart every time <3
Gogo LG-IM, pretty sad these teams have to face first up
Hyyype. LG-IM leading with Ragnarok. :o Guy must be really good.
On February 23 2013 06:03 Kaoru wrote: Let' Say GOGO Acer & Axiom, but 6:10 am is rude ! :o ._. the hard truth but my vote goes to axiomacer
God this match is going to be sick!! I cannot fucking wait. I'll watch it live I'm so excited!!!
MMA vs Mvp please!!