With the increasing amount of games being played per week in the various leagues (Proleague on 5 days a week anyone?) I find it absolutely impossible to keep up with watching.
Even in the past I only downloaded a few selected games, but with the new massive influx of VODs it's getting harder and harder.
Since I don't want to miss good games (and I'm sure I am not the only one) it would be nice if you could post in this thread and recommend games. I am certain there is quite a number of people out there who would really appreciate that.
For example if a very good game just happened on the live stream post here so people like me will know what to look out for when downloading.
What was that match just a bit ago...zeus, zergbong, T, and Z. i forget who else, on Chariot of Fire. Anyway, it was awesome to watch. EDIT: It was on April 15th. "Game 3 @ Chariots of Fire Yellow[arnc] & (Z)Zeus(P) vs Sync(T) & Zergboy(Z)"
On April 16 2007 18:34 SonuvBob wrote: Anything on DMZ. That map's hilarious.
I just realized that the entrance where the Disruption Webs are below is ridiculously easy to defend ^_^ Just block the ramp with 2 Dragoons: instant unkillable defense!
i posted this on the small VOD thread, but i personally liked the ace match ZvZ between PanTech and eSTRO. it was fast paced game that went back and forth...and although ZvZ is my least favorite of matchups, the game itself was entertaining.
I also enjoyed the KTF/OGN ace match - funny and exciting. A bit nervewracking while watching, too.
Reach/Yooi game 2 was good play from mantoss - I mean, a win on arkanoid for PvT? Admittedly, Yooi made some bad decisions, but Reach's mudang storms and carrier control were very good.
On April 16 2007 21:40 Last Romantic wrote: Reach/Yooi game 2 was good play from mantoss - I mean, a win on arkanoid for PvT? Admittedly, Yooi made some bad decisions, but Reach's mudang storms and carrier control were very good.
Alright, so I was thinking of making a thread on the exact same topic with probably the exact same original post. Carnac couldn't have said it better. I have an unhealthy love affair with VODs and watch them all, so the following is a list of recommendations.
I divided the VODs in four levels:
Skip : If you're not a VOD fanatic, it suffices just to know the outcome of these games. There isn't really anything outstanding in them (and if there is, it's too little), just your average run-of-the mill game play. In fact, if I could, I would have advised my past self not to bother watching these (at regular speed, anyway) in the first place. They're not necessarily bad games, just mundane.
Read: A few interesting things happened in these games, but not quite enough to distinguish them from the mediocre. These games may have a lot of underlying tension but the play might be a little too unimpressive to need to be seen first-hand. They do have a few (usually fleeting) moments of real excitement, however, and I recommend that you at least take a look at the written reports. If there are no staff reports on the particular match, the experience is always frozen in time for you in the live reports thread.
Watch: This is everything you hope for when starting a VOD. Unconventional strategies, pimp plays, bold moves and unexpected outcomes, or simply a solid and exciting game between two professionals playing all out. Whether it's a particularly well played case of a textbook match or a crazy cheese that could end up anywhere, a game at this level generally features near-flawless overall gameplay and impressive feats of control. Anything you think of when you think "good game." Watch them, you won't be sorry.
Don't miss: The best of the best. These are the games that will come up in discussions months from now. They define pro-gamers in terms of ability, ranking, style and popularity. They're truly outstanding performances that you, as a Starcraft fan, cannot afford to miss. They will shock, awe, and keep you on the edge of your seat.
So here are the ODT Ro48 games in list form:
Skip: (A) [4.4.2007] JiHyun vs Hwasin 1 @ HitchHiker (A) [4.4.2007] JiHyun vs Hwasin 2 @ Arkanoid (B) [4.4.2007] ZergMaN vs Luxury 1 @ Arkanoid (C) [4.4.2007] TheMani vs Midas 1 @ LonginusII (F) [4.5.2007] Lomo[fOu] vs Jy @ LonginusII (G) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 2 @ Arkanoid (H) [4.5.2007] July vs Silver 2 @ LonginusII (I) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 2 @ LonginusII (L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 1 @ LonginusII (N) [4.11.2007] iloveoov vs Hazim 1 @ Arkanoid (N) [4.11.2007] iloveoov vs Hazim 2 @ LonginusII (O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 1 @ Longinus II (P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 2 @ Longinus II (R) [4.12.2007] Shark vs FreeDom 2 @ Arkanoid (S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 2 @ Arkanoid (T) [4.12.2007] Jangbi vs Anytime @ Arkanoid (V) [4.13.2007] ChOJJa vs HiyA 1 @ HitchHiker (V) [4.13.2007] ChOJJa vs HiyA 2 @ LonginusII (W) [4.13.2007] Xellos vs GoodFrienD 1 @ Arkanoid (X) [4.13.2007] Reach vs Yooi 2 @ LonginusII
Read: (B) [4.4.2007] ZergMaN vs Luxury 2 @ LonginusII (E) [4.5.2007] DonGraE vs Hery 2 @ HitchHiker (F) [4.5.2007] Lomo[fOu] vs Jy 2 @ Arkanoid (G) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 1 @ HitchHiker (H) [4.5.2007] July vs Silver 1 @ Arkanoid (I) [4.6.2007] firebathero vs DArKeLf 1 @HitchHiker (J) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 1 @ HitchHiker (J) [4.6.2007] Bifrost vs Tester 3 @ HitchHiker (L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 2 @ Arkanoid (O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 3 @ Arkanoid (P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 1 @ HitchHiker (P) [4.11.2007] GoRush vs Sea 3 @ Arkanoid (R) [4.12.2007] Shark vs FreeDom 1 @ LonginusII (W) [4.13.2007] Xellos vs GoodFrienD 2 @HitchHiker
Watch: (C) [4.4.2007] TheMania vs Midas 2 @ HitchHiker (D) [4.4.2007] UpMagiC vs PuSan 1 @ HitchHiker (D) [4.4.2007] UpMagiC vs Pusan 2 @ LonginusII (E) [4.5.2007] DonGraE vs Hery 1 @ Arkanoid (F) [4.5.2007] Light vs Shine 3 @ LonginusII (I) [4.6.2007] firebathero vs DArKeLf (K) [4.6.2007] YellOw[ArnC] vs free 2 @ HitchHiker (K) [4.6.2007] YellOw[ArnC] vs free 3 @ LonginusII (L) [4.6.2007] Much vs Jaedong 3 @ HitchHiker (M) [4.11.2007] GGPlay vs O.oc 1 @ HitchHiker (M) [4.11.2007] GGPlay vs O.oc 2 @ LonginusII (O) [4.11.2007] Child vs Bisu 2 @ HitchHiker (Q) [4.12.2007] StOrk vs 815[Hyo] 2 @ HitchHiker (S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 1 @ HitchHiker (S) [4.12.2007] ForGG vs Kingdom 3 @ LonginusII (T) [4.12.2007] Jangbi vs AnyTime 2 @ LonginusII (U) [4.13.2007] Flash vs TT 1 @ LonginusII (U) [4.13.2007] Flash vs TT 2 @ HitchHiker (X) [4.13.2007] Reach vs Yooi 1 @ LonginusII
Don't Miss: (K) [4.6.2007] Yellow{ArnC] vs free 1 @ Arkanoid....[torrent] (Q) [4.12.2007] StOrk vs 815[Hyo] @ Arkanoid.......[torrent]
Here are the games in "Bracket" form. Probably not official bracket style, but just a visual way I keep track of things. Warning, this will spoil all the results of ODT to date.
The colors of the pictures got a little screwy. The red looks like pink some places. And the green is there, I promise.
Here's the list for Proleague as of 4/18
Skip: [4-14-07]CJ vs STX 2- Sea.Jy vs InteR.Calm @Python [4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 1- Jangbi vs Ganzi @ Shin Peaks [4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 3- Silent_Control+Silver vs Cool+Sangho @ DMZ [4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 3- Chrh+HOT-Forever vs Lake+Shudder @ Chariots of Fire [4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 4- Clon vs Canata @ Python [4-17-07]MBC vs STX 1- Light vs Siz)KaL @ Python [4-17-07]MBC vs STX 2- Shark vs TheSTC @ Shin Peaks [4-17-07]MBC vs STX 3- 910+TheZerg vs Child+Hwasin @ DMZ [4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 1- GGPlay vs Luxury @ Python
Read: [4-14-07]CJ vs STX 1- Much vs Siz)Kal @ Nemesis [4-14-07]CJ vs STX 4- Iris vs Sheis @ Tau Cross [4-14-07]CJ vs STX 5- sAviOr vs InteR.Calm @ Geometry [4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 1- Light vs Jaedong @ Monty Hall [4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 1- Bifrost vs Nal_rA [4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 2- Casy vs Hery [4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 3- Zeus+YellOw[ArnC] vs Sync+Zergboy [4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 1- NaDa vs UpMagiC @ Python [4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 2- Nal_Keke vs Magma @ Shin Peaks [4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 4- Rock vs Tester @ Nemesis [4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 1- Mumyung vs Best @ Nemesis [4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 3- firebathero+Sigamari vs GoodFrienD+YellOw @ DMZ [4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 4- Jangbi vs ChOJJa @ Nemesis [4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 5- JJu vs Hery @ Geometry
Watch: [4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 2- ruby vs HiyA @ Python [4-14-07]MBC vs Lecaf 3- Saint+Jaehoon vs ggaemo+BackHo @ Chariots of Fire [4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 2- Odin vs GGPlay @ Geometry [4-15-07]Samsung vs Hanbit 3- firebathero+sigamari vs Joker+Hazin @ DMZ [4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 4- Luxury vs GoodFrienD [4-15-07]OGN vs KTF 5- cHalRengE vs ChOJJa [4-16-07]Pantech vs eStro 5- FireFist vs cool @ Monty Hall [4-16-07]Airforce vs SKT 2- Boxer vs Midas @ Geometry [4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 1- DArKeLf vs ForGG @ Python [4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 2- IriS vs AnyTime @ Monty Hall [4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 2- free vs Casy @ Nemesis [4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 3- Fantastic_Namoo+boy vs Zues+YellOw[ArnC] @ Chariots of Fire [4-18-07]Hanbit vs OGN 4- Ganzi vs cHalRengE @ Shin Peaks [4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 1- Stork vs Reach @ Monty Hall
Don't Miss: [4-14-07]CJ vs STX 3- Oversky+TheMania vs oOo+By.Hero @ DMZ.......................[torrent] [4-17-07]CJ vs Lecaf 3- sAviOr+Much vs ggaemo+BackHo @ Chariots of Fire.........[torrent] [4-18-07]Samsung vs KTF 2- Frozean vs Nal_rA @ Tau Cross...............................[torrent]
So there's my opinion about the games so far. I'd guess I'm +/- .5 a level off from the majority vod watchers here. What do you think of the games? Remember spoiler tags!
Yea, I noticed some of the links from Small Vod thread don't work, can you use torrents?
Edit: Sorry, I have to go now. I will update it when I'm back. All of the games there are on the TeamLiquid tracker. If you can't use torrents, I'll work on finding a solution soon. TL is a very resourceful community!