Anyways this weather hasn't made me been feeling well lately. I was sick last week and now this week I'm mellowing out but I still don't feel in top shape.
Idk. I haven't been feeling like playing starcraft 2 lately either. I am on right now waiting for a friend to finish a ladder game and then we are gonna play a few custom games, but either way I am far out of practice compared to where I was during the summer. I have pretty much just been maintaining that skill, but not playing enough to improve at a more adequate pace.
I feel depressed right now. How do I know? I diagnosed myself with seasonal depression. It's temporary and it will go away soon I know, but really I am just burnt out and the weather change has not helped as well.
One way to cure depression is to get a hobby. Starcraft 2 is my hobby. I haven't been playing starcraft 2 lately. I have been depressed lately. Correlation? idk
We will just have to wait and see until after I am done playing some games