What might most freshman be doing at this time of the night? Well usually there is a large gathering outside in our little freshman area, but since it is pouring no one wants to go out there. So whats the next best thing to do? SOCIALIZE
It's so interesting to know insignificant details about people's lives that do nothing but pass time and form a more friendly interaction between two people. Maybe there is more to watching TV together, or talking about who is hot and who is not and who is going out with who, but I just don't see it.
I am doing homework alone with music. I have been working on my biology course readings. I hopefully will be able to finish one more reading tonight before I call it quits. I have already finished the readings for the rest of the week though so this is purely to learn the material before it is taught to stay ahead.
I will use my room mate for an opposite example. Granted his major is not as hard as mine (English major vs Science major), he still has some work that needs to be done. He likes to wait till the last minute, literally the minutes before we go to sleep to get his homework for the next day done. If his major is easier than mine, then theoretically shouldn't he have it easier and could be ahead of me in his studys? Well he likes to do something I call "socialize".
Now I have nothing against finding out USEFUL INFORMATION about people. For example, if you talk to someone about something that is going on right now, like talking about the different people in one of the classes that you share with someone else, than a friendly bond is formed.
If you talk to someone about something that defines who they are, such as what their hobbies are or what some of their goals and ambitions are, this also creates a friendly bond.
The difference between those two examples though is that the first connection is a shallow connection between the two people while the latter is more meaningful and will be more important as the friendship progresses. (For example, 4 years later if you are still friends with that person, are you going to remember what your friend wants to do after college or about who was hot in one class you two shared together 4 years ago)
Back to some more bio!