On August 01 2012 19:40 MapleFractal wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Show nested quote +On July 09 2012 08:01 obesechicken13 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Wow. This guy at work basically just told my manager I had performance related issues. I was thinking of working here for a year and my manager kept talking about the potential for me to do it, but I'm not sure if she was just stringing me along. I don't know if the guy was there to protect his job since we're working on the same stuff. This was supposed to be my year long coop. At home so half my salary didn't go to living expenses. I can't believe the guy just went behind my back and talked to my manager about it. He said he was sorry about it on the phone but wow, am I supposed to forgive people for that? Wow. Office politics. He said he wouldn't do it again, but I don't think I can ever trust him again.
Now I have to work harder to find a place elsewhere in case this doesn't go through. + Show Spoiler + Drain ballpoint pen ink into this dicks coffee before you leave the job, IF you leave the job. Hes a fucknut and will stab you in the back every time he gets a chance.
FYI, pen ink is not poisonous but his mouth and teeth will be black/blue for a long time
He's been fired. I knew he was going to be fired but not this soon. In any case I feel somewhat stressed in this company. He has also retracted his statements saying my performance has increased to my manager. At least he tells me this, and I trust him.
+ Show Spoiler +My job is a nightmare. I wait in one spot and lift pieces of wood off of a conveyor belt onto a cart. That's it. However, this alone is not enough to throw me into despair. If it was just this alone, it wouldn't be so bad. Boring yes, but not that bad relatively. What really makes my job terrible is my boss. She constantly and consistently torches me everyday. She insults me, curses at me, makes fun of me, screws around with me (e.g. "pick up that piece of wood and place it over there. Now put it back over there. Now place it on this cart. Now place it on this rack...."). She knows full well that I need this job and that I'm willing to put up with whatever she throws at me 'cause I have bills to pay. I can't go over her head, because she's one of this companies longest running employees, and in their eyes, she does a fantastic job. The turnover rate is high in this job, and most people quit within a couple of weeks. So to have someone who's been working here for years....they're willing to put up with some of her less appealing qualities if she's willing to stay. And yes, I have tried standing up for myself, but that only results in her re-doubling her efforts against me. I'm currently looking for another job, but so far haven't heard anything back. Ugh, just thinking about waking up tomorrow at 5:30 in the morning to leave for this abuse is absolutely filling me with dread. Life sure can suck sometimes. Just gotta repeat my mantra I suppose. Can't quit, bills to pay. Can't quit, bills to pay.
+ Show Spoiler +I fucking hate cheesers for the life of me! I fucking hate it when they message me after game and demand a gg and call me BM! Of course I'm not going to fucking GG to your shitty cheese. They deserve no respect and should be treated as a second class of Starcraft!
On August 01 2012 12:44 xwoGworwaTsx wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I fucking hate cheese. End of story, its gay as butt fuck. Its what bronze douchebags do when they realizze that they cant macro for balls and micro like they have epilepsy. I play protoss and there is no way on earth i can get zealots out fast enough to deal with a cannon rush. And if I should so happen to want to build a few more probes, I take it up the butt from a 6pool. And it doesnt matter what I do, because no matter what I do, whether it be a standard 3 gate robo or some crazy blink stalker shenanigans, a terran player with no macro skills and his finger on the a key can 3 rax scv rush me and no matter what I do, it rapes everything I own. Then, if I out-macro a terran opponent after beating one of their cheeses by pure luck and get a good zealot/stalker/sentry/colossus army rolling towards his base; what happens? Of right, he EMP's my entire army so my shields are fucked, then beats the shit out of my colossi with a couple of vikings, which can be produced TWO AT A FUCKING TIME. And should I so happen to pull through and have my colossi survive the vikings, the terran calls colossi OP because they can kill his MM ball. But, you know, its fine that his thors rape FUCKING EVERYTHING I OWN, because those are his units, and immortals can counter them right? Oh, right, if there's five marines in the area, my immortal is fucked. Thors shoot twice anyway, so it takes 5 shots to kill immortal shields. And of course, even if I don't use them, void rays are OP. I mean, come on, they kill buildings and can only be countered by the most basic terran unit. Duh they're OP, if the terran forgot to build marines, he doesnt have a chance, unless of course he has thors, which rape void rays much like FUCKING EVERYTHING ELSE. Then those god damn tanks. Fucking 13 range and vikings to provide LOS because I can't just tech switch on the fly like terran and phoenixes aren't really that good against vikings, especially considering that vikings can still be produced TWO AT A FUCKING TIME! There is very little that I hate more than cheese, but terran cheese is up there; along with terran harass. They rush reapers before I can get out a stalker if I rush for it, kill a large amount of probes, then leave when the stalker comes out. Then the terran faggot upgrades blue flame, then runs in hellions or drops them, and burns the fuck out of my mineral line. When I finally get enough stalkers to deal with that, he starts working on banshee cloak, which lets some banshees get into my base, kill my cybernetics core, fucking me over entirely, before killing my workers and nexus, and leaving with 40 kills per banshee. Now with no economy, a crippled tech tree, and pitifully few units, he moves in with his MMM ball which rapes the fuck out of what little remains of my base. And how many harass options do protoss have? 0. Simple as that, all I ask is that protoss gets one fast aoe damage unit early in the game or an air unit with a small aoe ground attack, just something that I could use to kill some workers without having to destroy the whole fucking base first or taking a blind gamble on dt's and hoping that the terran player was too busy sucking cock to build missle turrets. Otherwise, game over, not gg, game over, there was no skill on the part of the terran, he just built the units and a-moved them. Congrats, you really earned that win, not.
+ Show Spoiler +Yup. I agree 110%. Terran's OP! Mule, Ghost, Orbital, everything, yet they dare QQ because they can only get a 75% winrate by stim amoving!
+ Show Spoiler +Two things in SC2 that I really hate.
1) Terran haters. Terran is by far the hardest race to learn; macro is the most punishing if you are lax on it and micro is exponentially harder than both Protoss and Zerg micro while you're learning the race. However, whenever a Terran wins, people always bitch and moan about how it's OP. I used to be one of these Terran haters too, but then I realized how hard it is to play Terran, back when I actually started playing BW competitively and learned how difficult it is. There's a reason that T is the least played race at every level; it's fucking brutal and incredibly unforgiving. I also hate Protoss haters for this as well. Sure, it's the easiest race to pick up, but it's not like it's OP. Protoss has been the least successful race professionally since BW and it still is today. I just hate Zerg in general.
2) Protoss that go straight to DT's in team games. Fuck man, a 4-Gate is more helpful to your team. The only time this is a good idea is when your opponents are too dumb to get any detection or you are extremely lucky and hit right as your opponents attack your allies and your allies are somehow able to hold it off. Just do anything besides DT's. A fucking Cannon rush is more helpful to the team.
I fucking hate the rally zealots vs 1rax expo. BUNKERS YOU SAY? wait, they just run around the piece of shit. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO THAT WHEN MARINERS DIE TO 3 swipes. BETTER YET, Let's add MORE ZEALOTS. GOD DAMN IT FUCK YOU ZEALOT YOU WON HIM THE GAME BY AMOVING.
+ Show Spoiler +This thread makes me so sad, why am i reading this? :/ I really wish i could help all of you
+ Show Spoiler +Sigh. Just fucking sigh. I -HATE- playing protoss. seriously, fuck life. There are SO many fucking cheeses and all-in's that just instantly kill you if not scouted. And it's SO FUCKING HARD to scout some of them, especially at higher leagues when they get better at hiding them. Like some Terran in the LAST FUCKING BEST OF ONE ROUND OF A TOURNAMENT AFTER IVE WADED THROUGH FIVE FUCKING BO1s that decides to fucking go 8 cloak banshees and like 30 marines with a raven, but he hides it REALLY fucking well and is spot on at killing my 4 fucking observers that i try to get into his base from all fucking angles, I play safe, 3gate robo expand late and add more gates before adding forges or a robo bay, and he just FUCKING WALKS UP MY RAMP, KILLS MY ONLY OBS AND JUST KILLS EVERYTHING WHILST I BUILD ANOTHER OBS FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKafpoitghuiorwejklhwneftuilheafuiklfbghbbuklwefbghilweufr. I even snipe his fucking raven before i back off into my base and FF his marines out, JK HE JUST FUCKING SCANS AND KILLS MY NEW OBS oifdhnbweirlUIALEfbrhuilwefbnUIKLEFHljkefhnklwefbhuilwesfbhilwe
Not even going to begin ranting about PvP, that matchup can just go fuck itself
So now that I've decided to waste my time for several months learning everything I can about Protoss, watching countless streams, learning build orders and playing enough games that I know how to appropriately respond to a bunch of random shit by baddies that can't play straight up so choose to do stupid shit that works (and that is insanely easy to pull off compared to scouting it and holding it off appropriately, especially as P), I now have to learn a new fucking race because I can't stand playing P any longer. FML.
+ Show Spoiler +I am quitting weed after 8 months of daily toking. I feel fucking terrible and just want this day to end. Ohh well, good its only weed and a break is about time.
+ Show Spoiler +i hate people who bitch about cheese, if you know the proper way to defend/scout it you should never lose to it the game is not that broken.
+ Show Spoiler +Jesus fuck why did Valve remove the path from yard to lower bombsite in de_nuke? Removes lots of choices for T and makes a possible retake almost fucking impossible
+ Show Spoiler +I'v had it with potatoes all day long all i do is watch them grow and fester and die i hate them so god damn much i want the whole world to hate them too so i'v made a list of why i hate them .
I suppose the first reason would have to be the fact that I am forced to think about potatoes to write. Even when I show my utter contempt for the vegetable from hell. They will continue to haunt me until I join them in the dirt. They are probable the only thing that will keep me here again and again with the constant pestering of it all, apoth on thee potatoes and listen to my hateful words of scorn and anguish.
I shall be reminded of the taste of the raw potato, dry, powdery and wet I mean all at the same time. It is a metaphor for life and we all know that life is only as good as the vegetables in it. So potatoes equal life, life equals potatoes and potatoes equal crap tasting when eaten raw agreed.
The sound of the word. You can't put any emotion into it, I mean try to shout it, go on, right now. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, how can I shout to the heavens how I hate them when all that is shouted back is "try carrots then you stupid git"
The shapes of potatoes are not very attractive you won't see them on the cover of vogue labelled these months' hottest spuds on film. It's bumpy and irregular with absolutely no symmetry. I would just like to ask who the hell thought I know lets make them the same shape as an old persons elbow please.
Mr Potato head is just the worlds most ugly and sad toy in the world. the novelty wears off after one kid says " hey lets put feet in the eye sockets and put its eyes for a mouth" I personally through mine in the bin were it became leader of the oppressed toy movement and over through the oppressive lollypop stick party which are now situated in the bottom of my black bin.
Crisps are probable the most saltiest waste of space known to man (except the contents of the houses of parliament but to complain about them would make me anti anti parlimentaliarium. try saying that with a mouth full of angry scorpians ) there thin enough to cut the mask of a teletubbie and get stuck in my teeth (since writing this sentence I have given up crisps) causing bleeding and irritation . I hate them.
Potato bake is a crime of humanity it burns on the top and is cold underneath plus the foul root is hard and stale when finished. It reminds me of one of my mottos "marriage is like potato bake."
Potato peelers are evil either there too sharp and slice your fingers to ribbons or there too blunt and you spend four billion hours trying to scrape of the outer layer. You could use a knife but there's the risk of square potatoes have you tried to make kids eat square potatoes don't bother.
Soil always covers potatoes not other vegetables though like carrots .just picking them up leaves a dark brown stain on your hand (which leaves much to the imagination.)Think about how many segmented worms that it has gone through .Worm poo that's all soil is and they live in it not a very nice picnic now is it.
Supermarkets sell potatoes in three different ways loose (the most expensive) in polythene bags (good price) and in bulk (cheap as wall plaster) the only way your guaranteed not to get a load of rotten and mankey spuds is to buy loose this is where supermarkets make there money and with there money they buy nuclear warheads and fuel the terrorist regime of Blackpool (which now owns fully one tenth of all the nuclear warheads in the world.)With the warheads they plan to decimate any rival competitors that sell potatoes e.g.: corner shops, so they can make potatoes king and let them rule the world.
Potato power is as scientists say "a really neat way to make us look smart" this involves strapping the tainted vegetable into a harness and draining it of its power. As you can tell the supermarkets have harnessed this awesome power to fuel there world domination scheme. Plus a potato powered light is just ugly, talk about Argos, because I will you know.
Potatoes make horrible poets better yet they make horrible public speakers , better still they can't talk which just annoys me because they can't respond to criticism so it makes me look like a bully , I can hear the critics now " what has the poor little potato done to this loud , brutish and outlandish freak" I'll tell you, they won't tell me the meaning of life I mean they must be the only living organisms that must know this answer because I don't ( that's why I ask potatoes , to no avail )
The spelling of the fettered and shovanistic potted toes gets my finagle (what a great word) just about every time I tried to spell it I get it wrong (thank matt paint for spell check) its either a huge and massive conspiracy to diverge our attention from the gathering darkness or just some git's dastardly invention to annoy me, which has worked exceedingly well.
French fries are one of the world best loved side dishes thanks to a particular chain of restaurants (you know which one) and are also prone to causing me to choke on the hot grease that dribbled from them (it has been nine months since my last French fry) and down my thin spindly neck. plus there basically chips which are from England and not the fabled country ( everyone knows France is a place made up to scare small children , I remember my granny saying" if you don't eat your potatoes I send you to France" which if you being technical is reason fifth teen ,but I'm not so there.)
America (it has to be mentioned) capitalised on the gnarled tater making them (probably) one of the biggest reasons that the potato has spread over the world and filled the mouths of so many impressionable young children.
Jacket potato stalls smell so nice when you pass ( they have them where I live) But when you see the price its just extortionist and the toppings are ludicrous jelly and pineapple ice crème (maybe I dreamt that one but I will keep looking until I find it just to prove the topping naysayer wrong)cheesy peas please save me. Finally they look terrible the skins are tough and the potato is soggy, not my bag baby.
Eyes grow out of potatoes so they can watch and rule us secretly, (oh we may eat them but that is just to put there mind probes in our gullet) they scheme and plot. oh don't think I don't know.
They vary in size which confuses the best of us mere mortals.
How can I tell the difference between old and new potatoes ,they are both encrusted in dirt both look the same when shot with a magnum(not the ice crème yum ice crème) I'm confused so I bunged them in a pot and guess what (snot) they both tasted the same. I gave up trying when I forgot to let them cool and burnt my fingers.
The great potato famine of Ireland killed lots of people and forced lots of people to move to America, I mean how arrogant of the potato to just decide "I know I'll stop growing just to pee off the Irish" what a stupid move by the potato (have they ever tried to part an Irish alcoholic from there beer, not a very smart thing to do.)then all of a sudden they pop up again to annoy me and maybe you (I don't know but I'm guessing after reading this you'll think "oh yeah those sneaky nasty brown bricks of bio mass won't fool me again" and then you'll stop eating potatoes and they'll stop being grown and I will win, maybe not but it's great to dream)
When the Irish got to America(I saw it on a De Caprio film) they where subject to racism which is the direct fault of the potato.(and the worm)
They hurt when thrown (I myself have been subjected to many a potato stoning for various crimes against food)
Little children use them to break my windows if this were the old days I'd put my boot to em or maybe the rhubarb , even that's too good for em granny fetch the cane and some pliers I'll teach the perishes a lesson they won't forget in a hurry . They'll limp on both legs and will have to sit on there head giving them a big headache.
Hey get off my key board grand dad I told you to stay away from technology go on get. Old fool.
Potatoes send my grand dad up the twist and round the bend (which by chance is where the corner shop is) they are the sole reason he is whappy and why I'm going that way too.
The plural spelling is completely different from the normal way why can't you simply put an s on the end.
They are making me run out of reasons to hate them which make me hate them more. I'm just a volcano of anger and pulsing rage grrrr.
Potatoes don't have magic powers they can't fly, sing you to sleep or shoot laser beams out of there eyes (although anything can be achieved by drinking high quality bleach) there just sad little things with a mind constantly focused on world domination.
An anagram of potatoes is "seat poo t" what the hell dose that mean. The potatoes probably know but they ain't talking to me.
I almost forgot about chips, there fatty ,dry and cause food poisoning ( if eaten with raw egg) England find them utterly delicious and too good to resist (another way they plan to take over) plus they are cutting down the fish population and putting good fishermen out of work . They drain the world's precious vinegar reserves and make every ones cloths stink...
Potatoes secretly killed President Kennedy so that they could use Vietnam to grow.
They smell
Who ever thought of selling there skins were just stupid, the skins are tough, chewy and have little or no flavour at all.
They have made me write out there name thirty seven times
Finally the sordid brown crop of satins fruited under wear have caused me to commit myself to the local psychiatric ward. The little shits have driven me insane (finally) who will look after poor tiddles (my half Persian half Great Dane dat) the whole world thinks I'm a raving loony (pot woops there goes my tweezers ding baling )oh dear that's my last sentence
I am forced to add that this book is completely dedicated to all the evil little potatoes in the world who without them none of this would be possible. (Like I care though)
I just want to end it all, my life and everything.
+ Show Spoiler +I also hate faggots that make smart responses in a thread that isn't here for them to be fucking judgemental, go troll blizzard forums douchebag
+ Show Spoiler +
I hate all the BM on battle.net. No gg, bitching at the end of a loss (x race is bullshit), gloating at the end of a victory (preemptive gg, you say gg to resign and they say "no you suck").
On August 15 2012 03:48 ownyah wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'v had it with potatoes all day long all i do is watch them grow and fester and die i hate them so god damn much i want the whole world to hate them too so i'v made a list of why i hate them .
I suppose the first reason would have to be the fact that I am forced to think about potatoes to write. Even when I show my utter contempt for the vegetable from hell. They will continue to haunt me until I join them in the dirt. They are probable the only thing that will keep me here again and again with the constant pestering of it all, apoth on thee potatoes and listen to my hateful words of scorn and anguish.
I shall be reminded of the taste of the raw potato, dry, powdery and wet I mean all at the same time. It is a metaphor for life and we all know that life is only as good as the vegetables in it. So potatoes equal life, life equals potatoes and potatoes equal crap tasting when eaten raw agreed.
The sound of the word. You can't put any emotion into it, I mean try to shout it, go on, right now. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, how can I shout to the heavens how I hate them when all that is shouted back is "try carrots then you stupid git"
The shapes of potatoes are not very attractive you won't see them on the cover of vogue labelled these months' hottest spuds on film. It's bumpy and irregular with absolutely no symmetry. I would just like to ask who the hell thought I know lets make them the same shape as an old persons elbow please.
Mr Potato head is just the worlds most ugly and sad toy in the world. the novelty wears off after one kid says " hey lets put feet in the eye sockets and put its eyes for a mouth" I personally through mine in the bin were it became leader of the oppressed toy movement and over through the oppressive lollypop stick party which are now situated in the bottom of my black bin.
Crisps are probable the most saltiest waste of space known to man (except the contents of the houses of parliament but to complain about them would make me anti anti parlimentaliarium. try saying that with a mouth full of angry scorpians ) there thin enough to cut the mask of a teletubbie and get stuck in my teeth (since writing this sentence I have given up crisps) causing bleeding and irritation . I hate them.
Potato bake is a crime of humanity it burns on the top and is cold underneath plus the foul root is hard and stale when finished. It reminds me of one of my mottos "marriage is like potato bake."
Potato peelers are evil either there too sharp and slice your fingers to ribbons or there too blunt and you spend four billion hours trying to scrape of the outer layer. You could use a knife but there's the risk of square potatoes have you tried to make kids eat square potatoes don't bother.
Soil always covers potatoes not other vegetables though like carrots .just picking them up leaves a dark brown stain on your hand (which leaves much to the imagination.)Think about how many segmented worms that it has gone through .Worm poo that's all soil is and they live in it not a very nice picnic now is it.
Supermarkets sell potatoes in three different ways loose (the most expensive) in polythene bags (good price) and in bulk (cheap as wall plaster) the only way your guaranteed not to get a load of rotten and mankey spuds is to buy loose this is where supermarkets make there money and with there money they buy nuclear warheads and fuel the terrorist regime of Blackpool (which now owns fully one tenth of all the nuclear warheads in the world.)With the warheads they plan to decimate any rival competitors that sell potatoes e.g.: corner shops, so they can make potatoes king and let them rule the world.
Potato power is as scientists say "a really neat way to make us look smart" this involves strapping the tainted vegetable into a harness and draining it of its power. As you can tell the supermarkets have harnessed this awesome power to fuel there world domination scheme. Plus a potato powered light is just ugly, talk about Argos, because I will you know.
Potatoes make horrible poets better yet they make horrible public speakers , better still they can't talk which just annoys me because they can't respond to criticism so it makes me look like a bully , I can hear the critics now " what has the poor little potato done to this loud , brutish and outlandish freak" I'll tell you, they won't tell me the meaning of life I mean they must be the only living organisms that must know this answer because I don't ( that's why I ask potatoes , to no avail )
The spelling of the fettered and shovanistic potted toes gets my finagle (what a great word) just about every time I tried to spell it I get it wrong (thank matt paint for spell check) its either a huge and massive conspiracy to diverge our attention from the gathering darkness or just some git's dastardly invention to annoy me, which has worked exceedingly well.
French fries are one of the world best loved side dishes thanks to a particular chain of restaurants (you know which one) and are also prone to causing me to choke on the hot grease that dribbled from them (it has been nine months since my last French fry) and down my thin spindly neck. plus there basically chips which are from England and not the fabled country ( everyone knows France is a place made up to scare small children , I remember my granny saying" if you don't eat your potatoes I send you to France" which if you being technical is reason fifth teen ,but I'm not so there.)
America (it has to be mentioned) capitalised on the gnarled tater making them (probably) one of the biggest reasons that the potato has spread over the world and filled the mouths of so many impressionable young children.
Jacket potato stalls smell so nice when you pass ( they have them where I live) But when you see the price its just extortionist and the toppings are ludicrous jelly and pineapple ice crème (maybe I dreamt that one but I will keep looking until I find it just to prove the topping naysayer wrong)cheesy peas please save me. Finally they look terrible the skins are tough and the potato is soggy, not my bag baby.
Eyes grow out of potatoes so they can watch and rule us secretly, (oh we may eat them but that is just to put there mind probes in our gullet) they scheme and plot. oh don't think I don't know.
They vary in size which confuses the best of us mere mortals.
How can I tell the difference between old and new potatoes ,they are both encrusted in dirt both look the same when shot with a magnum(not the ice crème yum ice crème) I'm confused so I bunged them in a pot and guess what (snot) they both tasted the same. I gave up trying when I forgot to let them cool and burnt my fingers.
The great potato famine of Ireland killed lots of people and forced lots of people to move to America, I mean how arrogant of the potato to just decide "I know I'll stop growing just to pee off the Irish" what a stupid move by the potato (have they ever tried to part an Irish alcoholic from there beer, not a very smart thing to do.)then all of a sudden they pop up again to annoy me and maybe you (I don't know but I'm guessing after reading this you'll think "oh yeah those sneaky nasty brown bricks of bio mass won't fool me again" and then you'll stop eating potatoes and they'll stop being grown and I will win, maybe not but it's great to dream)
When the Irish got to America(I saw it on a De Caprio film) they where subject to racism which is the direct fault of the potato.(and the worm)
They hurt when thrown (I myself have been subjected to many a potato stoning for various crimes against food)
Little children use them to break my windows if this were the old days I'd put my boot to em or maybe the rhubarb , even that's too good for em granny fetch the cane and some pliers I'll teach the perishes a lesson they won't forget in a hurry . They'll limp on both legs and will have to sit on there head giving them a big headache.
Hey get off my key board grand dad I told you to stay away from technology go on get. Old fool.
Potatoes send my grand dad up the twist and round the bend (which by chance is where the corner shop is) they are the sole reason he is whappy and why I'm going that way too.
The plural spelling is completely different from the normal way why can't you simply put an s on the end.
They are making me run out of reasons to hate them which make me hate them more. I'm just a volcano of anger and pulsing rage grrrr.
Potatoes don't have magic powers they can't fly, sing you to sleep or shoot laser beams out of there eyes (although anything can be achieved by drinking high quality bleach) there just sad little things with a mind constantly focused on world domination.
An anagram of potatoes is "seat poo t" what the hell dose that mean. The potatoes probably know but they ain't talking to me.
I almost forgot about chips, there fatty ,dry and cause food poisoning ( if eaten with raw egg) England find them utterly delicious and too good to resist (another way they plan to take over) plus they are cutting down the fish population and putting good fishermen out of work . They drain the world's precious vinegar reserves and make every ones cloths stink...
Potatoes secretly killed President Kennedy so that they could use Vietnam to grow.
They smell
Who ever thought of selling there skins were just stupid, the skins are tough, chewy and have little or no flavour at all.
They have made me write out there name thirty seven times
Finally the sordid brown crop of satins fruited under wear have caused me to commit myself to the local psychiatric ward. The little shits have driven me insane (finally) who will look after poor tiddles (my half Persian half Great Dane dat) the whole world thinks I'm a raving loony (pot woops there goes my tweezers ding baling )oh dear that's my last sentence
I am forced to add that this book is completely dedicated to all the evil little potatoes in the world who without them none of this would be possible. (Like I care though)
I just want to end it all, my life and everything.
+ Show Spoiler +My Dad grows grapes and lemons, among a few other above ground crops. Perhaps you can burn Idaho. With the lemons. Although I personally have no aversion to eating most foods. To those who see, citrus peel oils are actually as flammable as petrol!
SC2 related: + Show Spoiler +Just FUCK. Game 1 - cannon rushed in a PvP on Antiga in that evil spot right next to the ramp. Game 2 - PvP - my 3 gate agression is repelled, I tech to chargelot/archon, he goes blink, blinks RIGHT into my chargelots. I slaughter them... internet disconnects. Game 3 - I screw up and get badly supply blocked on Antiga... he goes Stephano style and owns me. I don't mind losing, but losing in such a retarted way... GODDAMMIT!
Sc2 related
+ Show Spoiler +I'm pretty tired of getting BM'd for playing protoss. I have lost to countless bullshit strategies in the past like baneling busts, proxy barracks scv allins, and cannons rushes. Whenever I lost to these strategies, rather than BM my opponent, I accepted that I played the game incorrectly and lost because of it. I looked at how I could stop the strategy. I improved. I am now more or less cheese proof and I never have to BM people to make myself feel better about playing poorly. If I lose, it's because I didn't play correctly. Simple as that. The last 3 games in a row I have been BM'd. It was the first 3 games I have played in over 3 months and after each win, I got a comment along the lines of "Why is every protoss player a scrub?" or something like that. Game 1 I scouted gas, and later scouted a reactor and a factory so I assumed hellion drops. I prepared an aggressive 3 gate expand as a reaction and beat my opponent handily. He got mad about not being able to play the metagame because of inefficient builds like mine being used by noobs like me who can't play the game. Then leaves without waiting for a response. Game 2, versus zerg. I say hello. He says "fuck off". Okay.. I beat him with a mothership expand. He no gg. That's fine. But why Fuck off? Game 3, Zerg. I don't say anything. Mothership expand. Stop his 200/200 Roach push. He doesn't expand quickly enough. I outmacro him and kill him by recalling into his base. He complains about how toss is imba yadida. Enough. You lost because you played incorrectly. You lost because My strategy beat yours, and my execution was superior to yours. You jump on the Protoss is easy bandwagon because you can't accept that there are more talented players out there than you who spend less time playing the game but get better results. Just look at Stephano. 4 hours a day beating koreans who practice literally twice as much. I'm a master P. At our level, my race is not easier than yours. Stop being a baby and stop throwing a fit just because you lost. It's childish and embarrassing. You were worse than me. WORSE THAN ME. And I lose to players who are BETTER THAN ME. You weren't that player because you were worse than me. Below me. If you want respect, earn it by being better than me, not by being a childish oaf who can't accept defeat. This thread is wonderful. That really helped lol
On February 17 2012 02:19 Vega62a wrote:+ Show Spoiler +It's fucking ridiculous how sick I am of my entire fucking life. I have a great job, a pretty girlfriend who loves sex, and good insurance so that therapy for my anxiety is affordable and I don't have to resort to pills. But I still hate my entire life. I have always done what is responsible and intelligent - worked summers to support myself in college since mom is poor and dad had dementia before he died - transitioned directly from university into a job, got good grades, never committed even standard crimes (drugs, underage drinking, etc) - and as a result I feel like I've had no fun in my 24 years, I've only ever been outside the midwest twice. Even my girlfriend is me doing the right thing - she's pretty and I like her, but I'm good looking and funny enough to do better, but I stick with her because she's good to me, and I think that it's no good to judge people objectively like that.
And I'm nice to people, and they don't deserve it. My last 2 girlfriends have ended it by abusing my trust and generosity and then lying to me. People through my entire life have taken advantage of the fact that I won't refuse a friend a favor, even if they have no intention or desire to return it, or really even be my close friend, ever. And I'm too fucking even-tempered to even be spiteful. I would demand the return of the $500 I gave my ex-girlfriend in an instant if I could bring myself to do it, seeing as how she used it to communicate with the guy she'd eventually be fucking around on me with. I would do it because I know she's too poor to repay it, and to watch her squirm, but I can't, I'm too chickenshit.
And I feel shitty for feeling shitty. I have a good life. But I would trade it in an instant for a pretty, adventerous female companion and just enough money to buy train tickets and feed myself and wander for the rest of my life.
tl;dr responsible life of good choices and being kind to others has led to a dull, unsatisfactory life of no adventure and being taken advantage of, and it's entirely and in every way my own fucking fault, and I hate it.
Bro. I feel you
On August 09 2012 17:41 Th0R wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I fucking hate cheesers for the life of me! I fucking hate it when they message me after game and demand a gg and call me BM! Of course I'm not going to fucking GG to your shitty cheese. They deserve no respect and should be treated as a second class of Starcraft!
I don't think most people understand "gg" as you do. It's not a question about "Was this a genuine good game?" ... it's more like when people playing sports shakes hands and says "good game". It's just a matter of respect and playing by the rules.
So... Not defending the cheesers, but I would say you are in fact bm for not acknowledging your opponent. After all - you must have ~same mmr