i was once too a bit out of sync with time
and when i realized that watches tell lies with each passing second is when it dawned on me that the einsteinian notions weren't so far off when applied to the humanities of thought.
and i say to you that the illusions we create for ourselves are as insidious as the illusions on the faces of clocks, which we consult with each day and which we use to approximate our own limitations; such as when to stop jogging, as oppose to listening to our own body rhythms we choose the numerical over the intuition with the assumption it is more accurate, but the damage is two-fold: not only do we confuse truth with numbers, but we more grow distant to our senses with each lie we believe. numbers are equivalent to many others things in our lives. numbers as in intellectualization; the ideas we hold dear whose underlying assumptions are spuriously conceived or, when examined, so obviously unfounded that they shake our confidence. now my friend, today is the dawn of a new rift when thought binds with body and the rules of old are broken. //
go off into to the world my brother, for yours is a life truly blessed.