Dear TL,
I\'ve been working for the past few hours on these problems and would like some guidance from the math wizards here: Any help as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated - I\'m pretty confident I can at least get a 50 now that I just figured out the basics of delta epsilon proofs!
Question 1: Find y\' if x^y = y^x
This seems to be a really confusing question because under this situation, x = y. So how can we find y\' if y^y = y^y? It seems the key is with using logarithms, but I am a complete newbie with that. Any alternative methods or a solution would be greatly appreciated.
Question 2: Show that e = lim as x-> 0+ (1+x)^(1/x)
No idea how to start this one.
Question 3: State the definitions of a) lim x-> infinity f(x) = L b) lim x-> 1 f(x) = infinity
It seems like the only thing I can do is translate it into simple english, by writing... the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity is L, but this seems too \"simple\". If anyone could confirm that this indeed is the definition I could feel at much more ease.
Question 4: Show that d/dx ln(x) = 1/x (Assume that de^x/dx = e^x)
I don\'t know this one either.
Any help would be really really sweet. I know there\'s a crusade against HW threads, but this is the last thread I should have to make about this garbage for a while. And I\'ll work on improving my TvP guide for those interested (FA\'s guide is sick good although I don\'t play PvZ)
Belgium8305 Posts
Braavos36362 Posts
have you considered looking on google or reading your book? this isnt exactly the most complex shit
Braavos36362 Posts
oh also,
When Reyes 'roid rages all over one of Saracen's dorky Christian Speed Metal friends, and then lies that he did it because the kid called him a "wetback," the inner circle and the outer circle separate like oil and water -- or cool and dork -- until Saracen sacks up and confesses to Coach Taylor that Reyes was crying racist.
In Depressing Love Triangle Land, Street convinces Riggs to break him out of the rehab facility for a joy ride and they happen to run into Lyla on their way out. And just when you think it couldn't get more awkward than Lyla snuggling with her paralyzed boyfriend while her able-bodied pity fuck watches their two-wheeled dance of desire, it...doesn't. It actually all goes surprisingly well, the three of them really sharing and caring around a campfire. Pretty well, that is, until Street pauses while wheeling himself back to his room and catches a glimpse of Riggs and Lyla hugging goodbye down in the parking lot.
Speaking of suspicious goodbyes. After getting away with being the one who really started Reyes off in the beginning with a racist comment, Voodoo gets cleared by the Sports Judge in another back room deal presided over by Buddy. But when he's put on defense by a still-smarting Coach Taylor, Voodoo brats off about it, and we close the episode with the news -- delivered in a rather untrustworthy manner by Buddy -- that Voodoo's gone back to Louisiana and told a reporter all about the recruiting violations so the Arnett Mead win is in jeopardy. Just like it was at the end of the last episode. What's the Spanish word for "progress"?
Derivatives? Limits? These look like theyre problems straight out of the book.
You know that when YOU do it, Hot_Bid, the rest of TL will bandwagon on because you're their Liquiscoop hero. So let me make this Clear that its a plea for help. -_-
I believe 3 is horizontal and vertical asymptotic behaviour (dunno how you would define it explicitly)
4) you write y = ln x -> e^y=x, then go chain rule and isolate y'
2) it's something you can find in a textbook. There's no way a calc textbook won't have it, and the book will be easier to read than tl net text (seriously, it took me about 30 seconds to realize what x^y = y^x meant)
1) log both sides and chain rule or something
My math is terribly noob, so I don't feel like going through the problems
Braavos36362 Posts
exalted, i am sorry. but principles make no exceptions, crusades stop for no man. progress will have sacrifices, and this thread will be a test of will.
edit: and also, it seems as though you'll get your help anyway
Calgary25955 Posts
Question 1 ln(x^y) = ln(y^x) y*(lnx) = x*(lny) y = x * lny/lnx y' = (1*lny/lnx) + (1/y)/(1/x) y' = lny/lnx + x/y
I'm not sure if this is right... =x let's just say it's been awhile
Question 2 This is neither a question nore worded properly. I can't see what you're getting at. Should that e equals a limit (what?) as x goes to some random formula. Gotcha... x isn't even in the formula with e, e is a number. It goes to e and x goes to anything.
Question 3
Not sure what they're looking for. Part a) has a horizontal asymtote (is that the right word?) at L. Part b) has a vertical asymtote at 1.
Question 4
y = ln(x) Therefore, x =e^y Differentiate: dx/dx = e^y * dy/dx 1 = e^y * dy/dx 1 / e^y = dy/dx By our difinition, e^y = x 1/x = dy/dx
Ok i'm reading this in detail now... thank you, and hot_bid, make a card for me, ok?
Netherlands13554 Posts
If you make one more homework topic I'm going to ban you.
MURICA15980 Posts
Uhhh just go down the hall and ask someone. You're in college -- use the resources.