Welcome to LiquiScoop, the #1 weekly newsletter for everything that goes on in the Teamliquid.net forums! Here you'll find notable threads, notable posters, and some fun original content as well.
A big thanks to IntoTheWow and dronebabo for their tireless help, as well as Oxy , lil.sis, and Smurg who do all the great photoshop work for us. Without them, LiquiScoop would not happen. Enjoy!
At 09:30 EST our greatest fears were realized: the TeamLiquid.net forums went down. For almost 12 hours, users did not have our beloved forum. Just when we thought all hope was lost, our noble saviors arrived: Saro and Liquid`Meat, who toiled for 9+ hours to get the forums back on their feet. They are truly the wizards behind this site and their work goes largely unappreciated. Thank you!
We at LiquiScoop have composed a completely original poem to commemorate this event.
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Old hard drives should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the site.
Though old mods at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
TeamLiquid does not go gentle into that good night.
Good users, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a light blue bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the site.
Wild men who flamed and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
TeamLiquid does not go gentle into that good night.
Banned men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the site.
And you, admins, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your new servers, I pray.
TeamLiquid does not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the site.
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Hey All -
Earlier today the server hosting teamliquid.net crashed, and hard. It wouldn't even reboot. We were told by our data center's tech support that some of it's data might be salvageable if they loaded the hard drive on another server.
Earlier today the server hosting teamliquid.net crashed, and hard. It wouldn't even reboot. We were told by our data center's tech support that some of it's data might be salvageable if they loaded the hard drive on another server.
Week of 10/30/06 to 11/05/06 [012]
Notable Threads
- Find out what everyone did during the downtime here.
- My_Digital_Toss posted a old school clip of an awesome Kingdom game, complete with his signature cute Starcraft photos.
- You don't need 20,000 posts to PvZ on Rush Hour like FrozenArbiter, just read his comprehensive strategy guide.
- If you haven't noticed already, (paladin)roMAD has become a replay uploader. He is already busy at work. So far, his replays already look a lot better than the flaming trainwreck of ineptitude that was Ekii.
Image of the Week
- "Homework help" by Coagulation.
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Image of the Week #2
- "Solid Snake" by Beyonder.
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Funny Post of the Week
- In 03/11 OSL Semi Final 2:
+ Show Spoiler +On November 03 2006 03:28 StarN wrote:
Our Adun, who art in Aiur...
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Anytime come
Fall StarLeagues won.
On Peaks as it is on Gaema
The gods GARIMTO and Reach are watching you Anytime... make us proud!!
Funny Post of the Week #2
- In The Best way to play PvT easy:
+ Show Spoiler +On November 06 2006 04:41 Cidrex wrote:
I think the best way to Play PvT is having 200/200 in 12/13 Min and rape the terran harcorely.
On November 06 2006 05:44 Jathin wrote:
You should consider becoming a coach for a pro team.
On November 06 2006 05:59 GrandInquisitor wrote:
All he needs is a bat
LiquiScoop Poll of the Week
- This data will influence future editions. Please vote, we appreciate it!
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Forum Statistic of the Week
- All these statistics are 100% true.
+ Show Spoiler +As of right now, FakeSteve's post count is less than the number of threads he has created.
Crusade against Homework Threads
- While I applaud your enthusiasm, I also urge moderation. TL.net is not Salem and we are not witch-hunters (though we do like stalking teh females). If you see a possible homework threads, before unsheathing your scimitar, check to make sure it is indeed created by an infidel. Remember, only threads created by low postcount, lazy idiots who did none of the work and only want answers should be conquered. For example, this is a "legal" homework help thread. We must act swiftly, like a very fast sword, cutting the thread down before the creator gets his answer. But we must also act fairly... like a sword that only kills unfair things. Only in this way can we not become who we seek to protect the General Forum against.
- Triumphs: 1 2
Ban of the Week
- This week's ban was carried out by EvilTeletubby, who banned DarkDeadUser, a simpleton and slanderer. He will not be missed.
+ Show Spoiler +On November 01 2006 15:24 DarkDeadPower wrote:
I liked tl.net until mani bans PPL for no reason. AND I mean No reason, and plenty of ppl. All I'm saying is ease off the ban for EVERYONE. I won't be back but tl.net should accept newbies/old timers and not ban ppl which DESTROYS the SC community. Ppl want to play and chat and all of that, banning them makes them say F**k that shit, Why do I even waste my time/botehr? see what I'm saying.
And your posts now have proven 100% that he banned you correctly... the first time.On November 01 2006 14:23 DarkDeadPower wrote:
LOL HERES MANIFESTO ASking ppl TO JOIN Tl.net Here's what I believe everyone is thinking...
Lol? Tl.net staff member? Manifesto who's a complete NOOB who i've OWNED in bw now wants people to join tl.net. Why join a website that NUKES and bans ppl on a daily basis? I see nukes/bans every single day for no apparent reason. Normal blokes just posting to chat some and they get banned and nuked. MANIFESTO you have KILLED TEAM LIQUID.
And now he has killed YOU, Mr.AndersonDarkDeadPower.
LiquiScoop Fanmail of the Week
- Our fans seek the wisdom of Bubbles, the LiquiScoop Warrior Monkey.
+ Show Spoiler +Send your fanmail to liquid.scoop@gmail.com or PM Hot_Bid, IntoTheWow, or dronebabo.micronesia wrote:
If one monkey turns to another and says "all monkeys
are liars" is that a paradox?
Bubbles TWM wrote:
paradoxxx is being spell with one x is liar -_-
PanoRama wrote:
What does that crazy font/language say in each LiquiScoop banner under the large lettering?
Bubbles TWM wrote:
go to north pole, learn elf -_-
EvilTeleTubby wrote:
I must know! Who is the REAL bubbles? What dark secrets lie in your closet? How did you finally escape from the Thriller himself?!
TL.net's #1 Bubbles fan
Bubbles TWM wrote:
(click to reveal)
Would you like to contribute to LiquiScoop? PM Hot_Bid with any suggestions or comments.