Anyways, when I first got the game I did a hell of a lot of gaming. They didn't necessarily have to be 1v1's, although a lot of them were. I played a considerable amount of team and custom games with my friends. On a side note I was fascinated at the amount of incredible custom games out there. I played for about three weeks before I was introduced to TL, and the wonders that are this community.
I started to learn about pro's, watching streams and tourney's and all of that. I have never really looked back from that spot, as I have turned into one of those people that always has a stream open, and is constantly looking at the strategy and tournament sections. I learned about Mvp, who I have since idolized due to his absolute awesomeness (And his splits). He was the one who basically inspired me to stick with Terran, as I was't sure at the time what race I wanted to play as.
As is consistent with many others, I eventually started to get competitive in 1v1ing. I climbed my way up the ladder from silver to diamond in a couple of months, using my ability to learn incredibly quickly. In school I was a pretty major math nerd, always outscoring my classmates by ridiculous amounts even though I was one or two years behind them. The ability to do math and my fairly quick fingers certainly helped me with Starcraft, and my ability to improve.
So, now to the main section of the blog. My problems with TvZ... In every league I have ever been in I have always decimated in TvT and TvP (Even though late game is ADLFJDFLHDAIFG). However, my TvZ was just never at the same level. For a long amount of time I never really understood why that was going on. It took me probably around three months to realize that my entire army was being destroyed by banelings. Now don't get me wrong, banelings are certainly not imbalanced or anything, however they certainly countered me incredible cost efficiently 100% of the time.
I had never really learned how to split. Obviously looking back at that now it was pretty fucking hilarious, considering that I would just a command, stim and lose all of my units.
A few more weeks past, and I decided I was going to do some research to find a build that suited my kind of strategy. I chose the 5 rax reaper. Now the build was certainly outdated by then, but I loved it anyways as I had always been fascinated with reapers and their ability to give it (bit of a blunt term) to the enemy. I used this build for another couple of months to great success. However, upon getting into diamond I knew that the time for me to actually learn how to play TvZ had come. I started reactor hellion'ing my way up the ladder. I lost probably my first 10-15 tvz's but I had started to finally understand the matchup. But banelings still raped the shit out of me.
Even now, banelings still rape the shit out of me. I am pretty sure that next season when I hopefully get bumped to masters (I am rank 5 diamond atm) banelings will still rape the shit out of me. When I play tvz, seemingly at random times my brain will analyze the enemy, like what it sees, and decide to make a push. It never works (maybe a bit of an exaggeration). I start to roll up and siege tanks, but it never matters because 5 seconds later where my army used to be THERE IS JUST A BUNCH OF GREEN FUCKING GOO, and green motherfucking rolling things rolling around taunting my saddened medivacs...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the rant