Press release found here!
While living there I have to pay living expenses, Long story short I planned on 8 months of living but after a few bumps and expenses I'm down to about 3 months of living off my savings. So I came to combined ideas and find other ways to possibly make money from Starcraft 2. I'm not out to be money hungry, Or sell my organs online. I'm looking down paths that are like coaching and streaming. I don't want to just "get money", I'd like to get it from a service that everyone benefits from. Like coaching, Someone pays money per house, The coach gets paid and the student learns. Same with streaming, I run some adds and get some revenue, the viewers get to watch higher level play with commentary.
Once again I know this sounds tacky, and I hope you don't judge me the wrong way but I'm looking into all options to make my stay longer so I can learn more, get better, and possibly be a professional.
If anyone is interested in supporting me please follow my stream and twitter! and twitter is @LgNkarmy. When I get moved into the house I'll be switching my stream to Own3D.TV and will try and contact everyone I can about the switch if you care to follow my there as well.
Thanks for reading through my wall of text, and I'm sorry if this comes off wrong. I'm not trying to make my fortunes off everyone else, Just trying to make ends meat to continue practising.
Thanks bunches!