On September 19 2011 03:52 Waxangel wrote: Not super great, but here's an anecdote.
WaxAngel: Hot_Bid, do you have any books you can lend me? Hot_Bid: No, I think you read them all. Wax: R1CH, do you have any books?
R1CH goes to his room, return with a stack of programming/computer books.
R1CH: How about this one on network security? Or this one on C? Wax: Um, do you have any non technical books? R1CH: Laughs
I haven't read a book about computers in my life lol.
On February 07 2010 14:23 dhe95 wrote:Wonder who understood?
R1CH probably voted 3 times. Yes, he can do that too.
thank you for bumping this <3
Theres too many good quotes in this thread. I feel like every single quote is good enough to have its own thread. Compiling it like this is just too awsome. :D
Zurich15307 Posts
Personal R1CH story:
I was at the TL office working on some VOD uploading code. R1CH comes over and has a look.
"Oh, so this your VOD uploader?" "Yeah it is, what about it?"
R1CH looks at the screen for ten seconds without saying a word. Then turns around and walks away.
I felt so crushed.
On September 26 2011 20:55 zatic wrote: Personal R1CH story:
I was at the TL office working on some VOD uploading code. R1CH comes over and has a look.
"Oh, so this your VOD uploader?" "Yeah it is, what about it?"
R1CH looks at the screen for ten seconds without saying a word. Then turns around and walks away.
I felt so crushed.
I do that with my co-workers, too, though when i say nothing it usually means: "D*mn, i couldn't find anything to complain about in this code." Take his silence as appreciation :p
Damn, R1CH has been calling himself R1CH for a long time.
I tried to vote his website for GameWebs top 50 but it didn't work.
lol funny when I first read it and funny when I read it again. :D thanks for whoever bumped needed to laugh :D
wow what a genius does any know if blizzard replied back? or hell did the company offered him a job lol.... thank god this guy is on our side...or is he
he's not on our side, we're on his side..
we seriously need updates. these quotes are amazingly brilliant.
Was hoping for update bump
On May 11 2012 20:19 Shana wrote: Was hoping for update bump
You were not alone :[