StarCraft I: The Phoenix Menace
StarCraft II: Attack of the Drones
StarCraft III: Revenge of the Grack
StarCraft IV: A New Base
StarCraft V: The Emperor Counter-Attacks
StarCraft VI: Return of the Mothership
StarCraft I: The Drop Harass
StarCraft II: Attack of the Probes
StarCraft III: Revenge of Jim Raynor
StarCraft IV: A New Overmind
StarCraft V: The Killing of eSports
StarCraft VI: Return of the Ladder Points
I literally lolled at "The emperor counter attacks" wow lol.
I would've lol'd more if it was "The Boxer's Counter-Attack" :3
LOL, I do that exactly the same thing at my job when I'm bored but not with SC references.
haha nice ones, good read!
Return of the ladder points... lol
Success, I lolled. Best is definitely The Emperor Counter-Attacks
Revenge of the Grack =))) So Epic