I have tons of stuff to post TT_TT, ill just keep it quick.
My first game on the appstore is doing pretty well! It has gotten some nice reviews and some crits as well. its good to see people interested and hooked on it! Be sure to help out a fellow TLer!
Well, my metal band The Last Void was dismantled, and i was left with my other not-meta-at-all-band-but-mostly-folk-band "Mr Gone and the Invisibles". We decided to record an EP last year, and just finished it today! The album will be available for purchase tomorrow on the internetz for a dollar :D Heres a sample!
Make it work: http://soundcloud.com/pablo-acu-a/01-make-it-work
REST OF THE ALBUM STREAM- http://dancetotheradio.org/stream-exclusivo-mr-gone-and-the-invisibles-f
I also made the album cover. Here are all the steps.
First step: make something really different. Playing with a robot travelling forever theme. Since the album is going to be named Forever, i thought I could play with the robot lasting forever theme. 1 hour speedy
Second step: I dreamed about this composition, woke up, found a marker and sketched it on my idea board (yes i have one lol). Then came back and made another 2hour speedy. The idea of including the girl there was to give a sense of size this robot has, and also kinda make believe it has been for a long long time, and now is just part of the environment for the girl. She is more into playing with her kite than she looking at that monstruosity.
Step 3: Another choice of colors. I hate how this one looked. 20mins
Step 4: Another attempt. I decided not to continue this one since it involved rethinking all elements.
Final Cover: I decided to go with my gut feeling and work on it
Me and my Insanity workout progress!
Holy crap this shit is working! :D Happy to see these results. I wighed 75kgs and now im at 71! I was not by any means fat, but had a bit of overweight. After this insanity program is over, im going to start P90X and get some muscles ^^. Month 2 gogoo!
Lemurai: Lemur Samurai (45 min)
Yakuza 30min speedpaint
Thats it