Okay, so... Basically this blog is a response to my absolutely pathetic play in PvT... What should normally be a protoss' best match up at my level of play is positively my worse. And I'll tell you why with a little help of this clip from Kingdom of Heaven which on a side note is a great movie, but that is not what this blog is about! It is about Auir!
So, now that you've viewed that short clip I have put there, basically this is my approach to PvT, I'll do everything I can possibly do right and then when the engagement angle is the worse possible for me, I tell myself "no army under the surveillance of the Templar may be beaten! Auir wills it!"... And this happens every single game... Meet a Protoss on ladder who attacks Tank lines through the center of HBR? Yep... That was probably me. Or perhaps on the bridges of Circuit Breaker, done that.
Point being, I know the outcome of the battle before I start it, but I can't prevent myself from committing to the holy charge... ._.