Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Australia 14568 Posts
Poll: Who will win? CJ will dominate, business as usual -_- (56)
KT will get their act together to topple this powerhouse (28)
84 total votes
Your vote: Who will win?
(Vote ): CJ will dominate, business as usual -_- (Vote ): KT will get their act together to topple this powerhouse
+ Show Spoiler [Out of curiousity] + Poll: Which stream do you use to watch BW? TL streams (55)
The new ESportsTV youtube live stream (10)
I don't/can't watch live but I like to click things (6)
I have my own source/other (4)
75 total votes
Your vote: Which stream do you use to watch BW?
(Vote ): TL streams (Vote ): The new ESportsTV youtube live stream (Vote ): I have my own source/other (Vote ): I don't/can't watch live but I like to click things
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
It's time for a KT victory, I say! Flash+Stats+Hoejja = WIN.
Epic epic banner. I'm calling a CJ win, staying undeafeated for sure. God should get a win though. Flash Vs Effort pleaseeeeee
KTFlash CJ 3-1 ezpz Effort, Hydra and Horang2 ftw.
I can't see anyone other than Flash taking a set. If the coach doesn't send him out early it could be a 3-0. In answer to your poll, I always use TL streams. I use GTR first if he is streaming cos he lags the least for me, otherwise whoever is on.
Flash vs Effort would be cool as heck
Netherlands 45349 Posts
Entus 3-1. 3-2 at best even if Flash vs Effort happens(YES PLX) Entus their roster is just to deep god I hope Leta gets fielded today.
Effort vs. flash or stats, definitely prefer flash as stats may just get dominated.
CJ 3-0 if KT doesn't send out Flash~
Definitely Effort vs Flash with Flash winning because so far I am not digging Effort's hair
Theres no stopping this powerhouse, 3-1 CJ for sure!
Curious to see if KT continues the trend of 1-3 record every match when excluding Flash. Surely you'd think that one of these days, 2 other players will actually win their games.
best banner in a long long time. i agree with the general sentiment that cj is just a much stronger team under the new format that rewards depth. ktflash to strike again, losing 1-3 with the single win coming from flash.
My mind says CJ will win, but my gut thinks KT will... LB'd with my gut >.<
Like everybody else here, I want EffOrt vs Flash.
Totally hoping Leta VS Flash and Stats VS Hydra / Effort. KT Fighting!
United States 9947 Posts
GOGOGO CJ! Effort please pwn Flash a second time!