United States22154 Posts
Please vote in this thread in the following format ##Vote: GMarshal
Remember that day 1 you are voting for mayor, and that the runner up will be the sheriff, from that point forward your votes are for who you want lynched
If you want to change your vote type ##Unvote: Playeryouwerevotingfor
Failure to vote in this thread by the end of the day will result in your modkill.
United States22154 Posts
On November 24 2011 15:20 ZBot wrote: Just in case I'm welcome Always <3
##Vote: redFF
Hoping prplhz comes in second.
##Vote: Sandroba
I presume this is for the mayorship and not for a lynch, right?
##Vote Palmar
Got convinced man.
##Vote Palmar for mayor! The others suck.
United Kingdom10823 Posts
##Vote Palmar
Because, together we can