First of all let me tell you that i am 21 and that its about gaming and it seems like i am losing the interest in games and it might be because i am older but than again i see people who are over 30 of age and still play games constantly so i guess that cant be the case.
Here let me tell you one example of what i mean which happens all the time when i buy a new game :
I bought The Witcher 2 some time ago , i really liked the game from the videos , trailers and reviews so obviously i bought it to enjoy the game but when i got it i maybe played it for 30min-1h and was just meh this is so boring and i still really liked the game i just somehow lost interest and i cant even explain it , i still haven't finished the game...and its not even THAT long.
And this happened to many other games , i also wanted to buy Deus EX - human revolution because the game looked VERY GOOD but than i thought of myself well if i buy it i just gonna play it for 1h and never play it again.
Another example is i bought Demons souls when it came out and i still haven't finished it , i really like the game but i manage to play it for 5 hours every month lol.
I got about 30 ps3 games i maybe finished 10 :/ and yet i find the enjoyment of buying games at the stores far more fun than actually playing them , something very wrong here!
There are so many good games out there at the moment but i guess i should just buy the games i really really like and are hyped up a lot like Starcraft 2 was . I really am looking forward for Skyrim but i am afraid the same thing might happen again and i dont want to waste money >< .
I also watch a lot of Playthroughs on youtube with commentaries , i wonder if that has something to do with my issue.
thanks for reading.
Sounds more like you have a shopping/reviewing addiction rather than a game addiction. I used to go and buy really nice clothes from department stores a couple years ago all the time and I never wore them, it was like I just wanted to check out what was there an throw some money, find things I looked nice in but then at the end I put them in my closet and never touched them. I'm also 21 and got very bored of playing SC2 all the time but I got back into BF series instead of quitting altogether. I think its a positive thing when someone from the gaming world leaves tbh, regardless of what the majority of people may say against that.
Getting a "full time" life going in the proper fashion doesn't every leave time for hobbies like gaming that don't help with that task, but around here surely I'm one of the few that go with that philosophy. But I do love gaming but hey many sometimes things have to end, no reason you can't still watch videos and toss some money around though. Eventually you may stop like I did and save that cash for more useful things.
I know the problem, for me I found out singleplayer games can just keep my intrest for shorter amounts of time as I miss interaction with other players online, so a solution might be, is to play cooperative/ multiplayer games instead of singleplayer
sometimes games just aren't as interesting if you can't share the experience with other people, specially if you have no one in your RL enviroment who shares the love for videogames.
maybe I can share some facts about myself and lighten up your mind that way. I`m over 30 years old and play PC games since I was 13. I never played a lot of games(mostly rts) though. Dune, C&C, WC2, WC3, SC:BW, Age of Empires, civilisation, seddlers and the most important thing: I always played just one game per period. Warcraft 3 for example I played for almost 5 years and nothing beside it (except occasionally console games like GTA:San Andreas, Tony Hawks Skateboarding etc... at a friends place). When I was younger I did a lot of sports besides school and hanging out with frirends and when I had time to play I just sticked with one game and tried be good at it, whereas my brother needed a new game every month or two. Nowadays I have to work and sometimes can`t find time to play a single game in 10 days, but I still follow the scene of my actual game of choice. (at this point I wanna thank all the nerdy engineers who invented the internet and smartphones )
conclusion: Don`t worry too much about games. If you like to play, play - if not, spend your time with something else. And If you are not sure if you want to spend money on a new game, try it out at a friends place or check some gameplay video. Demos are helpful too.
have fun!
Maybe you need to sit down, like the cartoon, and think about exactly what role you want games to play in your life.
- How much time do you want to spend on games per week? - Why am I playing? Some fun? Relaxation? Satisfaction and self confidence from beating games? Intellectual stimulance? Money sink for my otherwise overflowing wallet? (need to keep minerals low!!) - In what way should I spend those hours each week to achieve the desired effect?
For me (and im 30) it is 1) A way to met up with (IRL) friends online. 2) An escape. When I play sc, I am 100% in the game. No other concerns about work or whatnot. You can call it some kind of meditation if you want.
You dont get too old for games, but the reason to play may change.
cheers gl.
Same problem man. I used to play a lot of games and a few MMOs, but one day, I just said to myslef: "why bother? Why do I play games when they are so repetitive?" I played a lot of single player games when I was younger and nowadays, there really arent games with totaly new concept, so I just feel I play the same games again and again only with better graphics. And online games, the big hit of these days? It so dull, I cant belive Ive ever play it. Especially in WoW where I only clicked a mob and then I clicked few numbers, and then on max level, just repeating the same dungeon million times? Why the hell have I ever bothered with this?
So today I just watch starcraft from time to time and I do a lot of different stuff than gaming. I wouldnt have time to play anyway, because of college
When I am a grandpa I will challenge the kids to a round of quake3 and broodwar. They will facepalm and say 'oh grandpa come on this game sucks'. And then I will take their cookies away.
maybe you feel lonely or depresed playing single player games and when you watch playtrough with comentaries you feel like you are not alone
On November 04 2011 19:13 RaLakedaimon wrote: I used to go and buy really nice clothes from department stores a couple years ago all the time and I never wore them, it was like I just wanted to check out what was there an throw some money, find things I looked nice in but then at the end I put them in my closet and never touched them.
) what the fuck? this calls for a 1st world country problem demotivater. Seriously though, how can you just blow money like that? I mean I understand people who are addicted to having the latest most expensive trends to wear out and look good, but buying it and just hoarding it in the closet and never looking at them again? I don't even.
On November 04 2011 19:54 REDBLUEGREEN wrote: When I am a grandpa I will challenge the kids to a round of quake3 and broodwar. They will facepalm and say 'oh grandpa come on this game sucks'. And then I will take their cookies away. And then ill pull my old stiff body and my walker over to you and special tactics you in BW.
And then i'll take YOUR cookies away.
On topic: This happened to me. I honestly think console games that are single player have trouble being good. The only ones I play are metroid, zelda, and mario series. Otherwise, you might be more interested in a sense of competetition with others during a game. Its more exhilarating and andrenaline producing in most cases. But if you don't like that, I guess you can just not play...it isn't that bad to not spend your free time in a rendered world.
I have the same "problem". The only games I consider fun still are games where the sole purpose is competing vs others. Like Starcraft. I'm top masters in Starcraft and I haven't finished the campaign.
I figured I love competing but that I have grown tired of games. Single-player games today are generally so easy, dumbed down and full of cutscenes too that they're absolutely worthless.
I never finished the witcher 2 either. Everyone was saying how its a good game but I think its too linear and like there is a story plot you have to follow. Even though your actions change the story I don't like how you can't just do something. I like more sandbox games where there is more room for creativity like minecraft and maybe upcoming skyrim. I think games that gives you more room to do things the more entertaining it is. Maybe the older you get the more you enjoy options, at least that is the way for me.
Don't worry you're not getting old you're acquiring better taste. Honestly most games published (even the big name ones) are shit. When I was a kid I used to be able to play stupid games all the time, the thing is it just gets old. It's the same thing all over again. A rehashed gameplay with rehashed storylines and different graphics (but who gives a shit right?). Just play enough games and you'll realise you're playing the same games over and over again.
Once in a while there is a title that shines, a title where the devs took an idea from scratch and built something beautiful around it, something unique. Apart from the big sellers, you could look into indie games and games from small devs. Amnesia, Super meat boy (that shit is awesome and will give you carpal tunnel) and the Bit.trip series are some examples. Don't fall into the trap of buying random commercial crap from lazy, big money game companies.
I could write for pages about this, but you get the gist.
i am the same way in most cases, i tend to buy games that look great, and get bored pretty damn fast
i had to stop buying games because i had so many that i only played about 30-1hr each. So yea I stopped and forced myself to beat what games I have instead of buying new ones. it actually helps instead of the feeling of wasting money lol.
My conclusion/advice: Your game taste is maturing like someones taste in food, games that you liked before may not be the ones today. Just beat your games and maybe be a little more judgmental with your future choices.
I'm 26 and I've played exactly 6 different games since 2009: Oblivion, The Witcher, Broodwar, SC2, Counter-Strike 1.6 and Trackmania. Less is more! (most games suck anyway.)
Get a bunch of your friends over, play a game that everyone likes, have pizza/beer/soda ect. And you will remember why you like gaming.
On November 04 2011 19:05 Knap4life wrote:First of all let me tell you that i am 21 and that its about gaming and it seems like i am losing the interest in games and it might be because i am older but than again i see people who are over 30 of age and still play games constantly so i guess that cant be the case. Here let me tell you one example of what i mean which happens all the time when i buy a new game : I bought The Witcher 2 some time ago , i really liked the game from the videos , trailers and reviews so obviously i bought it to enjoy the game but when i got it i maybe played it for 30min-1h and was just meh this is so boring and i still really liked the game i just somehow lost interest and i cant even explain it , i still haven't finished the game...and its not even THAT long. And this happened to many other games , i also wanted to buy Deus EX - human revolution because the game looked VERY GOOD but than i thought of myself well if i buy it i just gonna play it for 1h and never play it again. Another example is i bought Demons souls when it came out and i still haven't finished it , i really like the game but i manage to play it for 5 hours every month lol. I got about 30 ps3 games i maybe finished 10 :/ and yet i find the enjoyment of buying games at the stores far more fun than actually playing them , something very wrong here!There are so many good games out there at the moment but i guess i should just buy the games i really really like and are hyped up a lot like Starcraft 2 was . I really am looking forward for Skyrim but i am afraid the same thing might happen again and i dont want to waste money >< . I also watch a lot of Playthroughs on youtube with commentaries , i wonder if that has something to do with my issue. thanks for reading. You could buy me games
stop buying games that are overrated and hyped. you are falling into consumerism's trap, bro... you should follow my rules of gaming:
1. never buy a game anywhere near release date (~2-3 weeks) unless it is a highly anticipated game (diablo 3, CS:GO, ect.) that will have guaranteed replay value 2. don't buy games that are campaigns with limited / no multiplayer. Honestly, how much replay value do they have? (exclusions: fallout, massive RPGs, ect... but they also fall under highly anticipated games) 3. if the only reason you think you will like the game is because of a trailer you watched on youtube... DON'T BUY IT! download the game from a torrent tracker, play it for 20-30 minutes and if it hasn't completely encapsulated you by then, DON'T BUY IT!
I had this problem when I was like 14-15... but I don't fall for the bullshit anymore. Of course when a game is close to release there will be large magazines and gaming companies that are being paid to say things like "9/10 - a true masterpiece!" or "5/5 stars - best game so far this year!"... you are literally being blinded by marketing and consumerism.
The only games i've bought since i was 16 were (off the top of my head) Call of Duty 5 (360), Halo 3 (360), Fallout 3 (Game of the year (includes all expansions)- 360), Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Game of the Year (includes all expansions)- 360), and Starcraft 2....
Are you seeing a pattern here? These are ALL games that you can literally spend 1000's of hours on.
WTF is "The Witcher 2" anyways? Why would you spend money on a game like that?
I don't think you should be questioning yourself as a gamer... because there is no such thing as "growing up" and not enjoying video games... there's no difference between being mature and being true to yourself. gaming isn't a childish activity, and you shouldn't see it as one. If your peers make you feel bad or question your personality because you enjoy video games, FIND NEW PEERS.
I'm 24 years old and a father of a handsome devil son. I work 60+ hours a week to support my family, and guess what? I LOVE playing video games. Every spare chance I get away from taking care of our son, cooking dinner, changing diapers, doing chores around the house... I'M ON THE COMPUTER / 360 PLAYING VIDEO GAMES.
Stop kidding yourself bro, "growing up" as you've put it is no more then thinking you need to conform to what society has made you believe is an "average" 21 year old entering the work force. easily 60%+ of the people I work with on a day to day basis, aged anywhere from 20-65 are gamers to at least a certain degree.
I don't even know where to end my post because I could go on forever about how wrong you are looking at your situation, so I'll just stop with 1 last word of advice: stop caring about what people think of you or what YOU think people think of you if you do a certain thing (in this case gaming), because you will live your life with regrets...
Well I haven't lost interest in playing video games yet but there certainly is much much less time for it. Yesterday I spent like 8 hours of studying, paper writing, as well as preparing a presentation.
I'm just about done wrapping up everything today and all I have to say is that if I even spent one hour playing SC2 I would be lagging behind in my work. You can't have everything unless you are some arrogant ungodly human. I can only accept humble talented people =P.
What I do is play old games that I missed at their time.M Currently I'm doing the whole Atlus persona/nocturne/digital devil saga/devil summoner serie, and I love them :D Try playing persona 4, I was in the same mood than you, never found a game that addicted me enough, and now I can't stop play this serie of games xD