On October 25 2011 10:15 Ciraxis wrote: Don't know why Browder gets all the hate in the community. I think he's trying his best and that's what's important.
Mainly because people know his name, it was the same as Bill Roper, guy was considered a god because he was the vocal side of the D2 team, then he went and did Hellgate and everyone said he didn't have a clue. People pretty much ignore that there's teams around these people.
Kennigit completely owning Dbro. :D
Wow 20 minutes, this is a nice meaty interview. Watching ASAP!
On October 25 2011 10:43 Kimaker wrote: Very nice interview. While I don't agree with everything Browder has to say on balance, his hearts definitely in the right place and over the past year the team working on WoL has proven that they can balance a game given some time.
"...right? right."- Dustin Browder
You're exactly right! We do just have to give it some time. If it was easy to just make a completely brand new game and balance it perfect, they would have just done that. It's so fucking hard to do this because of the way mining minerals, damage output and adding in each individual person doing unique things. They are trying to make the game as complete as possible while not just copy and pasting BW. Good luck DB, I'm sure the end product of HotS will be good.
On October 25 2011 10:40 pzea469 wrote: I don't hate Dustin. I like the guy. But he isn't taking the game in the direction that a lot of us would like it to go. Death balls, and just units balling up, even when not at 200, just looks and feels off. No real highground advantage. No real micro. Things that add real depth to the game. And i'm sick of hearing that I can go play broodwar. I know I can. Just because adding things like this to fix Starcraft 2 would bring it closer to how broodwar was, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added. So I think it's best to stop asking for these things. It's obvious that the only way to play this dream game that I have in my head, of SC2 with real micro that fans can see, powerful spells and abilities that cause suspense for viewers, and interesting units is for the community to make it ourselves. SC2 is a great game, but it just isn't my dream game, like bw was while I played that.
Please TL, Make a ProMod already.
I think balling is getting less obvious now compared to early in SC2. With how effective AoEs are against clumped up unit and more incoming like the Shredder, Tempest and Dark Swarm spell; progamers will increasingly strive to spread units out further.
It is like how dustin browder commented on Zerg creep spread, as well as how people didn't spread Marines against Banelings in the beginning.
I have a feeling as the game evolves, more APM will be placed into constantly spreading units out while maintaining formation and/or controlling multiple smaller balls for multiple harass/drops/attacks.
I look forward to see the game grow and how progamers will take the current micro/APM expectations even higher.
On October 25 2011 10:44 Nazza wrote: Kennigit completely owning Dbro. :D
As much as I love Kennigit, could you explain how he "owned" DB? I'm kinda confused with that statement and it just seems trollish. DB couldn't have answered those questions any better and did a beyond excellent job from most PR people who just avoid tough questions.
On October 25 2011 10:40 pzea469 wrote: I don't hate Dustin. I like the guy. But he isn't taking the game in the direction that a lot of us would like it to go. Death balls, and just units balling up, even when not at 200, just looks and feels off. No real highground advantage. No real micro. Things that add real depth to the game. And i'm sick of hearing that I can go play broodwar. I know I can. Just because adding things like this to fix Starcraft 2 would bring it closer to how broodwar was, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added. So I think it's best to stop asking for these things. It's obvious that the only way to play this dream game that I have in my head, of SC2 with real micro that fans can see, powerful spells and abilities that cause suspense for viewers, and interesting units is for the community to make it ourselves. SC2 is a great game, but it just isn't my dream game, like bw was while I played that.
Please TL, Make a ProMod already. I also agree that the balance team is a bit schizophrenic: on the one hand they want to make "tiny changes" and let the community balance the game over time, but then they go and nerf all sorts of interesting strategies (e.g.: archon toilet, high-ground warp-in, speed rays, chain fungals, etc, etc) because they "aren't what they expected players to do."
BW was great because all the abilities were crazy and OP, it's what made the game dynamic and exciting. Watching two deathballs 1a into eachother where whoever gets the best EMPs off wins is hardly enjoyable.
OMFG. I understand to a certain extent that Blizzard wont implement lan, but somewhere the line has to be drawn. Makes me sad. Really sad.
This interview has restored a lot of my lost hope in Blizzard. They will make HotS a million times better than WoL in time. I hope a beta will come soon-ish, I'm really itching to test out the new units.
It's almost comical how many people here are trying to bash DB in this interview with completely nonsensical points.
Its like people can't think for themselves and just play the "DB is the enemy and anything he says is wrong"-shtick.
Great interview, and I liked the answers for the most part
I was really impressed by Dustin replies, he seems really genuine and I can understand many of the problems he face when undergoing design/creation for the SC2 and it's expansions.
It is evident that they're aware of most of the issues in their current games, and are actively working to better their game while adhering to company's guidelines.
Thanks for the interview TL! This interview keeps my faith strong in sc2 and how its going to still be balanced and improving.
well done kennigit, u did a good job as an interviewer.
i was also impressed with dustin acknowledging the map issue, and seeming intrigued and concerned, however i skeptical as to whether or not they plan on taking some action on it now that they are undeniably aware of it as a problem
I really enjoyed this interview. The creep tumor thing was eye opening.
I think the most striking thing is how unaware Browder is about the community map issue. Kennigit's question seems to try and steer the direction of trying to find out if there is anyway blizzard would actually sponsor a community ladder, but Browder only looks at it from a point that community maps are more flawed than the current ladder maps. He for the most part is thinking about the Blizzard map pool and the community map pool as completely separate and no room for synergy, even though community maps, arguably, are much better.
On October 25 2011 10:20 Liquid`Tyler wrote:I don't think anyone wants to listen to a person who would provide a link to their comment posted on another forum as a new thread containing a link to the thread they're replying to as a reference. ROFL
As to the interview: Yeah I was a little unsettled by the terran shirt too.
On October 25 2011 10:06 Kafkaesk wrote: Can somebody tell me if GSL is running on Battle.net? I never saw any lag or connection issues during a GSL match, but plenty on other tournaments. I wonder if they use a special GSL tournament server for those matches, and if yes, why not making those available for other major tournaments too? GSL is running on Battle.net. There have been delays, players being dropped and lag issues. Rare (probably due to the excellent internet they're able to run in SK and the studio in particular), but it does happen.
I do remember one match in Open 2 (or GSTL1?) that had close to a 45-minute break because they couldn't get it to run reliably.
The GSL producer is very good immediately cutting away to the casters when a pause is about to be made.
I feel like Dustin gave a lot of good and coherent answers, even if they weren't what we wanted to hear. He really came off as in tune with the scene.
Solid interview.