Right? At least Dustin Browder gave us a slightly more technical answer as to why there is no lan, right? Still, what terrible terrible damagenews.
Someone should have asked Blizzard to implement a "melee map of the month" feature, where the winner (through votes) have a chance to be included into the blizzard ladder, right?
Was a very nice interview
Definitely appreciate the effort put in from both sides(The community + DB himself)
Blizzard staff is human. They're people. Hence in the starcraft world they would be terran. Why is this even a subject of lolterran? Stupidly annoying people even bring it up. Either they're massively trolling or hilariously unintelligent.
Pro games nowadays are seeing less death-ball and more positional/multi-pronged stuff, game is getting better people lets cherish!
Although I said this is a nice interview, I don't think I quite expressed how good, basically I moved my mouse at about 17 minutes in and I was dissapointed there wasn't more and felt like about 4 minutes had passed. Really, really, great interview.
I'd also think that he's right in saying that there's no need to have engine features similar to that of Brood War. This is a different game after all.
Dustin gave good answers to tough questions, props to him. I hope the Viper and Swarm Host survive alpha, they look pretty fun to use.
Think he said "right???" atleast 70 times in this video :D Anyway, good questions.
On October 25 2011 10:02 Zarahtra wrote: Nice interview. Never really understood all the hate Dustin gets, seems like a pretty awesome guy.
Still not happy about the last answer, sounds like horrible coding to be honest, if anything and everything is connected together through bnet and can't work unless you have bnet like server. Hope they do find some way to implement lan, even if fx. the computers still have to be connected to bnet(to prevent piracy), just not having the games being played through it, would help a lot.
Also not happy about the map answer, but it really seemed like he didn't understand the question. What they could rather easily do without changing any of their architecture at all is to just send a local battle.net server to every major event. That way they gain all the control they want and we get to play games locally at tournaments. This is how it is done in WoW-arena and I think Quake Live does something similar too.
Nice interview, though I wish there were some rougher questions asked. I really wanted to hear his opinion on why Terran is so dominant specifically in GSL but not anywhere else. Also I was hoping to hear DB's opinion on if the deathball style was the original intention for this game. I'm not entirely convinced that the game was designed to be played with huge globs of balls going at it but rather lots of small armies harassing each other all over the map. Perhaps it's just a problem with how the metagame has developed and the players themselves may one day fix the problem.
love how Dustin used ability "Perfect Dodge" on the Terran definition/weakness question
other wise great interview and props for not getting p'ed when he started yawning and interrupting you, I would have snapped
On October 25 2011 10:50 lowercase wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2011 10:40 pzea469 wrote: I don't hate Dustin. I like the guy. But he isn't taking the game in the direction that a lot of us would like it to go. Death balls, and just units balling up, even when not at 200, just looks and feels off. No real highground advantage. No real micro. Things that add real depth to the game. And i'm sick of hearing that I can go play broodwar. I know I can. Just because adding things like this to fix Starcraft 2 would bring it closer to how broodwar was, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added. So I think it's best to stop asking for these things. It's obvious that the only way to play this dream game that I have in my head, of SC2 with real micro that fans can see, powerful spells and abilities that cause suspense for viewers, and interesting units is for the community to make it ourselves. SC2 is a great game, but it just isn't my dream game, like bw was while I played that.
Please TL, Make a ProMod already. I also agree that the balance team is a bit schizophrenic: on the one hand they want to make "tiny changes" and let the community balance the game over time, but then they go and nerf all sorts of interesting strategies (e.g.: archon toilet, high-ground warp-in, speed rays, chain fungals, etc, etc) because they "aren't what they expected players to do." BW was great because all the abilities were crazy and OP, it's what made the game dynamic and exciting. Watching two deathballs 1a into eachother where whoever gets the best EMPs off wins is hardly enjoyable.
Yeah, their biggest mistake was balancing the game lol. I mean if you look back, sc2 had a lot of interesting ideas that I was really excited about. But they nerfed it all to oblivion. The roach was once an interesting unit with high speed regeneration. But they made it a massable unit and took the ability away from it unless burrowed. Then the baneling used to be interesting because it was big seemed powerful, but they nerfed that too. I was so excited when i tried to use one baneling at a mineral line, thinking how awsome it's going to be, but it didn't kill a single probe. The infestor had a sweet ability once. It would shoot a parasite at a marine or marauder, and then the marine or marauder would explode after a few seconds, killing all the infantry units near it. They played a game infront of people while using this ability and people screamed. It was awesome, required the opponent to micro, and you didn't know what was going to happen. Suspense. But they removed it, and now we have boring fungal. It's just too forgiving. Storm strength nerfed heavily. People think splash is strong now? Look at bw, splash would straight up kill your whole army if you had them clumped, and the game worked.
But on top of nerfing, they removed visible micro actions that make us go wow. Reaver drops are gone. This was difficult and seeing a pro do it was different than seeing your hot shot friend do it. Dragoons going just far enough, then hold position as the mine pops up and the goons take it out without a scratch. Dragging mines into enemies.... :D Medic walls, taking out a lurker with 3 marines, catching sairs with scourge, seigeing your tanks perfectly, hold position lurkers.... I could really go on forever. All that while macroing. In sc2, all that's left is strategy, macro and casting spells. The micro/magic is not there.
kenniget is such a funny dude :D
Great interview! THanks for this TL! Really makes us see the human side of Browder :D
Great Interview Kennigit. Dustin Browder sounds earnest in his attempts to make SC2 a great game. I think his points regarding the need to change the theme of each race with addition of new units to be lazy. For me Protoss should always be expensive, strong, highly technologically advanced; Terran is hard hitting, medium cost, defensive oriented; while zerg are fast, cheap and in large numbers.
At the moment all three races are very similar in that the all have high HP and high damage and highly expensive units: Protoss (colossi, Immortals, Void Rays), Terran (Tanks, Thors, BCs, Banshee), Zerg (Roach, Ultralisk, Broodlord). They all have lower cost, but faster units (although protoss a bit more expensive here). In addition, all have fast units and the number of spells/abilities are quite similar. Zerg no longer have to make more hatchery due to queens and larva injection, so all three race can play evenly on same number of bases.
So for me only the mechanics and the look of the races are different, but they all feel the same in terms strength - thus the death ball vs death ball we see all the time.
How is offline mode so much work if there is already cracked lan mode?
Takes alot of balls for dustin browder to have a candid interview with the critical SC community out there. Pretty cool that he answered honestly even when the answers obviously werent what alot of players wanted to hear...
I thought it was pretty interesting that about the map making question that he didnt seem to understand why no one was playing on the community made maps. I know at least for me if im searching for a high level map to play on I have to really dig for it... It'd be nice if there was a better way to organize the map search screen. I know on NA theres been like 4 versions of xel naga caverns and 4 shattered temples on the front page, then not even another ladder map to be found. It really really sucks if you wanna get in some practice games or play an off-race... theres really almost no way to do it unless you want one of those two maps.
Units clumping up is the biggest reason for units feeling overpowered, hence, deathballs containing massive aoe damage dealers.
On October 25 2011 10:41 Liquid`Tyler wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2011 10:25 Theeakoz wrote:On October 25 2011 10:20 Liquid`Tyler wrote:I don't think anyone wants to listen to a person who would provide a link to their comment posted on another forum as a new thread containing a link to the thread they're replying to as a reference. The idea is there, I sent it on reddit because it is easier to get noticed there. Then I provided a link for the redditors in case they don't know what I am talking about. The idea is the important thing, if you want to comment, comment on the idea. Why provide a link to the reddit post in this thread? The idea is not developed at all and not worth responding to in its current form. I imagine you don't have any special knowledge about designing and balancing games, about being a progamer, or about organizing communities and putting community plans into action. But if you do happen to have the relevant knowledge, then make the proposal as detailed as you possibly can before you present it. It seems that the basic problem you are trying to solve is that progamers' knowledge is a somewhat untapped resource for Blizzard's multiplayer design team. I fail to see how your idea suggests a good way to remedy the situation. It seems like you've just recently realized that this problem exists, you were instantly convinced that it actually is a significant problem that really needs to be fixed, and then you sketched out the first scheme that came to your mind. It leaves a million pitfalls and improves nothing.
You're mostly right, appreciate your sense of logic. I should have thought and researched more on the subject... well, pro gamers are not designers after all.