Canada11266 Posts
Really well done interview by Kennigit. It contained some very hard hitting questions but framed in a very non-aggressive way. I also like Browder's attitude to the questions.
I wondering if the Protoss deathballs will be solved when Terran and Zerg get's more positional tools (shredder and Swarm Hosts (maybe). Because one of the things that forced Protoss to be everywhere was the power of the slow push and having to clear mines/ protect against vulture harass.
Maybe next time magic box for ground armies could be broached with him. Because I think the concept of magic boxes doesn't conflict with Blizzard's philosophy of not going backwards and yet still allows the troops to spread out more.
As for tournament LAN... maybe by the Protoss expansion, if we really want it? I suspect it'll require a massive brown-out in Korea leading to dropped internet during a GSL finals for Blizzard to finally get into gear on this one.
Well, that sounds like we're not getting LAN -_- getting that much of a direct response from him. Would've been cool if he said what exactly is the problem - definately not the amount of work put into coding it, so guess it has to be antipiracy agenda?
The infestor had a sweet ability once. It would shoot a parasite at a marine or marauder, and then the marine or marauder would explode after a few seconds, killing all the infantry units near it.
Wow didn't know about this. That actually sounds great. I imagine watching a pro scramble to select the individual marine, stim it, and run it out.
Why would they remove this and replace it with boring fungal? A bronze league noob can't micro the parasited marine in time, but the bronze league noob can't dodge a fungal either, since it's impossible to dodge.
Why Blizzard, why?
"thats an interesting concept, part of the problem is that pros dont want to waste their time playing on incomplete or unfinished maps..."
agree! pros would much rather hang out in searing crater
i would love to see the veto statistics for that map
Dustin gave a lot of good answers that I like, except for his views on Terran. He seems to be very in tune with the process, though. I think I might actually put faith in Blizzard to make a game as balanced as BW is reputed to be.
great interview. really voices community questions.
Browder seems like a very reasonable guy. As far as LAN goes people need to give up on that dream, but hopefully something does happen for tournaments to get around lag issues. He's underplaying the importance of the mapmaking community though...sooner or later we need to get everyone involved, blizzard maps just aren't going to hold up in the long run and it'll keep the game from reaching its potential.
Thanks for the interview kennigit, at least he admitted that some maps were an issue...
On October 25 2011 11:16 Ouga wrote: Well, that sounds like we're not getting LAN -_- getting that much of a direct response from him. Would've been cool if he said what exactly is the problem - definately not the amount of work put into coding it, so guess it has to be antipiracy agenda?
That has to be it. I don't know why blizzard isn't clear on that because I would be better with that answer then just saying "no lan". But whatever
I like Browder's attitude on the expansion though, with them having their priority in making HotS interesting rather than balanced at this point.
Sorry but this is a horrible idea. Btw Blizzard pretty much already did this idea, but even better. It's called David Kim playing Random.
yeah, kardarin amulet was totally a mistake, there were something like 20 protoss in the GSL when you had KA...oh wait.
Good interview. I've always liked listening to DB and his thought process. One reason I really like listening to him is his overall honesty and enthusiasm.
I like the idea of beefing up map control, although I didn't really get a sense that Protoss will have something quite as specific as the Shredder or Swarm Host. Even the Viper's Dark Cloud ability is basically a ground control spell when it comes down to it and I think that's exactly what Zerg needs.
Terran is great already and they're on exactly the right track for Zerg, so I honestly think that HotS will be an amazing expansion IF they can get Protoss right.
United States5162 Posts
An excellent interview, but it saddens me. It saddens me that even though some of his answers aren't satisfactory, most of them are right.
Awesome interview. I like Kennigit's manner of speaking, and people say what they say about Dustin Browder, but I think he's done excellent so far with Star2. I must admit, I'm feeling a little weirded out with the new HotS units (except the shredder... <3), but I like that he's so open to completely removing them from even the Beta.
10/10 Thanks for the content!
I really loved this interview, 10/10.
The questions where good and you where very polite and not being a jerk about Balance and other issues. Dustins answers where also very good in my opinion, I would love to give tournys their very own lan or something like that.
This thing was awesome. I love the part about the maps where he totally saw the problem, did not dismiss it and said that it is a real issue. I am also glad that he didn't have a fast answer for everything. They have ideas, but they are looking to the community to flesh them out.
Blizzard needs to provide private servers to the tournament organizers. Some servers that can emulate bnet on a local scale.
Great interview, it was nice that it wasn't too aggressive. Im sure the game balance team at blizzard must get annoyed with all the questions. Also a lot of nice insight from Browder, especially in regards to their approaches to adding in new units. It must be hell having to make balance decisions, especially since the metagame is barely predictable.
I do always find Dustin Browder's interviews to be very interesting, open and passionate. I think he gets a little too much shit at times.
I like their approach with just trying to throw units in and see what happens. A lot of developers tend to be afraid of changing the formula up too much that their sequels tend to add little over on top of what they've established. You need to take some risks as a game developer.