My history with gaming starts off with League of Legends. I never played dota, or wcIII, or SC, or any other competitive game. League of Legends was my first competitive game. I was an okay League of Legends player, 2K and platinum, which is like platinum in SCII. One day, some dude on TeamLiquid said that they were making a LoL team. They were accepting anybody who posted in the WHO WANTS TO JOIN TL TEAM thread. I said I would join, and I got in.
After that, we got to play in NESL, which is ESL without Europeans, and we got to premier league for NESL. Premier league pretty much meant that you were enough of a sucker to pay $15 and pwnd some nubs in some qualifiers. Anyways, so then TL plays in premier league, and I play some games, but I stopped playing with TL because I had performance fright. It was hard to play tournament games because picks/bans would take an hour and I had to wait a grueling hour and anxiety built up. (I had similar anxiety playing against known players too. LoL esports figures make me nervous!)
Anyways, so one time some dude named SCII player named Heavonearth decided he didn't want to play game 2 vs dignitas(formerly rock solid) because he's like 14 and had to sleep or something. So I had to play vs dignitas(formerly rock solid, who won IPL3). During this era of League of Legends gaming, roaming was a very popular strat, and TeamLiquid lost many games to roamers/counterjunglers vs crappy teams like the greatgaypenishwhalelord team(seriously their name or something). I got pretty ticked off, so I came up with this crazy cool strat(because that's what support players do in game. They're bored like shit using like 2 apm to do shit, so they just think and kill themselves with anxiety.)
My strat is featured in my superultimate Favorite E-sports win. It's basically killing starting items with support and buying all wards to cover the gank paths on the map for the first 4 minutes of the game to prevent early roaming/junglers that depend on ganks/fast ganks. (I also found the 3 wards, mana pendant, pot strat before the europeans but people copy me. Just like when I made up dorans stacking. I seriously did, no joke. I told atlanta, he said it was gay, then copied it.) After first 4 minutes, every1 else wards their lanes.
Anyways this is the game. My superultimate Favorite E-sports game from 4 months ago. Enjoy!
I'm soraka. In the first minute of the game, I wait to buy wards after their clair to hide my sekret strat and my items. I go top to ward brush on top lane, and entry to top because taric roam so popular during this time, and TL QQ all day long. I then go down and ward every path towards mid and bot. Yeah fuck you maokai, you suck at jungling, and need shitty gimmick ganks to be useful in jungle. Around before 4:00, gizmo sees it, still wastes flash. Wut a nub!
4:00 how to stop taric bot, ward brush!
Before 9:00 I die being nub because I was talking and forgot to b, but =(. Bot, taric trist is agressive, soraka vayne is defensive and not as good in lane, but stronger later in the game. Soraka #1 scaling support at the time, vayne #1 scaling dps.
11 minutes, sexy silence, didn't even know if that would hit so it came out early, but still sexy. I had ward on drag! Overlapped CC, something I don't usually do, but still turned out well. One thing to note. One bad timing to ward dragon can mean a kill + drag for the other team since distance from bottom lane to drag is pretty long.
12 min in, gizmo doing some sexy stuff, but this blog is not about him.
14:50 BAITED! OMG QTIPIE, SO CUTIE! son of a bitch pathing.
17:00 OMG Scarra why you so gud! and then bounce the ultimate off each other for win!
zzz I thought we stomped this game. Guess not....
Around after 19 minutes, no Voyboy, i have wards. No ganks on us!
Baron fight, how to not get targeted by Akali as a support: Have shakedrizzle bait as nunu, the dmg. How to bait QTPIE! Flash over walls, I loved doing this. Because I always have flash up. I also love warding. Even skipping items to ward everything and make sure wards are everywhere. Oh, the nostalgia.
28 min fuck you colby. Support not supposed to have cs.
29 min who mistimed Baron>_>. We too bad to write baron timer down.
Second baron fight. I blame pathing *cough pathing yeah>_>.
Anyways, conclusion. We lost the series due to playing against RS so many times and them knowing Smash loves Jarvan. Ban Jarvan, ban soraka lose game. Also, TL won the game because of my sexy counter strat. Stopped early taric and maokai ganks which killed their early roaming. In the end, We won e-sports money from NESL preimer league though. Woot! Time to go to sleep now. Good memories.