I also have a half a dozen canvas paintings (finished and unfinished) around (pics of those if anyone is interested). I was kinda wondering how one goes about pricing stuff like that if I was inclined to try and sell them (and where?). I've also got tons of pencil/pen sketches and paper paintings in blackbooks and folders to show off but I need to get my hands on a scanner/printer.
As some of you may know finding a job right now is hard, especially so in CA. From talking to different people I meet about jobs, some have told me that 'small hustles' are pretty much the only thing guaranteed right now. Stuff like selling flowers on the street, or other services you can peddle out through craigslist or whatever (fixing computers, mowing lawns, etc.). So I got to thinking about how Glider does fantastic portrait work and makes YT videos and sells stuff through his website to people interested in having personal work done. Maybe I can do something like that.
Most of my art isn't anything like his, but I've gotten enough attention from it throughout my life (everyone always tells me I need to do tattoos, I disagree though). My style is more graffiti and character based. I like letters, liquid/flowing stuff, shading/3Ding, monsters, weird shapes and just generally creating different styles of the same thing (or writing the same word or letters), and I enjoy putting color schemes together.
So what I started to do is to design hats for friends and acquaintances (mostly through facebook actually) for 30$ or so dollars a piece (depending on time and difficulty etc). I basically let them choose the word (or object), their 3 favorite colors, and the color of the cap. Then I draw something out on paper, try as best as I can to incorporate their colors, and then paint it all on a hat.
The whole process can take anywhere from 2 to maybe 6 hours. Some hats need a base coat which has to dry so the paint doesn't bleed, sometimes art just can't be forced and I end up drawing and redrawing til I have it right. Often, I'll just sit there sketching until I get lucky and find something that works or that I like.
I've done quite a number of hats for people so far and I thought I'd show you all what I've been doing. I was thinking about getting a website done, and getting some repeatable designs and heatpress equipment etc. And hey, maybe some of you might even be interested in getting a personalized one done and shipped from me.
I try and take pics of the process as I do it, here they are if you are interested in that:
For now I'll just post the sketch/painting paper draft and the final hat design:
(Sorry about shitty phone camera quality)
Winged Heart:
Bloodly Leaf Logo:
(fleur de lis)
Various older stuff:
If you guys have any questions or any ideas I'd be glad to answer them and hear them.
pm me if you want a hat, we can work something out.