This is my first blog post, so kind of breaking new ground here ^^
I'm making this blog post at the suggestion of a few people who I tried contacting about giving away a free spectator pass.
I recently came into possession of an IPL 3 Silver spectator pass through the use of a promotion code off of twitter. The problem is that I cannot afford to travel to Atlantic City, and so have this ticket I won sitting around being useless at the moment. I have some friends at IGN so I asked them if I gave someone else the ticket, would they would be able to use it, and got an affirmative. I don't really know anyone who would be interested in going personally, so I'm trying to see who would be interested in using the pass by making this blog post and offering it to someone for free. It's only a $50 spectator pass, you'd have to travel and make accommodations for staying in the area for yourself, but maybe if you are in the area and want to go or have a friend you want to bring you could use it? Or if travel costs don't matter to you?
I'm not creative about making contests or anything so I guess just post in this blog and let me know if you want to use this pass (and maybe why? ^^)
Thanks guys!
EDIT: Ticket has been given away! Hope Jathin has an awesome time at IPL 3 Thanks guys for helping me find someone to give it to!