Vengeance did have a melee weapon, and you got 3/4/5 weapon slots for light/medium/heavy. This sticks you at 2 weapons in ALL ARMOR CLASSES. You also can't carry a chaingun and spinfusor according to Jetpacks don't make tribes, Global Agenda had jet packs and it was nothing like tribes. I'm sorry but you don't seem to know what you're talking about at all.
It's annoying yes, but it probably won't stay that way. I seriously cannot imagine them leaving heavy with a main weapon and a pistol only. I can see light being relegated to a main and a light weapon and I can probably deal with that. I think you're wrong about the jetpack though. It wasn't jetpacks that made tribes, no, it was jetpacks interacting with an environment. Skiing, speed and the skillshots, offensive tactics and defensive tactics that generated was the key feature of the game (supported of course by a variety of novel stuff like the vehicles, base mechanics and so forth). A game might have jetpacks and be nothing like tribes, yet jetpacks might still be the tribes' defining feature.
No a light would suck with a primary and a secondary. You 100% needed disc+chain. If they don't make a chaingun like weapon for a secondary I don't ever see cappers dying tbh.
The Xbox release has been suspended indefinitely. Honestly I never understood how you would make Tribes work on a console anyway.
Not sure how you couldn't. Just need an extra button for jump-jetting on top of a regular FPS.
Even if it is suspended, I doubt we'll see much complexity in the PC version's controls (e.g. Tribes 1 interface where you've got a thousand and one different buttons to play with). They'll dumb it down to make sure the console option is always open.
Well when you look at the bare essentials, you have skiing, jetting, jumping, shooting, grenades, mines, cycle weapon, choose loadout, cc hud, voice binds, packs/deployables, third person, & zoom.
combine jumping/jetting like T:V, and choose just 1 for grenades/mines(as I heard they'll make you pick one or the other), and you're still left with 11 key binds.
ahhh I was just watching that, came here to post it
yea I'm only 2 min in so far but it definitely looks fast paced.
I'm not liking the reload animation after every spinfusor shot ;o I don't think I understand the armor classes. Is there not just light/med/heavy anymore? Looked like there was about 8 or 9 or something different classes, but maybe those were just different loadouts?
it should still be 3 armor classes, it was probably just their dumb loadout system that you saw.
I was expecting the gameplay to be more between T1 and T2, but this feels a lot slower than T2 to me. also, it seems they have a lot more weapons that travel fast. The giant minigun thing worries me, feels like it gives heavies too much of an anti light boost that they didn't have before.
On August 06 2011 02:10 ProjectVirtue wrote: I was expecting the gameplay to be more between T1 and T2, but this feels a lot slower than T2 to me.
I think they were going decently fast considering that the hills they were skiing down were rather small. Once you get real maps with real hills and bowls and such to make routes out of, it seems like it'd be plenty fast.
On August 06 2011 01:33 Tachion wrote: ahhh I was just watching that, came here to post it
yea I'm only 2 min in so far but it definitely looks fast paced.
I'm not liking the reload animation after every spinfusor shot ;o I don't think I understand the armor classes. Is there not just light/med/heavy anymore? Looked like there was about 8 or 9 or something different classes, but maybe those were just different loadouts?
Change always feels weird lol. I think all the guns look really well done.
There are still 3 armor types, and yes what you saw were just different loadouts. They have a description of how the loadout system works, but basically you can still change your weapons up. They also stated the whole loadout concept isn't even set in stone yet. I haven't tried it so I can't say much on it, but if it sucks I'm sure they won't hesitate to go back to the old concept.
On August 06 2011 02:10 ProjectVirtue wrote: it should still be 3 armor classes, it was probably just their dumb loadout system that you saw.
I was expecting the gameplay to be more between T1 and T2, but this feels a lot slower than T2 to me. also, it seems they have a lot more weapons that travel fast. The giant minigun thing worries me, feels like it gives heavies too much of an anti light boost that they didn't have before.
Keep in mind that the game hasn't hit beta yet, so a lot of things can be changed still. Also, these were just random people trying out T:A. Tribes has an insane learning curve when it comes to skiing so what you saw would be like watching a demo of bronze or silver league 1v1. Get a veteran capper on there doing cap routes and I'm sure you could easily triple the speed. I mean, I didn't see any impressive ski attempts, and the one video where the guy tried to cap by getting speed from the top of the closest mountain missed completely.. so yeah I wouldn't judge it based on who was playing. If you think about it, they still managed to get some decent speed for such basic skiing.
At this stage, all I'm worried about are: how it looks visually, do the projectiles fire similar to the old games (discs mainly lol), does the movement look the same and does skiing look promising. From the video I have to say it looks very promising. They stated one of the biggest challenges was getting skiing to work on the engine they were using, so I'm sure a lot of time was spent on that as they knew it was a critical part of the game.
The guns and some reloading animations literally take up half the screen >___> That absolutely has to get fixed. I've read some feedback from a few Tribes vets who played it who say that the skiing physics feel pretty similar to tribes vengeance more so than T1 or T2. Hi-Rez has also said though that they have been having a bit of trouble getting skiing to work on their engine and aren't done with it yet.
Hehe my friend, who works for HiRez, is the one that's commentating the vids above. Since they had such a positive experience at Quakecon they'll be dispatching him to the upcoming PAX event as well! I've seen him playing the Tribes beta a lot, as well as the MOBA they've been working on, over at a mutual friend's place. Both look extremely competitive and fun!
been signed up to the TA forums for a bit now so I thought I'd cross over some of what's happening there
1) there's a lot of dissent amongst the older tribes communities based on the changes being made in the game, particularly the fixed 2 weapons per player regardless of armor, players spawning in their loadout gear instead of a 'naked' form (for non tribes vets, when you died in the old games you spawned in light armor with a basic set of weapons and no other gear, you had to visit an inventory station to get your chosen gear setup), maps having a solid boundary instead of a soft one and the amount of hitscan weapons in general
1.5: Current confirmed weapons are classic: Spinfusor grenade launcher mortar laser rifle (no longer uses energy) targeting laser (now syncs with the missile launcher as well)
New: heavy spinfusor arxbuster (3shot sticky grenade launcher featured in a lot of the vids) missile launcher heavy chaingun (not like the old chaingun) assault rifle SMG shotgun silenced pistol repeater pistol magnum pistol repair tool (may not actually be able to attack, but takes a weapon slot currently)
2) people who have played the game have been very positive, however, and generally been surprised at how well the system works, even veterans
3) the standard for loadouts seems to be a projectile weapon like a grenade launcher or spinfusor and a hitscan weapon like a pistol, SMG or chaingun. This is not universal, there are 2 known loadouts that have 2 hitscan weapons (sniper and infiltrator) and one that has two projectiles (a heavy with mortar and spinfusor). Size of weapons, reload animations, terrain being a bit too smooth and flat in the available maps and health regen, see below.
4) vehicles seem to be about the same as they were in T2, however most have been given a weapon if they didn't have one, or their weaponry has been slightly buffed. To counter this, there are no flares, and ground forces appear to have better anti armor options like a FaF missile launcher.
5) the game has a health regen system. After 10 seconds of taking no damage a player glows bright green and begins rapidly regenerating health (it takes about 5 seconds to full regenerate in light armor, about 20 in heavy). any damage knocks you out of this cycle. This seems to have replaced health packs as a mechanic
6) skiing is similar to tribes vengeance, holding down spacebar will make you frictionless, rather than the bunnyhop method of T1 and 2.
7) it appears that there are different power levels of the same weapon, for example a spinfusor carried by a heavy is more powerful than that carried by a light. the greenish spinfusor is the heavy version
8) one of the more interesting additions to the game is concussion grenades that not only bounce people around like they used to, but knock the flag off a carrier if they hit. These along with the mortar, sticky grenade launcher and bouncy GL offer alternate discjumping mechanisms.
9) currently two maps have been showcased, broadside and drydock, the former is a very small, face to face map, the latter is a medium open country map. This implies that larger maps will ship with the game than what has been seen in previews.
10) There are no plans to make game modes, maps or ladders pay2play. So far only loadouts and cosmetic items have been confirmed to be purchaseable with real money.
11) CTF is a given, but the designers confirm they want other game types either at launch or shortly thereafter. There will be options very similar to LoL for ranked pub matches, unranked pub matches and custom games. Custom games will allow the players to toggle options to make the game more like original tribes (no health regen, spawn out of loadouts, generators dying is worse etc)
It looks like they removed the "recall*" on the weapons like disc thrower? Or am I seeing this wrong?
*By "recall" I mean when u were moving down, the disc would shoot under the cursor, and if u would strafe up and and right, the disc would shoot up and right of cursor, which made it rly hard to aim (which I liked).
On August 12 2011 00:49 Tiwo wrote: It looks like they removed the "recall*" on the weapons like disc thrower? Or am I seeing this wrong?
*By "recall" I mean when u were moving down, the disc would shoot under the cursor, and if u would strafe up and and right, the disc would shoot up and right of cursor, which made it rly hard to aim (which I liked).
I think you're referring to inertia or transfer of momentum, or whatever you want to call it. But, yes, it doesn't appear to be in.
On August 12 2011 00:49 Tiwo wrote: It looks like they removed the "recall*" on the weapons like disc thrower? Or am I seeing this wrong?
*By "recall" I mean when u were moving down, the disc would shoot under the cursor, and if u would strafe up and and right, the disc would shoot up and right of cursor, which made it rly hard to aim (which I liked).
I think you're referring to inertia or transfer of momentum, or whatever you want to call it. But, yes, it doesn't appear to be in.
that seems a like a silly choice tbh. flying sideways and getting an MA was extremely difficult.
Any of you guys have experience with their new bullet weapons (if you've been to quakecon or w/e). The blaster had a pretty slow travel time back in T2, with the addition of a shotgun, SMG, bullet pistols, their addition worries me quite a bit and gives CQC too big of a push in the wrong direction.
And if the above point is true, then i suppose i'll likely spend a lot of time in custom games. Regening health doesn't belong in tribes. Dedicated engineers with repair packs, setting up turrets and deployable invo's were extremely important in T2. This scares me that we can have a line of regening heavies throwing mortars over the hills.
Also, did anybody see the new shrike? It honestly looks OP in every way possible. Shoots giant aoe exploding shells now, 3 shells to kill somebody, whereas before you'd need quite a few of the bullets. The piloting system is also extremely simplified now. I understand some people are addicted to vehicles in their games but this simply makes the shrike too easy for too much profit compared to before =\
as a long time tribes player played both T1 and T2 competitively the maps look like ass and nothing like T1 T2 they are way too flat. They need way bigger hills like in T1 and T2 seems like cappers are going to have a hell of a time making cap routes. looks like a vengeance rerun so not looking forward to it now
Having spoken to someone who was actually at quakecon (someone on my team for the 12v12 draft tourney) he said it was actually pretty good. He said the skiing felt a lot like T2C, and getting MAs was about as hard as T2C. He also said that the concussion grenades and grenades in general are really, really good. Also discs now have a ton of concussive force, so lofing/hofing is harder. He also said that bodyblocking is significantly more difficult.
Also for those whining about HP regen apparently there is a server flag that turns it off. Mission boundry is also solid. They're talking about making it bounce you more. They're also debating whether or not to have loadouts be disc+2 weapons.