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Liquid blue has completed Evoltution and now looks like this.
Strength 1
Intelligence 6
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Ok heres how it works. This is our creature We will call him...
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Poopfeast420 (271)
Bluethulhu (114)
Wolfgang (24)
xXx1337BloBK1ll@99xXx (9)
xXxBloBVVaRRioR99xXx (6)
1028 total votes
Your vote: Blues name
(Vote): Liquid'Blue
(Vote): Bluethulhu
(Vote): Wolfgang
(Vote): Poopfeast420
(Vote): xXxBloBVVaRRioR99xXx
(Vote): xXx1337BloBK1ll@99xXx
It is a single cell organism right now but each day I will post a poll and everyone votes on what the creature does next. It can evolve or use its environment around it to do whatever you guys can think up. The creature will also Come in contact with other creatures (sometimes these creatures will be from other forums. How those creatures react to our blue creature will be decided by the other forum its from) and how our creature will react to it will be decided by you guys. and updated by me every day.
You will have the following options when you encounter a creature.
Try to fight it ( if it doesnt defend it will lose a limb.. if it defends it does nothing.)
Try to defend against it ( any attacks it launches do nothing )
Try to eat it (will only work if it has 0 limbs)
Try to communicate with it ( can attempt to send a message to other creature)
Try to Mate with it ( can attempt to produce offspring with creature. wont work if rival creature attacks trys to eat you or defends Results are sure to be win dont worry.)
Try to Run
you will also have the following options every day
You can also choose to
Try to Evolve a limb (gains perks)
Try to Evolve intelligence (Intelligence +1 gives your creature more information about the world around it and any rival creatures it encounters for each point it has)
Try to Evolve Size/Strength (strength +1 Damages 1 limb for every point it has in strength per attack)
Try to explore (Random encounter will be RNG'd)
But be careful cause if there are other creatures around that decide to attack while your not defending or attacking your creature will be negatively effected. (getting attacked or eaten without defending vrs a monster will result in loss of limbs If your creature ever loses all its limbs it can be killed by an attack and eaten.)
Day 1. Creature name = Blue
Strength 0
Intelligence 0
limbs 0
So our little blue blob of primordial goo was just sitting around doing goo stuff when he noticed he wasnt alone.
how does our blue creature react to the red creature?
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Try to eat it (196)
Try to evolve intelligence (101)
Try to communicate with it (44)
Try to fight it (40)
Try to evolve a limb (39)
Try to go somewhere else/run (25)
Try to evolve Size/Strength (21)
Try to explore (16)
Try to defend against it (9)
855 total votes
Your vote: Day 1 blue creature encounters a strange red creature..
(Vote): Try to fight it
(Vote): Try to defend against it
(Vote): Try to eat it
(Vote): Try to communicate with it
(Vote): Try to Mate with it
(Vote): Try to go somewhere else/run
(Vote): Try to evolve a limb
(Vote): Try to evolve intelligence
(Vote): Try to evolve Size/Strength
(Vote): Try to explore
The red creature has decided to use its turn and try to evolve a limb. oblivious to the lustful squiggles of its neighborly blob.
After alot of strange noises our creature has merged with the red creature unfortunately for the red cell it was too busy evolving limbs to put up a fight.
shocking footage provided by mr.wiggles how he got a camera that small???
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blue creature now looks like this
Strength 0
Intelligence 0
So our little blob has a limb now. And its been sexually satisfied. But if it doesnt eat something soon IT MIGHT DIE.
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Our creature has decided to evolve eyes to help him see and also started to stand up with a more upright posture in an attempt to get hot blob chicks to give him their numbers at the bars on friday nights. (+1 int). With his new eyes he decides to take a look around and see what is in his area.
Day 3
Strength 0
Intelligence 1
Our creature looked around with his new eyes and found a yellow blob that strikingly resembles a lemonwalrus.
Our creature will have to make a new decision. Will he attack this little lemon blob or perhaps make it a snack. Or maybe perhaps the lemonblob can teach our little blue creature how to make love the right way all night long on a microcellular level.
So our creature decided to eat the poor defenseless lemon blob despit its best attempts to turn it on. The lemon blob was thrusting its hips and weting its blob lips but our blue creature wanted nothing but a quick bite to eat.
Vote what the creature does.
Strength 0
Intelligence 1
Ok so Our creature has decided to grow a limb. And with its newfound Intelligence It has realized that it has basically been walking on its face for the last million years and decided to Give himself a proper set of legs.
What does our blue guy do now?
HOLY SHIT it grew another (slightly less intelligent) HEAD.
Day 5
Strength 1
Intelligence 2
Ok so our little creature was tired of getting sand kicked in his face on the beach when hes trying to get his mac on with the lady blobs so he pumped some iron. and he got big and shit. He also got spikier for some reason. But who cares. His extreme intelligence seems to be emitting more and more psionic waves of energy from his head the bigger and more intelligent he gets.
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Night 5
Ok it ran into a new monster while it was out looking for a volcano or some shit ( what???). This one looks pretty shady..Those red tipped spikes probably are not for mating JUST SAYING..
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mate with it (358)
Try to communicate with it (131)
eat it (17)
evolve intel (8)
Try to go somewhere else/run (6)
evolve limb (5)
evolve strength (3)
948 total votes
Your vote: whats our creature do
(Vote): attack it
(Vote): mate with it
(Vote): evolve intel
(Vote): Try to communicate with it
(Vote): evolve strength
(Vote): Try to go somewhere else/run
(Vote): evolve limb
(Vote): eat it
Day 6
Strength 1
Intelligence 2
Ok so the evil red creatures weak limbs and tiny brain was no match for our creatures strength and intelligence. altho our creature contemplated briefly the idea of trying to communicating with it and making it its sex slave. It promptly psy blasted it to death instead when it got spiked while humping it. we will assume it ate and used its remains. and apparently fastened some kind of blob beater and a helmet for the not so intelligent head because its always falling down and shit
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Night 6
Our creature has +1 intel and transcended the need for legs. he now floats around with his psychic powers clubbing blobs. His second head has put a little bit of that extra power to use and seems to have smartened up a bit..
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Strength 1
Intelligence 4
+1 Intel. What a boss
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Strength 1
Intelligence 4
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Ok so our blue guy flew up in the air and started aggressively launching LASER BLASTS OF EXPLOSIVE PSI ENERGY. But it doesnt seem to be killing them. Only splitting them into smaller more angrier swamp blobs.
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So the mighty Liquid Blue, upon realising that it’s psyonic attacks were ineffective against the green army marching closer decided, between it’s three heads, there was only a single course of action. Mating had saved it before and mating will save it again. Summoning all the power it could muster between it’s three hyper-intelligent brains, emitted a powerful, psychic aphrodisiac to the dim-witted hordes of green monsters. Using this powerful effect (And a few enticing wiggles) Liquid Blue mated with each swamp monster in turn. After this exhausting task was complete Liquid Blue realised it could hear dozens of chattering voices. The Green blob hive mind had been absorbed!!!
Liquid Blue has merged with the Green blob hive mind and as a result is now surrounded by a psychic aura of sex energy!
+1 Intel
Liquid Blue has gained +1 intellect, granting mind reading powers, is better at mating and will forever be sexually satisfied by his psychic sex minions
Our blob has gained intelligence and with it, a newfound ability to read some other blobs minds! This means our blob can now predict what other blobs will do. The amount of concentration this takes is exhausting however, so this incredible talent must be used sparingly. Also, Thanks to our blobs ridiculous lustful need to mate with everything (At least we didn’t fornicate with an inanimate object!) it has had sex with every minion. Having 8 former lovers in its head 24/7 means our blob’s sexual prowess has definitely increased.
Finally, our blob no longer needs to be sexually satisfied (8 Sex slaves will do that to you). Of course he will still mate with other stuff for shits and giggles.
intel (215)
stre (155)
explore (79)
1010 total votes
Your vote: what next
day 9
The mighty, psionic, lustful beast that is Liquid Blue has decided to grow another limb! Our Blob’s psychic field has grown so strong it is beginning to slightly distort time and space and as a result has grown 2 strong horse legs!(Reality got fucked so 1=2 now. Cool eh?) Liquid Blue contemplates what has just happened; perhaps one day it will be powerful enough to control these distortions in time and space (and mathematics apparently) and enter other dimensions. Just thinking these thoughts gives our blob chills as it feels the presence of the ethereal realm. ‘Not much longer now’. Growing the limb wasn’t particularly exhausting but these fucking minions got so excited about it they wore our poor blob out with their incessant chatter. It retires to be ready for tomorrows decision.
explore (176)
strength (102)
limb (19)
805 total votes
Your vote: what now
Rival creatures
Other creatures
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I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To fight them is my real test
To mate them is my cause
I will travel across the net
Exploring far and wide
Each forum-blob to understand
The power that's inside
FORUM-BLOB (Gotta eat 'em all), it's you and me!
I know it's our destiny!
Forum-blob, ooohhh, you're my best friend,
In this ooze we must defend!
Forum-blob (Gotta eat 'em all), a heart so true!
Evolution will pull us through!
You teach me and I'll teach you
Forum-blob (Gotta eat 'em all), Gotta eat 'em all!
Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will grow you every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
FORUM-BLOB (Gotta eat 'em all), it's you and me!
I know it's our destiny!
Forum-blob, ooohhh, you're my best friend,
In this ooze we must defend!
Forum-blob (Gotta eat 'em all), a heart so true!
Evolution will pull us through!
You teach me and I'll teach you
Forum-blob (Gotta eat 'em all), Gotta eat 'em all!
Gotta eat 'em all... Gotta eat 'em all... Gotta eat 'em all... YEAAHHHHH
FORUM-BLOB (Gotta eat 'em all), it's you and me!
I know it's our destiny!
Forum-blob, ooohhh, you're my best friend,
In this ooze we must defend!
Forum-blob (Gotta eat 'em all), a heart so true!
Evolution will pull us through!
You teach me and I'll teach you
Forum-blob! Gotta eat 'em all! Gotta eat 'em all!