So since I've been about 3 or 4, I've had the same dream keep happening. It's quite rare, maybe every year or so, but it keeps coming back. I'm 22 now and still don't know what it means!
I used to live in a country town in Western Australia called Geraldton. The dream starts on the beach near where our house used to be. It's a beautiful, long beach and the water was generally calm. It was always deserted, but in the dream it's full of people.
A cartoon cat is sitting watching the people swim etc. Then this slapstick music starts and a cartoon dog appears, looking all happy. It starts chasing the cat. It keeps chasing it and chasing it and its about here that the dream is accompanied by an intense, unexplained feeling of fear.
The dog catches the cat just before it can reach the path that leads off the beach and eats the cat, swallows it in one gulp. Then the dog sits down on its haunches looking all happy. And I wake up sweating and shaken.
Anyone have any idea what this could mean? Feel free to talk about your wierd dreams as well!
I have weird recurring dreams as well. Last night I had a particularly odd one that I was thinking of making a blog about, but I cba anymore.
Well anyways, I'm always an elephant and I go around eating everyone. Last night I saw Chill, so I hoisted him into my mouth with my trunk, chewed him, and swallowed him. When I looked in front me me, Chill was still there. I ate him again, but he appeared in front of me again. I must have ate him a dozen times, but he kept on reappearing. Then I woke up and I was all confused.
you were a cat in your past life, and you got eaten by a dog, hence the feeling of fear during the chase. not 100% on this but y'know, im just winging it here.
Dude that sounds terrifying.Cartoon dogs, cats, slapstick music. Glad I'm not you bro. Good luck.
You my friend are getting inceptioned by people coming into your bedroom, creating a dream for you to think is real. You then wake up confused, try to figure out the answer until one day you decide to go back to that beach house in your dream. You see this cartoon dog and cat and now wonder if you are dreaming or you are living in real life. Dreamception.
Wow, that's pretty creepy. I get this one dream every time I have (and get better from) the fever. I'm like on the desert and then the ground is like paper. And I have to keep folding the paper. But as I continue to fold the paper, there's this weird feeling of fear and then sometimes I die? or the paper is folded too much? This is usually when I wake up and I'm sweating like crazy and my fever goes away. Never figured it out but I guess it's decent cause it means my fever is gone.
sounds like a general anxiety dream...
Bad news for you, it represents you as the cat and your death as the dog. You will die. Every day could be your last, so have some fun now as long as it lasts.
Nah, just kidding of course. It means nothing. It repeats because it was in some way a shocking dream for you and now you connect the memory of it with going to bed, so it appears again because you think about it when going to bed ("please, don't let me have this dream again").
Watch a nice movie or listen to some music when going to bed, should get rid of it.
I sometimes have some "light" (Husky/TotalBiscuit/Crota/Ahnaris/...) SC2 casts on with my PC set to shutdown in 1 hour (cmd.exe => shutdown /s /t 3600) and TV set to sleep around the same time. Now i dream of getting crushed by some pro in SC2 all the time... still beats the wierd, scary dreams :p
Take it with a grain of salt though, i'm not a psychologist.
On August 01 2011 16:31 disco wrote: Dude that sounds terrifying.Cartoon dogs, cats, slapstick music. Glad I'm not you bro. Good luck. LOL
On topic: Dude I have recurring dreams about my Uncle who killed himself. Have dreams with him often where the dream is just going on different stories but always has the same scene of me seeing him being like OMGAWD your alive but not acting likes its amazing usually me saying Your alive? Him saying tehy were hiding him. Then me saying you want to talk to me about something important! and he's like yes. And BAM Done. Really weird I don't think about what happened much in real life but it still weird.
Not much help for you OP other than its just the norm.
On August 01 2011 15:54 Chairman Ray wrote: I have weird recurring dreams as well. Last night I had a particularly odd one that I was thinking of making a blog about, but I cba anymore.
Well anyways, I'm always an elephant and I go around eating everyone. Last night I saw Chill, so I hoisted him into my mouth with my trunk, chewed him, and swallowed him. When I looked in front me me, Chill was still there. I ate him again, but he appeared in front of me again. I must have ate him a dozen times, but he kept on reappearing. Then I woke up and I was all confused. I've never pictured elephants rampaging around eating people before, ce bizarre! Chill being unkillable doesn't surprise me though
On August 01 2011 16:16 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sounds like Garfield? :D Garfield doesn't get eaten by dogs, he's too busy tricking them! Nice username btw
On August 01 2011 19:01 Morfildur wrote: Bad news for you, it represents you as the cat and your death as the dog. You will die. Every day could be your last, so have some fun now as long as it lasts.
Nah, just kidding of course. It means nothing. It repeats because it was in some way a shocking dream for you and now you connect the memory of it with going to bed, so it appears again because you think about it when going to bed ("please, don't let me have this dream again").
Watch a nice movie or listen to some music when going to bed, should get rid of it.
I sometimes have some "light" (Husky/TotalBiscuit/Crota/Ahnaris/...) SC2 casts on with my PC set to shutdown in 1 hour (cmd.exe => shutdown /s /t 3600) and TV set to sleep around the same time. Now i dream of getting crushed by some pro in SC2 all the time... still beats the wierd, scary dreams :p
Take it with a grain of salt though, i'm not a psychologist. Lol thanks Professor Trelawney
The thing is it doesn't happen often. I'm not worried about it it's not affecting my sleep or anything. I generally forget all about it a couple of days after and only remember when it happens again. I'm just interested in what it could mean!
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On August 01 2011 16:31 disco wrote: Dude that sounds terrifying.Cartoon dogs, cats, slapstick music. Glad I'm not you bro. Good luck. I lol'd.