Whats your view of how time travel would have to work if it is possible? I found a video on youtube some time ago that fits pretty well with my view of how those universes would have to work.
The view presented in the video of how time travel would have to work is the only one that makes sense to me. I dont like how time travel usualy works in TV-series and movies where people go back in time to save the future. Actualy my whole view of how time travel would have to work makes traveling back in time to change the universe you start out in impossible. I believe that if time travel is possible then there has to be an infinite number of universes each representing a possible history from the universes start until its end. I dont think you can change anything. You can only move back and forward in the "tree" and fold between the branches.
If you go back in time I dont believe you arrive in the universe you left in an earlier time since you never arrived at that time in that universe acording to history. Instead you arrive in a universe that is identical to the one you left up until the point where you arrive but in the universe where you arrive you arrive and its therefor not the same universe. Whatever changes you make to your universe will only affect the universe you are in now. The universe you originaly left wont be affected. I dont know if my view on timetravel is correct but its atleast the only one that makes sense to me and contains no paradoxes.
The butterfly effect is an example of a movie with time travel. My interpretation of the movie using my view of time travel is him folding between different parallel universes(branches of the same universe). The differance between the universes is some event earlier in history played out differently. He ends up moving to a universe where he is dead. This ofcourse doesnt change anything in the universes he visited before he took his life.
So in my view if time travel is possible for an expample people can arrive from the future now without later in the same universe leaving for the past and people can leave for the future or past without returning to the same universe. If anyone has a theory of how time travel would have to work to make all those "go back in time to save the future" -movies logical and still avoids the grandfather paradox then please tell me about it :p
(Sorry this OP is a bit of a mess. Just threw something togather xD I just want to get the discussion started and will explain/discuss further in the thread. Too tired to develop my points/explain further =p)
I actually think the more logical effect would be the non-parralell universe theory. If I went back in time, then im suddenly bound by fate. Whatever I do back in time, ive already done and therefore must have already happend to result in where I am today. If I go back in time and try to kill myself as a baby, im bound by fate to fail. I cant physically do it because I already know that I am alive. If it was in anyway possible to suceed, then I wouldnt be able to come back in the first place.
I dont see how that would work. Just the act of going back in time is bound to change something in the future. Your mass being where it is, the heat you radiate around you, people and animals seeing you, objects you interact with. Everything you do will change the future somehow. Only way I could imagine time travel working like that is if you upon arival automaticly enter some sort of spectate mode where you cant affect the universe in any way. And how exactly would I be prevented from killing my grandfather if im holding a gun to his head? Even if I do fail wouldnt the experience of almost being murdered change what my grandfather did in the future? etc.
If time travel is possible, then people would be visiting our time, which means the future already happened, we don't really have free will, but then they are changing the past but then that was what already happened to make time travel and everything else happen. So I have to wonder how come nobody from any point after now seems to be traveling to our time. IMO going to "parallel universes" is not really time travel, it's just travel.
Everything that you do in the past has already happened. You dont change a single thing if you go back in time, everything will end up playing out the way it already has. The effects you have on the past have already happened. You could try as much as possible to murder your grandfather in the past, but youve already tried, youve already failed before youve started. You know this because your alive. Maybe you do get a gun to your grandfathers head, he changes his life, the change that he makes to his life is most likely the reason you are alive.
To Luggy: I dont think time travel is possible. Viewing the past is possible if you could somehow direct the light on a really bloody long journey before reaching you, but physically sending matter back into time just doesnt work.
it's like some random fag rambling about penis sizes regarding dimensions.
let me sum this video up.
Child1: "Ok, I shot you kid you're dead" Child2: "No, because I have a shield that protects me from bullets that you shoot" Child1: "No, because I have a gun that destroys shields that block bullets that the gun that you thought I had use"
that continues to go on for infinity, but then there are more dimensions than infinity because of some other fucking bullshit reason that our universe has things higher than infinity or something
On November 08 2007 01:13 Fen wrote: I actually think the more logical effect would be the non-parralell universe theory. If I went back in time, then im suddenly bound by fate. Whatever I do back in time, ive already done and therefore must have already happend to result in where I am today. If I go back in time and try to kill myself as a baby, im bound by fate to fail. I cant physically do it because I already know that I am alive. If it was in anyway possible to suceed, then I wouldnt be able to come back in the first place.
And that would mean all time is predecided which I think makes any kind of time travel impossible
On November 08 2007 01:28 Fen wrote: Everything that you do in the past has already happened. You dont change a single thing if you go back in time, everything will end up playing out the way it already has. The effects you have on the past have already happened. You could try as much as possible to murder your grandfather in the past, but youve already tried, youve already failed before youve started. You know this because your alive. Maybe you do get a gun to your grandfathers head, he changes his life, the change that he makes to his life is most likely the reason you are alive.
So in your opinion the only time someone can travel to the past is if you have already arrived in the past before? You are then forced to travel to the past to fulfill your destiny of arriving in the past?
On November 08 2007 01:30 KrAzYfoOL wrote: I suggest you watch the documentary 'The First Time Machine' seeing as how intrigued you are by time travel.
On November 08 2007 01:28 lugggy wrote: If time travel is possible, then people would be visiting our time, which means the future already happened, we don't really have free will, but then they are changing the past but then that was what already happened to make time travel and everything else happen. So I have to wonder how come nobody from any point after now seems to be traveling to our time. IMO going to "parallel universes" is not really time travel, it's just travel.
who's to say that we aren't already being visited by people from the future.
why can't UFO's or something else be time travelers from the infinity+ dimension.
On November 08 2007 01:28 Fen wrote: Everything that you do in the past has already happened. You dont change a single thing if you go back in time, everything will end up playing out the way it already has. The effects you have on the past have already happened. You could try as much as possible to murder your grandfather in the past, but youve already tried, youve already failed before youve started. You know this because your alive. Maybe you do get a gun to your grandfathers head, he changes his life, the change that he makes to his life is most likely the reason you are alive.
So in your opinion the only time someone can travel to the past is if you have already arrived in the past before? You are then forced to travel to the past to fulfill your destiny of arriving in the past?
Yup, exactly. However I dont believe time travel to the past is possible. Time travel to the future is theoretically possible if you can go REALLLY fast, youd be able to arrive at your destination before the light emmitted by you leaving arrives. Therefore if you looked back, you could see yourself leaving. But then your still not really time travelling.
On November 08 2007 01:30 CrownRoyal wrote: this video is fucking retarded
it's like some random fag rambling about penis sizes regarding dimensions.
let me sum this video up.
Child1: "Ok, I shot you kid you're dead" Child2: "No, because I have a shield that protects me from bullets that you shoot" Child1: "No, because I have a gun that destroys shields that block bullets that the gun that you thought I had use"
that continues to go on for infinity, but then there are more dimensions than infinity because of some other fucking bullshit reason that our universe has things higher than infinity or something
What do you mean by this? The video clearly states we reach a dead end at the tenth dimension when infinity of time and universes has been reached.
This is an interesting topic. I was always curiously watching films / reading books that have something in connection with time traveling, 'cause this topic always puzzled me. And I like puzzles Anyway, the thing I suggest to read (a sci-fi) is Asimov's "Death of Eternity". I think the title is not 100% correct, as it is a mirror translation from the hungarian title... (A halhatatlanság halála).
On November 08 2007 01:28 Fen wrote: Everything that you do in the past has already happened. You dont change a single thing if you go back in time, everything will end up playing out the way it already has. The effects you have on the past have already happened. You could try as much as possible to murder your grandfather in the past, but youve already tried, youve already failed before youve started. You know this because your alive. Maybe you do get a gun to your grandfathers head, he changes his life, the change that he makes to his life is most likely the reason you are alive.
So in your opinion the only time someone can travel to the past is if you have already arrived in the past before? You are then forced to travel to the past to fulfill your destiny of arriving in the past?
Yup, exactly. However I dont believe time travel to the past is possible. Time travel to the future is theoretically possible if you can go REALLLY fast, youd be able to arrive at your destination before the light emmitted by you leaving arrives. Therefore if you looked back, you could see yourself leaving. But then your still not really time travelling.
Wait, I thought the fasted matter can go is at the speed of light. then it disintegrates or something :S?
On November 08 2007 01:28 lugggy wrote: If time travel is possible, then people would be visiting our time, which means the future already happened, we don't really have free will, but then they are changing the past but then that was what already happened to make time travel and everything else happen. So I have to wonder how come nobody from any point after now seems to be traveling to our time. IMO going to "parallel universes" is not really time travel, it's just travel.
who's to say that we aren't already being visited by people from the future.
why can't UFO's or something else be time travelers from the infinity+ dimension.
If they are really coming here it should be more apparent. We're talking about the entire remaining amount of time of life, a portion of it able to come here? There should be more Goobacks round here all I'm saying.
i'm sure someone has thought of this before but this is in my opinion why you cannot go forward in time or back in time by going "really fast"
To our knowledge the fastest anything can move is light, and it is the #1 speeddemon bigdaddy. knowing this I propose this.
Knowing that you must go halfway to an object to reach it you can never really reach your destination because you must always go halfway to get there and you can't go halfway and make it completely somewhere; You just keep halving forever. To make it to a destination you must actually exert effort enough to make it beyond your destination, at least a very very small bit.
knowing that there is no energy that can move faster than the speed of light, it is impossible to even attain the speed of light and thus moving "really fast" to beat the speed of light is impossible.