Greetings All, I'd like to begin this post with a simple statement. I am in no way good, least I do not believe to be nor do I say I am. I am simply a common Protoss player who takes month long hiatuses to the game. However, I'm beginning to return and am playing more games a day than I ever have. That being said I'd like some tips and pointers to TWO replays that I've posted. One is a Win and the other is a Loss. I do not want to say which is which to discourage or have the viewer enter the replay with an idea on how the outcome.
Therefore, my analysis of each replay will be vague, yet accurate...if that makes sense
The First Replay LINK FOUND HERE Protoss v Terran After discovering the BO or Strategy of Archon/Chargelot I wanted to try it out for myself. I began the game with the outcome in mind to pump out Zealots and tech to Archon/HT as quick as I could. While doing so I wanted to expand and keep an eye on my macro (i.e worker production, supply, and unspent minerals).
Critique Goals I am hoping to receive feedback on areas of my gameplay where I "slipped up" especially in supply block, BO timing, build placement, over/under extending, and or the general timings of my pushes. In addition any and all critique is helpful
Second Replay LINK FOUND HERE Protoss v Zerg The FFE has been a common BO to follow for PvZ for a long time yet I do not feel comfortable in my Building placement or execution of the BO. Here my plan was to expand early and tech to Immortals due to the majority of Zerg players (in my league) going Roach heavy. I wanted to try to use my units aggressively and acquire early map control and keep it (area I need to improve)
Critique Goals I am hoping for feedback on building placement, timings, strategical placement of units/buildings on map, and overall macro "slip ups". As stated before, any and all critique is good critique for me.
I find playing Starcraft enjoyable however I am looking for friends to play with, be it practice partners, people to chat with, or just hang out in the arcade. Please let me kow if you'd be interested in "being my friend" haha CC: 430 IGN: Insomnia
Cheers and I look forward to y'alls responses!
Thanks for all of your responses!!
Just keep practicing. As the adage goes: "More GG more skill.".
A build becomes comfortable from repetition, repetition, repetition. The first build I learnt when I wanted to get to Diamond league as Terran was the 1 Rax FE. I played this build every matchup no matter what and now I'ts burnt into my memory. Subsequently from doing this I got top 8 Diamond : ).
Some general tips:
Watch the pros - be it streaming, youtube or tournaments. Watch them very closely. The more you watch, the more you'll find your decision making in your games comes from things you watched. It builds your innate knowledge so you can use their experiences almost as your own.
Be your own coach. - unless your completely new to the game, like a bronze player, you should be able to watch your replays, look at the data and make a reasonable deduction as to why you lost. Asking people to do some critiquing on forums is being a little lazy. Sorry not meaning to be rude but that's the way I see it. You have a brain, use it!
NB: On that note, upload your replays to ggtracker.com. Beforehand create an account and login. After uploading some, click your name on the top right, and hit 'your stats and matches'. This is the data that shows your macro performance plus a plethora of other useful data; in particular spending skill and saturation speed are really insightful to your macro performance.
I consider myself a pretty average player, and everytime I lose I know why I lost. Sometimes it has nothing to do with macro or strategy or what have you.. sometimes my heart just isn't in it and I'm going through the motions of playing without that much needed 'grit' to win. Determination and the will to win supersede everything else, unless your macro is at bronze level, then, doesn't matter how hard you fight you'll just die. lol.
I hope this helps. I'm not meaning to troll when I say this but: Probes and pylons.
If, and only if, you are platinum league and above, will I consider being a practice partner as any Protoss who knows what they are doing I have a hard time against.
*EDIT* Watch some tutorial videos in particular, Shaun 'Apollo' Clark put some tutorial videos last year on youtube for all races, including Protoss. Dated they may be, the fundamentals are there, you should check them out.
Good luck!
User was warned for this post for not watching replay
do not be a bitch dood :D
watching your first replay, you had a nice start, not getting supply blocked, making workers, but you do not spend your money. minute 7 and you have 1200 minerals. also, no scouting after you lost your first probe. playing blind is never a good option for a new player.
build order is odd. if you go for mass gate with upgrades, you have no detection. so you should plant cannons behind your naturals.
EDIT: my ISDN connection ruined my whole post
the short version is:
you are good at making probes and making money, but your spending is lazy. going upgraded ground units vs terran is not enough, you have got to have splash (either high templars or collosus).
make robo bay and scout. you did not scout until 15 minutes in the game, and there you were 2 base vs 4 base.
scout more and adapt your build order better.
United States4883 Posts
On December 30 2013 07:56 Dan26 wrote: Just keep practicing. As the adage goes: "More GG more skill.".
A build becomes comfortable from repetition, repetition, repetition. The first build I learnt when I wanted to get to Diamond league as Terran was the 1 Rax FE. I played this build every matchup no matter what and now I'ts burnt into my memory. Subsequently from doing this I got top 8 Diamond : ).
Some general tips:
Watch the pros - be it streaming, youtube or tournaments. Watch them very closely. The more you watch, the more you'll find your decision making in your games comes from things you watched. It builds your innate knowledge so you can use their experiences almost as your own.
Be your own coach. - unless your completely new to the game, like a bronze player, you should be able to watch your replays, look at the data and make a reasonable deduction as to why you lost. Asking people to do some critiquing on forums is being a little lazy. Sorry not meaning to be rude but that's the way I see it. You have a brain, use it!
NB: On that note, upload your replays to ggtracker.com. Beforehand create an account and login. After uploading some, click your name on the top right, and hit 'your stats and matches'. This is the data that shows your macro performance plus a plethora of other useful data; in particular spending skill and saturation speed are really insightful to your macro performance.
I consider myself a pretty average player, and everytime I lose I know why I lost. Sometimes it has nothing to do with macro or strategy or what have you.. sometimes my heart just isn't in it and I'm going through the motions of playing without that much needed 'grit' to win. Determination and the will to win supersede everything else, unless your macro is at bronze level, then, doesn't matter how hard you fight you'll just die. lol.
I hope this helps. I'm not meaning to troll when I say this but: Probes and pylons.
If, and only if, you are platinum league and above, will I consider being a practice partner as any Protoss who knows what they are doing I have a hard time against.
*EDIT* Watch some tutorial videos in particular, Shaun 'Apollo' Clark put some tutorial videos last year on youtube for all races, including Protoss. Dated they may be, the fundamentals are there, you should check them out.
Good luck!
From Forum Rules:
- Before responding, YOU MUST WATCH THE REPLAY. Too many times, people give generic advice without watching the replay which doesn't apply at all to the specific game in question.
- Be respectful in your response and remember Rule No 1.
- Be respectful as the original poster of the opinions people give you – you came here looking for help. If you disagree with a reply, cite examples or give some sort of analysis supporting why you disagree.
First replay:
1. Don't be so focused on controlling your probe scout that you forget basic things. The only thing you actually need to do with the initial probe scout is check the main base for gas/early pool, then go down to the natural and block the hatchery.
2. Work on your wall. You should be able to wall across with forge/gateway/slight gap/pylon. Check to OP of the Protoss Help Me Thread if you need some examples of walloffs. What you have in this replay is not a walloff. PvZ Walloffs
3. SPEND YOUR CHRONOBOOST. Chronoboost is a free resource that allows you to make more money, USE IT. At 5:00, you have almost 5 chronoboost stored up, which is equivalent to an extra ~7 probes that could be mining. As a sidenote, use your chronoboost more intelligently. Come into the game with a plan. For instance, if you want to do a warpgate rush after expanding, you would use all your chronoboost on probes until the cyber core finishes, then spend all chronoboost on warpgate. In addition, you would also want to make sure you plant your gateways and a proxy pylon so that all of them finish at the same time as warp gate. THINK about these things. If you're not going to attack with warp gates, what is the point of rushing them? The chronoboost would be better spent on probes.
4. 3 on each gas; there's reason to do 2 on 2 with a FFE. If you're having trouble with your mineral income, it's because you're not using chronoboost and thus missing a bunch of probes.
5. Not much else to say about this game. If you want to rush zealot/archon, then actually rush it. Spend all of your chronoboost on probes until you're fully saturated while going gateway -> core -> twilight -> templar archives off of only 1 gate. Don't make any units other than a zealot or stalker and a sentry to guard the wall. When your templar archives and charge are finishing, THEN you make ~7 gateways and attack. Just try doing something like this 10 times in a row. If you notice you keep dying to a particular attack, see if you can make a very slight adjustment in your scouting or build to not die (i.e., something like "If my opponent doesn't take a natural hatchery, I will add 2 more cannons to my wall to deal with a roach or speedling allin").
I'll get to the second game later this evening, don't have time right now. I'm fairly certain I'll say the same things again though: Make probes, use chronoboost, and go into the game with a plan.
On December 31 2013 05:03 SC2John wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2013 07:56 Dan26 wrote: Just keep practicing. As the adage goes: "More GG more skill.".
A build becomes comfortable from repetition, repetition, repetition. The first build I learnt when I wanted to get to Diamond league as Terran was the 1 Rax FE. I played this build every matchup no matter what and now I'ts burnt into my memory. Subsequently from doing this I got top 8 Diamond : ).
Some general tips:
Watch the pros - be it streaming, youtube or tournaments. Watch them very closely. The more you watch, the more you'll find your decision making in your games comes from things you watched. It builds your innate knowledge so you can use their experiences almost as your own.
Be your own coach. - unless your completely new to the game, like a bronze player, you should be able to watch your replays, look at the data and make a reasonable deduction as to why you lost. Asking people to do some critiquing on forums is being a little lazy. Sorry not meaning to be rude but that's the way I see it. You have a brain, use it!
NB: On that note, upload your replays to ggtracker.com. Beforehand create an account and login. After uploading some, click your name on the top right, and hit 'your stats and matches'. This is the data that shows your macro performance plus a plethora of other useful data; in particular spending skill and saturation speed are really insightful to your macro performance.
I consider myself a pretty average player, and everytime I lose I know why I lost. Sometimes it has nothing to do with macro or strategy or what have you.. sometimes my heart just isn't in it and I'm going through the motions of playing without that much needed 'grit' to win. Determination and the will to win supersede everything else, unless your macro is at bronze level, then, doesn't matter how hard you fight you'll just die. lol.
I hope this helps. I'm not meaning to troll when I say this but: Probes and pylons.
If, and only if, you are platinum league and above, will I consider being a practice partner as any Protoss who knows what they are doing I have a hard time against.
*EDIT* Watch some tutorial videos in particular, Shaun 'Apollo' Clark put some tutorial videos last year on youtube for all races, including Protoss. Dated they may be, the fundamentals are there, you should check them out.
Good luck!
From Forum Rules: Show nested quote +- Before responding, YOU MUST WATCH THE REPLAY. Too many times, people give generic advice without watching the replay which doesn't apply at all to the specific game in question.
- Be respectful in your response and remember Rule No 1.
- Be respectful as the original poster of the opinions people give you – you came here looking for help. If you disagree with a reply, cite examples or give some sort of analysis supporting why you disagree.
First replay:1. Don't be so focused on controlling your probe scout that you forget basic things. The only thing you actually need to do with the initial probe scout is check the main base for gas/early pool, then go down to the natural and block the hatchery. 2. Work on your wall. You should be able to wall across with forge/gateway/slight gap/pylon. Check to OP of the Protoss Help Me Thread if you need some examples of walloffs. What you have in this replay is not a walloff. PvZ Walloffs3. SPEND YOUR CHRONOBOOST. Chronoboost is a free resource that allows you to make more money, USE IT. At 5:00, you have almost 5 chronoboost stored up, which is equivalent to an extra ~7 probes that could be mining. As a sidenote, use your chronoboost more intelligently. Come into the game with a plan. For instance, if you want to do a warpgate rush after expanding, you would use all your chronoboost on probes until the cyber core finishes, then spend all chronoboost on warpgate. In addition, you would also want to make sure you plant your gateways and a proxy pylon so that all of them finish at the same time as warp gate. THINK about these things. If you're not going to attack with warp gates, what is the point of rushing them? The chronoboost would be better spent on probes. 4. 3 on each gas; there's reason to do 2 on 2 with a FFE. If you're having trouble with your mineral income, it's because you're not using chronoboost and thus missing a bunch of probes. 5. Not much else to say about this game. If you want to rush zealot/archon, then actually rush it. Spend all of your chronoboost on probes until you're fully saturated while going gateway -> core -> twilight -> templar archives off of only 1 gate. Don't make any units other than a zealot or stalker and a sentry to guard the wall. When your templar archives and charge are finishing, THEN you make ~7 gateways and attack. Just try doing something like this 10 times in a row. If you notice you keep dying to a particular attack, see if you can make a very slight adjustment in your scouting or build to not die (i.e., something like "If my opponent doesn't take a natural hatchery, I will add 2 more cannons to my wall to deal with a roach or speedling allin"). I'll get to the second game later this evening, don't have time right now. I'm fairly certain I'll say the same things again though: Make probes, use chronoboost, and go into the game with a plan.
The first replay showed a Terran vs Protoss not a Zerg vs Protoss... and he isn't rushing Chargelot Archon versus Zerg, he is doing it versus Terran. He said he wants to do Immortals versus Zerg. So your post doesn't make a lot of sense.
I suppose you should add read the initial post before responding to the forum rules since what you said doesn't apply to the specific game in question.
On to first replay:
- You lost 3 Probes to the Reaper, that is too many, work on positioning your MSC and Stalker better to deny the Reaper kills. Also move Probes away from the Reaper so it doesn't finish them.
- At the 9 minute mark you had over 1000 minerals and 500 gas. You need to spend your money better. You did a pretty nice job keeping up with Probe production, but you weren't using chronoboost. Get more Gates and your Forges earlier and get them upgrading!
- The Widow Mine drop did too much damage. You went from a nice worker lead to behind and lost too much mining time. I like to get an early Sentry when doing a Double Forge early style for the Hallucinated Phoenix for scouting, and if I scout something like that, I'll put a cannon on the mineral lines. Also, send 1 Probe in to die to the Widow Mine, then resume mining until the Widow Mine is ready to fire again, then pull all off but one and let it die and rinse and repeat until you have detection.
- The fight ~14:00 minutes was a disaster. You really shouldn't be moving at that point anyway, you should have lost the game right there. You're just getting Templar tech and had none in your army, and 2/2 was half done, and your army was too small so it got caught and beat up. A better Terran would have killed you there.
- Your resources and chronoboost went ballistic by the 20 minute mark (3200 minerals, 1800 gas), and you had a ton of idle workers sitting in your main. At that point, you had the game won because your opponent went mostly Marauder against Zealot-Archon, didn't build Bunkers, and didn't have Ghosts. You really have two choices for late, either throw down way more Gateways and all-in, or throw down a third, saturate it, and then build more infrastructure and transition to Colossus. Either way you've got to keep those resources down and spend that chronoboost.
Hi, I had a quick look through the second replay vs Zerg.
You went FFE and did not focus on CB that Nexus. FFE is an econ focused early build trading tech and army for econ in the early game. Maximise putting those probes out fast (your probe production was generally decent, though. It would be much better with good CB usage). Secondly, it is good that you scout at 9. But, if so, there is no necessity to go Forge first if you see he is going Hatch first (unless you intend to cannon rush - which I don't think you are); especially on a two player map. Go Nexus first and strengthen your economy. Thirdly your sim-city needs work. I get the idea of using the Nexus as part of your wall, but you left the gases exposed and gave his lings a path into your main. It is a bad idea.
Here is an example of a good, more standard, sim city on Belshir: http://i.imgur.com/9bK3f1y.jpg
Screenshots of FFE on other maps: http://imgur.com/a/UJ9hc#0
Looking at your build you did not seem to have a plan for what you were going to do. You built a forge and some gates then made a half-hearted late move out to the Zerg third with some Zealots and Stalkers, and did not try to take a third. Also you were teching Charge and Templar tech against a Roach heavy army which is not optimal (where were the Immortals/Colossi?). Have a basic plan. Such as, I am going to forge fast expand and push at the Zerg's third with +1 Zealots and 4 gates while dropping a Robo and saturating my natural. I will then scout the Zerg's tech and (maybe) make Immortals and take my third. I will then make Colossus and push at 200/200. Other plans are to all-in or take a fast third and tech, tech, tech etc.
Have a plan. It will help. 
As to getting practice partners, see this thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=427331
I imagine a new one should be up for the first 2014 season. Look for people you think would be good, add them and play.
Edit/ Damn it, I see SC2John already raised many of the above points. Oh well.
United States4883 Posts
On January 02 2014 03:57 BronzeKnee wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2013 05:03 SC2John wrote:On December 30 2013 07:56 Dan26 wrote: Just keep practicing. As the adage goes: "More GG more skill.".
A build becomes comfortable from repetition, repetition, repetition. The first build I learnt when I wanted to get to Diamond league as Terran was the 1 Rax FE. I played this build every matchup no matter what and now I'ts burnt into my memory. Subsequently from doing this I got top 8 Diamond : ).
Some general tips:
Watch the pros - be it streaming, youtube or tournaments. Watch them very closely. The more you watch, the more you'll find your decision making in your games comes from things you watched. It builds your innate knowledge so you can use their experiences almost as your own.
Be your own coach. - unless your completely new to the game, like a bronze player, you should be able to watch your replays, look at the data and make a reasonable deduction as to why you lost. Asking people to do some critiquing on forums is being a little lazy. Sorry not meaning to be rude but that's the way I see it. You have a brain, use it!
NB: On that note, upload your replays to ggtracker.com. Beforehand create an account and login. After uploading some, click your name on the top right, and hit 'your stats and matches'. This is the data that shows your macro performance plus a plethora of other useful data; in particular spending skill and saturation speed are really insightful to your macro performance.
I consider myself a pretty average player, and everytime I lose I know why I lost. Sometimes it has nothing to do with macro or strategy or what have you.. sometimes my heart just isn't in it and I'm going through the motions of playing without that much needed 'grit' to win. Determination and the will to win supersede everything else, unless your macro is at bronze level, then, doesn't matter how hard you fight you'll just die. lol.
I hope this helps. I'm not meaning to troll when I say this but: Probes and pylons.
If, and only if, you are platinum league and above, will I consider being a practice partner as any Protoss who knows what they are doing I have a hard time against.
*EDIT* Watch some tutorial videos in particular, Shaun 'Apollo' Clark put some tutorial videos last year on youtube for all races, including Protoss. Dated they may be, the fundamentals are there, you should check them out.
Good luck!
From Forum Rules: - Before responding, YOU MUST WATCH THE REPLAY. Too many times, people give generic advice without watching the replay which doesn't apply at all to the specific game in question.
- Be respectful in your response and remember Rule No 1.
- Be respectful as the original poster of the opinions people give you – you came here looking for help. If you disagree with a reply, cite examples or give some sort of analysis supporting why you disagree.
First replay:1. Don't be so focused on controlling your probe scout that you forget basic things. The only thing you actually need to do with the initial probe scout is check the main base for gas/early pool, then go down to the natural and block the hatchery. 2. Work on your wall. You should be able to wall across with forge/gateway/slight gap/pylon. Check to OP of the Protoss Help Me Thread if you need some examples of walloffs. What you have in this replay is not a walloff. PvZ Walloffs3. SPEND YOUR CHRONOBOOST. Chronoboost is a free resource that allows you to make more money, USE IT. At 5:00, you have almost 5 chronoboost stored up, which is equivalent to an extra ~7 probes that could be mining. As a sidenote, use your chronoboost more intelligently. Come into the game with a plan. For instance, if you want to do a warpgate rush after expanding, you would use all your chronoboost on probes until the cyber core finishes, then spend all chronoboost on warpgate. In addition, you would also want to make sure you plant your gateways and a proxy pylon so that all of them finish at the same time as warp gate. THINK about these things. If you're not going to attack with warp gates, what is the point of rushing them? The chronoboost would be better spent on probes. 4. 3 on each gas; there's reason to do 2 on 2 with a FFE. If you're having trouble with your mineral income, it's because you're not using chronoboost and thus missing a bunch of probes. 5. Not much else to say about this game. If you want to rush zealot/archon, then actually rush it. Spend all of your chronoboost on probes until you're fully saturated while going gateway -> core -> twilight -> templar archives off of only 1 gate. Don't make any units other than a zealot or stalker and a sentry to guard the wall. When your templar archives and charge are finishing, THEN you make ~7 gateways and attack. Just try doing something like this 10 times in a row. If you notice you keep dying to a particular attack, see if you can make a very slight adjustment in your scouting or build to not die (i.e., something like "If my opponent doesn't take a natural hatchery, I will add 2 more cannons to my wall to deal with a roach or speedling allin"). I'll get to the second game later this evening, don't have time right now. I'm fairly certain I'll say the same things again though: Make probes, use chronoboost, and go into the game with a plan. The first replay showed a Terran vs Protoss not a Zerg vs Protoss... and he isn't rushing Chargelot Archon versus Zerg, he is doing it versus Terran. He said he wants to do Immortals versus Zerg. So your post doesn't make a lot of sense. I suppose you should add read the initial post before responding to the forum rules since what you said doesn't apply to the specific game in question. On to first replay: - You lost 3 Probes to the Reaper, that is too many, work on positioning your MSC and Stalker better to deny the Reaper kills. Also move Probes away from the Reaper so it doesn't finish them. - At the 9 minute mark you had over 1000 minerals and 500 gas. You need to spend your money better. You did a pretty nice job keeping up with Probe production, but you weren't use chronoboost. Get more Gates and your Forges earlier and get them upgrading! - The Widow Mine drop did too much damage. You went from a nice worker lead to behind and lost too much mining time. I like to get an early Sentry when doing a Double Forge early style for the Hallucinated Phoenix for scouting, and if I scout something like that, I'll put a cannon on the mineral lines. Also, send 1 Probe in to die to the Widow Mine, then resume mining until the Widow Mine is ready to fire again, then pull all off but one and let it die and rinse and repeat until you have detection. - The fight ~14:00 minutes was a disaster. You really shouldn't be moving at that point anyway, you should have lost the game right there. You're just getting Templar tech and had none in your army, and 2/2 was half done, and your army was too small so it go caught and beat up. A better Terran would have killed you there. - Your resources and chornoboost went ballistic by the 20 minute mark (3200 minerals, 1800 gas), and you had a ton of idle workers sitting in your main. At that point, you had the game won because your opponent went mostly marauder against Zealot-Archon, didn't build Bunkers, and didn't have Ghosts. You really have two choices for late, either throw down way more Gateways and all-in, or throw down a third, saturate it, and then build more infrastructure and transition to Colossus. Either way you've got to keep those resources down and spend that chronoboost.
Don't be a goober. I opened up the first item queued in Chrome (which, I guess, was the second game) and accidentally misread the OP. As such, most of the post still makes sense, the only thing wrong being the final point. I'll watch the next replay later tonight and give further feedback. Again, don't be a goober :p.
Also, shoutout to aZealot for being on point! 
Second Replay (PvT):
1. You look like you have a good grasp on basic build orders (up until ~25 supply), but overall your play is lacking a plan. Give yourself a direction, something such as:
- I want to safely expand so I'll get a MSC and make stalkers out of my gateway constantly,
- I want to get a strong economy going while teching to zealot/archon
- I want to attack with zealot/archon off of 2 bases to secure my third
- Once I get my third, I'll transition into colossus
2. Use your chronoboost to achieve each step! For instance, in the first step I laid out, you want to have a MSC and stalkers for defense, so you would dump all your chronoboost into that. In the second step you spend all of your chronoboost into your economy (probes), etc. Make sense? Chronoboost is a little more difficult than creep spread/injects/MULEs in that you really need to think about HOW you're going to use it. (You get a little better about this as the game goes on; just remember to spend it and spent it intelligently).
3. One of the most important things about playing is repetition and doing almost the same thing over and over again. In this game, you got fucked over pretty hard by the mine drops and it really delayed your first push. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you need to do anything drastically different; you already had the forges for cannons, so just note the timing and see if you can scout for the mine drops in the future. If you see them, you can put down cannons. This may not be the best solution in the long run; you may have to get observers first. Whatever. Make sure you play with a very minor adjustments from game to game and stick with a solid, intelligent game plan. Overall, this will help you improve the fastest.
4. Always focus on basics first! Make sure you're making use of every building as soon as it's done (exception being gateways). Make sure you're putting probes in gas immediately once it finishes. Make sure your clicks are accurate and precise. Make sure you're aware of your minimap and your money. Make sure you have a relative and exact order of your early-game units. Make sure you're clicking the minimap to look at anything that isn't on your immediate screen. Etc. etc. Fundamentals are so important, never forget to practice them!
On January 02 2014 09:28 SC2John wrote:From Forum Rules: - Before responding, YOU MUST WATCH THE REPLAY. Too many times, people give generic advice without watching the replay which doesn't apply at all to the specific game in question.
- Be respectful in your response and remember Rule No 1.
- Be respectful as the original poster of the opinions people give you – you came here looking for help. If you disagree with a reply, cite examples or give some sort of analysis supporting why you disagree.
Don't be a goober. I opened up the first item queued in Chrome (which, I guess, was the second game) and accidentally misread the OP. As such, most of the post still makes sense, the only thing wrong being the final point. I'll watch the next replay later tonight and give further feedback. Again, don't be a goober :p.
The mods come down hard on people (as they should) in this section for bad or generic advice and when people aren't willing to watch replays and I am a strong believer that no one should be above the law. I'm not sure if your a mod or not with that fancy blue, but thought you might warn or ban me for my comments and I appreciate the fact I was not.
I thought it was important to clarify to the OP what was going on, so he wasn't trying Chargelot/Archon versus Zerg which is far less viable than Chargelot/Archon versus Terran.