-Mod-: How has your life outside of the game changed since you started playing on a high level? How was your circle of friends and relationships been affected?
When I put down more time on the game I had to focus less on friends. Although I’ve always had my closest friends left, but it’s hard to be close with new friends when you don’t have that much time left ^^. The relationship part has been so so, it’s extremely hard to have a girlfriends when you’re so emotionally involved in Starcraft.
Izen: Are you the king of the North?
When I’ll play ThorZaIN we will see.
Harzke: What’s your opinion on the removal of the mothership? Do you have any thoughts on how to deal with broodlords in lategame?
Hmm now Zerg have figured out how to deal with mothership, so I don’t really think it will change a lot. It’s quite sad though, I felt it really found its place in the game since people figured out how to use it.
Nygards: Why did you choose protoss? Did you try out the other raced before deciding? If you would be able to switch race which one would you pick? Which is the most annoying unit in sc2?
When I was 10 I used to play starcraft vanilla with my dad, I played zerg and he played protoss. Because of that I was really interested in trying out protoss, even before sc2 was released I was watching VODs of Bisu, Stork and Jangbi and I thought psi-storms were really cool haha. This was the real reason for choosing protoss, unfortunately it’s not as cool in Starcraft 2. If I would switch race if would be Terran since I think that race is very forgiving when you make mistakes so you can always have comebacks. The most annoying unit is without doubt ghost.
Prozack: How many time have you watched “hajime no ippo” (T/N: This is a Manga/Anime, the english translation is Fighting Spirit) and who’s your favourite in it?
My name comes from “Sendo” so he’s my favourite ^_^, he and Brian Hawk. I’ve probably seen it 5 times haha.
Carlton Banks: Which progamer is nicest IRL?
The nicest one who always tries to help you is probably Sheth, even if has to sacrifice things for himself he always helps others. Elsewise it’s White-Ra.
Padam: How much korean have you learnt?
I’ve leart the standard pickup-lines hahaha aswell as thank you, goodbye etc. Nothing more :D
KimoTo: What do you think is missing in esports/sc2 in Sweden?
The things I think is missing are good coverage and referees at Dreamhack for example. The people who work for Aftonblandet (T/N: Swedens biggest newspaper) don’t have any idea what they’re talking about. The Dreamhack staff doesn’t have any idea of what maps are up-to-date in other tournaments, they don’t co-operate with the pros to create better circumstances regarding these problems. This is a big issue for me everytime I attend a Swedish tournament, I personally become very sad when I see a thing that could’ve been so much better ending up being mediocre.
m101: Is it hard being Swedish big esports hope? Does the fans expectation about you having to perform better than other foreigners become tiresome? Does it feel hard to live up to these expectations or are rather motivated by them?
It’s both hard and motivating, It’s a lot of pressure and expectations but I’ve lived with the pressure for such a long time, right now I’m the only one who’s putting extreme demands for myself, but I hope to live up to them in the future. I haven’t been that satisfied with my performance lately, but I take a lot of pride in being Swedens esport hope, as most most of my motivation in sc2 comes from winning tournaments not winning prize money.
Composureyao: What other games have you played besides sc2? What are you planning to do after your sc2 career?
I played Warcraft 3 during the time when I was in school, it was what motivated me to try out sc2 ^^. The plan right now is to start studying again, but I don’t know how it will go, won’t really remember that much from my past studies when I’m done with starcraft haha.
metspletsLOL: Any plans to start streaming?
If I have a long break then I’ll stream. But when I have tournaments coming up, which I have all the time right now, I prefer to not stream because streaming decreases my chances of winning.
53an^: Why do you think Sase hasn’t really been able to go as far as you have, but has gotten stuck a bit below, even though he practices a lot?
Personally I don’t think Sase is as hungry as I am, but also there is a lot of mental things, our views on the game and everything around it. Although I don’t think he has had his breaktrough yet, but I do know he has what it takes to become a very good player.
Ninjahoe: What happened with you and HuK? When you were in Korea it seemed for a while that you were really good friends, then suddenly it felt like the opposite. Did something special happen?
I’m personally not sure on what happened, but I rather keep details to myself. It begun with HuK not thinking I deserved the Code S seed, therefore he got mad that I got the spot which he thought that he deserved. We both have really big egos so it’s very easy to disagree about stuff like that.
EN HEZT: How often do you practice in Korea? And which players do you practice with and who do you live with?
The ones who live in the house right now are all Startale members except Parting. When I have a game against a terran in GSL I grind out games with Hack, Sound and Bomber all day long. Against zerg it’s Curious and Kingkong, and against protoss it’s Tiger and Squirtle. Squirtle and I have discussed a lot about the game recently.
I usually practice 6-8 hours every day but I don’t have a fixed training schedule. I just practice when I’m in the mood for it, and when I have tournaments upcoming it easily becomes 12+ hours. During the day I feel that I can play as much as I possibly can.
Cwk!: Are you and I the only played who are lefties or do you know of more? In that case who? Do you agree that it’s harder to use control groups as a leftist for example 6-7-8 who are too far away?
I personally use “7 6 5 4 3 2 1”, but nothing that’s further away. I don’t think it’s that bad for us (lefties). Nazgul is a lefty as well, I don’t know anyone else than him and me though.
Holmes: Which Zerg-unit would be best with Felix ketchup? (T/N: Swedish Ketchup producer, like Heinz Ketchup), name a specific one not all of them.
I guess that I would’ve preferred to grill a zergling or maybe eaten a overlord, they seem to be really meaty.
Jsxp: Terran still imba?
Only ghosts and mules!