This will be the dedicated TL thread for RTSLounge's tournaments.
Tournament Start Date: Every Saturday Duration: Couple Hours Tournament Name: Qualifier #.... Tournament URL: RTSLounge.com Organizer: RTSLounge Sponsor(s): RTSLounge Sponsor URL: RTSLounge.com Location: Bnet US Prizes: Weekly= $40 Monthly=$70 Entry Requirements: 18+, All leagues welcome now. Status: Registering Registration Link: http://www.rtslounge.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=89&func=view&catid=18&id=118 Format: 1v1 TL Thread: This More Info: Every week there is a qualifier where the top four players receive $10 and also an entry into the monthly invitational tournament. The monthly invitational currently pays $70; 1st-$50 and 2nd-$20.
Registration: This tournament will require that players are 18 years or older. There is no 'league' requirements. To successfully register, you must check in the chat room between 1:30-2:30 PM PST(4:30-5:30 PM EAST). Once logged into the chat post your race, name and code. You will receive a private message from 'dittie' verifying you are registered. There will be no 'cap' on the amount of registrants in each event. The qualifiers will be played down to the final four. Those four finalists receive $10 apiece and qualify for the Monthly $70 Invitationals. 1st-$50 and 2nd-$20
Tournament Info: RO128+ (if any) Best-of-1 RO64 is Best-of-1 RO32 is Best-of-3 RO16 is Best-of-3 RO8 is Best-of-5 RO4 is Best-of-5 (Invitationals only) Finals are Best-of-7 (Invitationals only) *Some qualifiers are played to a winner. These are special instances where RTSLounge adds bonus cash into the prize pool. RO4 and Finals matches in qualifiers are a Best-of-5.
Attendance: Players can check in the chat room from 1:30pm-2:30pm PST(4:30-5:30 EST) and the qualifying tournament will begin at 2:30 PST(5:30 EST). Players who register that fail to check in will be taken out of the tournament. Players who fail to show up by 2:45 PST will be disqualified.
Rules & Reporting Matches: Winning players please report the matches to me via Chat. Players should save replays to avoid disputes. There are no rules against 'cheesing'. No hacks, third party assistance through obs or streams are allowed. If caught, offenders will be disqualified.
Map Pool: 1. Metalopolis (RO128+ is played on this map.) 2. Refined Scrap Station (Searching 'Refined' gets it.) 3. Lost Temple 4. Delta Quadrant 5. Shakuras Plateau 6. Xel'Naga Caverns (RO64,32,16,8,etc. start with this map.) 7. Kulas Ravine 8. Blistering Sands
*Players get 1 veto each. *Loser picks next map. *Repeating maps IS allowed if BOTH players agree. It does not count as a veto.
Prize Eligibility: In order to be eligible to receive the $10 cash prize you must create a Full Tilt Poker account under our affiliate program. Your $10 will be transfered via Full Tilt. If you already have an account not affiliated with RTSLounge then you are not eligible to receive the cash prize and it will be transfered to the next eligible qualifier.
United States2095 Posts
Soo.. lotta information here, but you don't really have a time. You have Saturday, unless I'm reading this info wrong, but no hour.. So when exactly is this?
This particular tournament starts at 230PST
But they may alternate to allow users from different time zones the chance to participate.
Thanks for pointing that out.
If we already have an FTP account affiliated to another site and are ineligible for the cash prize for the qualifers, are we still eligible to go on to the 16-man tournament, and receive the cash prizes for the first three places?
@Ketara- 230 PM west coast, 530 PM east coast. (US)
@Dysk- Not at this time. It's basically just a practice tourney for players with accounts already setup. I'm working on getting other affiliate accounts setup @ different sites to help with people already playing at FTP. In the future, players affiliated with other sites will be eligible, but not at the moment.
@Dysk- The website and all the prizes are funded by me from my earnings on FTP. So, you have to understand that I can't transfer funds on any other sites at the moment because I don't play @ them.
Is this tournament going to be streamed?
It's streamed on TheRushNetwork.com
why is ther eno brackets> and no time?>
I'm sorry? There are brackets. The time is in the tournament rules with all the other info.
TheRushNetwork will eb streaming our events!
Hey guys, plenty of slots open, so go register!
I had a huge debate with the tour host about how they pay the players and what not. I told him it was a scam since he was using the rakeback shit from fulltilt to pay us. making us sign up for fulltilt through their code so they continue to make money later on when we use our account, etc..
so I obviously pissed him off cause he blocked me. I dont really think this is needed since he still needs to pay me, which he didn't do.
so whats up dittie, where's my money !
oh btw I did signup with his code . and gave him the account info. still no $$
I'd appreciate it if you grew up.
In the RULES, which you failed to read, it answers all your questions. RuFF plays in the tournaments regularly, and he got his money, as well as all the other qualifiers, all of whom read the rules and didn't violate the terms. If you feel cheated, then take it up with your 4th grade reading teacher. Not only did you violate the rules for our tournament, you violated FT's. Asking me to do so, out of a favor to someone as rude as you would only jeopardize our sponsorships with FT. By signing players up under our affiliates program, it is by THEIR choice whether they play or not. If they do play, they generate rake which leads to larger prize pools other sweet things. Every tourney out there has sponsors.
I'm glad to inform you that you won't be receiving the money, because of this. The prize you didn't receive was added into a bonus pool which was awarded to the winner of the BO5 series between Destiny and Ruff. $25.
I personally am the one generating the cash to pay out all the money in these tournaments. I do so through my poker winnings. I've already stated IN THIS THREAD that at this time players with FT accounts aren't eligible. It just isn't in the best interest of the website. We need help from sponsors to expand. $40 qualifiers are great, but our mission is $1000-$10,000. Something which only people like you are stopping us from accomplishing. Troll more.
this is sad. whats with all these tours host scamming people
When there are rules like that you really need to make it blindingly obvious that these rules are in effect. Your OP is very sparse and I saw a previous thread about these tourneys closed for being too light on information.
I think if you are serious about these tourneys you should use this feedback to improve your tournament system and really let people know what they are signing up for.
Nice you called me a troll and told me to grow up.
so anyways all that jazz you were just typing out means nothing . I am SUPPOSED to be paid. I followed all the rules, signed up with your shitty referral code which is a total scam and I haven't gotten paid.
you keep saying rules this and rules that. but lets keep it real. you are pissed that i called your shitty rakeback fulltilt shit a scam so your not paying out and spewing out random shit like an ESL admin.