Queen - Umbrella against the Storm
Out of all the useless units in Starcraft the Queen is the one with most potential. This flying support caster of the Swarm is a mix of a scouting unit, debuffer, emergency detector and sniper. However, it is generally deemed lacking in all of these areas. It's spells are hard to use without the Queen dying and when its spells do manage to connect they have a minimal impact on the course of battle. The only use the Queen has is for humiliating the opponent.
The purpose of this guide is to share some useful techniques I've discovered relating to the use of Queens against Protoss. The main focus is on Templar sniping by means of Parasite Broodling. Maybe this guide will inspire some of you to try incorporating the Queen into ZvP adding even more possibilities to Zerg Lair tech.
Without the High Templar the Protoss ground army is just a collection of expensive units drowning under the masses of cheap high DPS Zerg units. A popular strategy is to kill High Templars with mutalisks and clean up the rest of the Protoss army with mass hydra. The same can be achieved with queen hydra.
But why use queen instead of muta?
The mutalisk is countered by many, many Protoss units including the Archon, Corsair and mass Dragoon. It has happened many times that the mutalisks cannot snipe the High Templars because of their relatively short range of attack. The Queen is less vulnerable to the units that counter Mutalisks due to the long range of Spawn Broodling.
The problem with Spawn Broodling is the high energy cost, low HP of the Queen and limited APM of the Zerg user. However, what the Queen lacks in strength can be compensated with some simple techniques and preparation.
How to use the Queen
1. Accumulating energy, building units and timing
The best way to use queens is to time the attack so that the Protoss is just about to or is just leaving the base with his ball of units. You need to start building the queens 2 minutes and 44 seconds before this happens to have exactly 150 energy on your queens. Spawn Broodling has to be researched 50 seconds before the attack at the latest. The ideal amount of Queens is the amount of Templars the Protoss has + 1 or 2. The additional queen(s) are used to parasite the Protoss ball, so that using Spawn Broodling is possible.
2. Parasite
The task of keeping the Protoss ball parasited is very easy. Have one or two queens accumulating energy and every time you cannot see the ball anymore, you parasite. The ideal targets are Archons and the HTs themselves, but Dragoons also do the trick. Do note that almost no Protoss player is going to kill or send away his parasited units. I advise to use two queens just in case you encounter such a Protoss user. Having vision of the Templars is absolutely vital to the success of the attack itself.
3. The attack
The hardest part is made easy with a simple trick all Zerg users know: cloning. However with queens you have to add one more step into your cloning: shift move.
1. Keep a good distance to the Protoss ball, have your 150 energy queens in a single control group. If the Protoss ball is too threatening you must use a mutalisk to distract the initial fire. Just add one muta into your queen group, attack the ball and de-select the muta.
2. Start cloning Spawn Broodling on the High Templars.
3. Now select the control group again and press shift and click a safe place on the minimap. Now your queens automatically run away after they've killed the HTs.
4. The Protoss units concentrate on the broodlings leaving your queens nearly unscathed. Even a damaged queen will be useful again due to Zerg regeneration.
Strengths and weaknesses
Think of this build as 5 hatch hydra where you get your second gas early and build 7-8 queens before starting the hydra pump. This build requires good economy and is meant to counter the Protoss FE by containing the Protoss to 2 bases or ending the game in a hydra break. An ideal timing for your queens to have 150 energy is around the 10 or 11 minute mark. If you succeed at killing the templars there is nothing Protoss can do to stop your hydra mass. After the sniping of the templars you can transition into a lurker contain or, if you are feeling confident, mass queens and broodling everything the Protoss has. Just remember that expanding and keeping the P contained is vital.
Do note that this build only becomes strong when you get your queens at 150. If anything you are at a disadvantage before that happens. A zeal archon push could end your cunning strategy right there. Also note that under any circumstances do not try using this strat against sair reaver.
Build Order
9 pool opening 12 hatch (nat) 12 hatch (third) 15 gas @ 100 gas Lair @ 50% Lair second gas and hydra den 2 additional hatches @ 100% Lair Queen's nest
Build enough hydras to fend off the sairs, keep your overlords safe.
Build 7-8 queens asap and hide them somewhere. Remember to spawn them at the same time so they are at equal energy. Start massing hydra, researching upgrades while saturating your bases with drones. I like to use 3 hatches for hydras and 2 for drones. Attack as soon as you have 150 energy. First parasite with one queen and then clone your broodling charges.
Sometime after this Hydra speed and range, ovie speed, broodling, +1 missile and later on queen energy upgrade, if you plan to use the queens more extensively.
Do note that I do not build a spire until way later. You need the gas and minerals for your fast queens.
This build needs a lot more optimisation. To get a good economy you need to know just when to stop pumping drones. Right now I tend to panic when using this strat and get hydras and upgrades earlier than I need to.
Here is a replay of the strat.
About the BO I posted. Can't build so many queens at such an early timing. Too many drones lost and your economy willl not be enough. Works only against D.
A solution could be to build a queen's nest when you get your lair, then 2 queens and at 110 energy research broodling. You should have the 2 Broodling charges at 9:00 and again at 12:20, if you don't use parasite. This is assuming you get gas at 15.
- Two of the initial templars are almost guaranteed to die for P - Might fool the P into making a DA - Can use Parasite after the sniping or wait for new Broodling charges. Probably better to use Parasite. - This integrates minor queen usage into early play, so you don't have to worry about lack of APM. - Even when the P sees your queens he will not be able to really counter the broodling attack. - You can scout the P base with your queens. You know what he will be doing. Your 2 queens will hatch when the sair enters your base so you can immediately counter scout him. - If P goes sair reaver you can get ensnare instead of Broodling or just parasite the shuttle or sairs.
- Everything will be a bit late for Z. - 400/400 (even in partial payments) early in the game might not be worth it for 2 templars, scouting and Parasite. - Does this mess up fragile timings? I know that it will not affect scourge against initial sairs, but mutas... an earlier gas will have to be taken if mutas are wanted at normal timing.
This is only something I have been thinking about recently. Your thoughts will be needed. I will post a replay when I get home.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Interesting I'm not going to bother debating the merits of Queen/Hydra as opposed to anything else because really, thats irrelevant in a thread like this (although its going to come up... *sigh*).
As an advocate of the Sair/Goon PvT I approve of this thread!!
(Add to liquipedia is thx!! :D)
EDIT: I think this post needs to be quoted in this thread
On July 14 2006 18:29 GrandInquisitor wrote:Here's the stats: http://p200.ezboard.com/ftsunamisstrategyforumfrm1.showMessage?topicID=222.topicFrom that topic: === I did, as promised, some tests to calculate the %decrease in fire rate of ensnaire. Since zerg and toss have regeneration and teran buildings tend to die faster when at red HP i used tanks for ground damage and BC's or vessels for air damage. Before giving the results(which are very interesting and strange) i wanna state that they came from experiments and because of that may not be 100% precise. OK, enough with the silly introduction, let the numbers talk!!!!!!! Zerg Units -Lings 15% decrease -Hydras 15% decrease -Mutes 15% decrease (quite boring huh?) -Ultras UNCHAGED!!!! Yes u read right. Ensnaire does not affect ultras. -Cracklings 25% decrease Terran Units -Marines 17% decrease -Stimmed Marines 23% decrease (though other tests suggests it's more of 45-50%, negating stim entirely) -Golies UNCHANGED BOTH AIR AND GROUND. So next time dont be surprised if your lings get raped of ensnaired gollies -Wraith 16% decrease -BCs air 16%....BCs ground 4%. Pretty strange but i did this many times and the results were the same. Ensnaire has different effect on air and ground BCs attack!!!! -Valks 18-20% decrease. -I left firebats for the end because they are so hard to calculate. The trick is to have the tanks that take the damage at exactly the same angle towards firebats fire. If tanks are at 45 angle towards firebat fire they take more damage for some reason compared to 90 or 0 angle. Anyway, all things considered equal ensnaire decreases firebat rate by 29%. That's the largest decrease of all!!! Toss Units -Zealots 16% decrease -Goons air 14%, Goons ground 11% decrease. Pretty strange again but that's what i found, period. -Archon air 20%, Archon ground 3% decrease. What can i say people, hope u correct me. -Dts 22% decrease -Carriers UNCHANGED. When ensnairing carriers directly, fire rate doesn't decrease. Then i tried to ensnaire some interceptors. I didn't notice any change either. That gave me much grieve!!!!! -Sairs 12% decrease -Scout air 16% decrease. Forgot to test ground. I'd like to add that guradian's decrease is about 11% while (to my great dissapointment) siege tanks and reavers are not affected. Lurker cooldown IS affected by ensnaire, but you have to ensnaire it while it is above the ground first in order to take affect. Ensnaring a burrowed lurker even though detected does nothing to its cooldown. Using the terran tank as a target, I allowed the ensnared lurker to get the first hit, and the unensnared lurker to attack right after, the result being the unensnared lurker winning and the ensnared lurker's tank having 17 hp left at the time the first tank was destroyed. I just woke up, so maybe my numbers are off but it would be around 11% decrease. If you have enough mana left over 1-2 good ensares can very easily change the outcome of any hydra vs zeal/temp battles (more shots while zealots get to hydras + decreased zealot attack rate is a very sweet combo)
nice read 
maybe i can test this out tonight. should be fun
16950 Posts
To be honest, I think Ensnare is more useful than Broodling, because you can afford to get more Hydras earlier instead of Queens, you don't need as many Queens, and it's half the mana cost. Ensnare on a big clump will make Hydra dancing that much easier, as you only need to contend with dodging storms. Besides, Ensnared units are pretty much useless.
That being said, I don't know how you'll be able to effectively hide the Queens, especially if the Protoss is scouting with Corsairs or notices your lower amount of Hydra (comparatively, with the timing). The fact that you have a Queen's Nest but aren't upgrading Hive should be a dead giveaway.
And once the Protoss knows you're committed to Queens, he might do something that wouldn't be feasible otherwise, such as perhaps making Dark Archons for Feedback (and eventually Maelstrom).
EDIT: Though do ask eri about his Queen use :D
EDIT: Also, here's a thread I made a while ago about Queens. It's a pretty good read:
It's quoted below:
+ Show Spoiler +On October 23 2008 09:44 Empyrean wrote:Because, no, I didn't make this thread two years ago (shifty eyes). I honestly feel that this topic needs discussing, but we need a new thread to do it in. Anyway, I think they're an unappreciated unit that really doesn't get as much airtime as it should. They're probably one of the most cost effective Zerg units, and you only need to incorporate a few into your army to get a high utility from them, not to mention you'll already be building a Queen's Nest on your way to more standard Hive tech. Spells aren't that expensive either. Hell, if your queen got irradiated, just be glad it was your cheap 100/100 queen instead of your 50/150 Defiler or Lurker, etc. I honestly feel Queens are like the Defilers of 2004, in that no one really appreciated them and thought they were a trash unit (when in reality they kick massive ass). Ensnare is probably the most useful Queen spell. It slows both movement speed and attack rate for units, often bringing fast-attacking units (Stimmed Marines are the most prominent example) down to a more managable speed. It also reduces movement speed, and makes flanking a whole lot easier. I believe Ensnare would be very effective in match ups such as ZvP, as Zealots would be slowed, Dragoons would hardly attack at all, and Archons would be pretty much useless with their Reaver-like speed and horrendously slow attack rate under Ensnare. Ensnare can also be used in ZvZ battles, and I believe that a Queen is worth the cost of a few mutas if you get an Ensnare on a Mutalisk clump. It's obviously not wise to just rush Queens, but I think eventually they'd be pretty useful in ZvZ as well. Ensnare'd be useful when engaging the enemy to reduce enemy aggregate DPS. By slowing attack speed, if you integrate enemy damage with respect to time, you'll find that it's greatly reduced. Additionally, the fact that it slows down units pretty much prevents escape, as well as make it exceedingly difficult for the enemy to gain a positional advantage over you during your fight. An example would be Hydras vs. a Zealot-heavy army. Their Zealots won't be able to surround you effectively, and besides that, you won't be taking as much damage anyway thanks to the reduced DPS. Another example in TvZ (to relate this to a current topic, TvZ Valks), if you Ensnare the Valkyrie clump, you can easily eliminate them with Hydras without much fear of them flying away, thus ensuring they lost more than you did (Overlords vs. Valkyries). I'm going to quote eriador here: Show nested quote +On August 29 2006 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote: it's really, really great vs sair/reaver (and carriers) but once again it only really helps if you have enough units to beat his units. if he can fight it out then it's not a big deal. but if you don't have ensnare and you manage to flank his corsairs with mutas and he doesnt have enough sairs to beat them, normally he can just retreat to cannons and try again later and you gained nothing but with ensnare you can actually kill all his units then. vs sair reaver it can often be gamedeciding :O
The most effective use of Parasite is in its "soft power" ability. What I mean by that is that it basically shuts down the use of whatever unit it's targeting. If, say, you target an expensive like an Archon, you either force it to show you the unit composition of its army through its vision, or force the Protoss to basically abandon the unit so that it doesn't show much. If, say, he just puts it in a corner somewhere so he doesn't show his tech, it can't be used against you. And if he decides to actually use it, you get to see his army and some positions of it, even if he brings it in at the last moment. Either way, you either get an advantage in information or an relative advantage in power (as compared to if the Archon had not been parasitized). Additionally, Parasite can be used on other "important" units such as Shuttles or Science Vessels. Certainly, those units are used often by the enemy, and if he's forced to just abandon that unit somewhere so he doesn't reveal the location of the impending Reaver drop or Irradiate raid, you'll have countered the utility of that unit, effectively costing him whatever the unit cost was for that unit. I'll also mention the cliched uses of Parasite. Yes, you can parasite creatures and enemy workers. It's actually not as effective as going after a high-value enemy target. They'll probably suicide the worker (though yes, you'll have seen some buildings and such), and you don't have control over any critters. That's why I advocate using it on targets such as Science Vessels/High Templar/etc. Spawn Broodling, though, is very expensive energy-wise, and probably isn't as efficient as the other two spells. But still, it could be used for example, against a Terran by forcing Tank splash onto the Broodlings you create, thus hurting his own units if they're clumped. But I think the only reason Broodling could potentially be used is in a long stalemate, by periodically picking off important units. Still, Broodling pays for itself after a few uses, especially if you target, say, Tanks, or High Templar. Additionally, if you get rid of some "core" units like that, you'll delay the enemy because his army will be significantly weaker . You could choose to engage then with his strategic tools taken away. Seriously. Fighting a Templarless army ZvP is significantly easier, and if you have some extra queens, he'll basically have no way to counter Ensnare. But all in all, at 150 energy, Spawn Broodling is very expensive. Just for the hell of it, this is what eriador has to say about Infest: Show nested quote +On August 29 2006 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote: and infest is fucking AWESOME. especially if people don't know you're the kind of guy who likes to infest. (eventually against players I knew I only really got to infest command centres I would otherwise have killed cause every time a cc started burning they immediately started repairing just cause it was me ) but when I played vs unknown nonkoreans I could like come in with a queen 2 minutes after a battle and take the cc cause they just didn't care about it having 600 hp but I won a lot of games with infest as well Some final words by eriador: Show nested quote +On August 29 2006 15:38 Liquid`Drone wrote:I always thought using queens was easy as hell easiest spellcaster in the game imo ensnare STICKS to whatever unit you throw it at, so unlike storm you don't need to anticipate where the units are moving. you just press e and then left mouseclick on the unit in the middle. in addition the queen is flying thus you never have to take account for it getting blocked by other units (like defilers can sometimes get when you're trying to swarm. or templars with storm. ) maybe it's hard to keep track of where they are but I never had that problem as I always hotkeyed queens to 0.  and drowsy is pretty much correct. I played a zvt style of play where queens helped me tremendously. with other styles of play you also benefit greatly later on, but if you're doing a standard 3 hatch muta into lurker ling kind of thing, you actually have more problems spending 400 gas on getting fast queen than I did with my hiverush. also broodling is almost useless (cept for stalemates pretty much but terran wins that due to irradiate anyway), and you don't need more than 2-3 queens. and in zvp they're really good if you have lings vs goons and he tries running or you have hydra vs zealot archon and he tries running if you're up against a zealot goon archon templar force and you don't have enough units to beat the force in the first place, ensnare doesn't help that much. still enough to spend 300/300 on it though. for sure. but it'll very rarely be gamedeciding. (unlike zvt where I would often win because of ensnare. ) and zvz they're really great in theory but usually there isnt any point in the game where you can spend 400 gas on 2 queens queens nest and ensnare. Finally, I'd like to open the floor to discussion on Queens being a potential "counter" of sorts to the recent increased popularity of Valkyries + a more mech heavy force. Obviously, Parasite works wonders against Valkyries due to the reasons outlined above, and Ensnare can also really fuck them over since you can pick them off easily once you've sacrificed some Overlords and probably your Queen to get that Ensnare off. But hey, you just hydralisked that Valkyrie clump.And Chill, this isn't a Queen rush ;D...just throwing it out there 
By not using up 800/800 for Mutas, you get to use it on queens. It would just require higher apm to execute Spawn Broodlings properly but it would be better if P got some anti-muta units. I think 3 hatch spire transitioned to 5 hatch hydra has its ability to save larva for mutas after getting a bunch of hydras therefore, would catch the P off-guard. He has to delay his push to get some anti-muta units. Plus, mutas can give you that advantage when he hasn't build any cannons in his mineral line.
I'm not saying this isn't viable but, I'd like to point that out this just needs to be a transition when you're assuming that the P would go for more dragoons/archons/sair or the anti-muta units.
I think the problem is broodling's mana cost, really. Timingwise, you need to build your queens and wait for them to charge up, then cast broodling, and you need to have several queens to really pick off templar, whereas mutas can start killing shit the second you reach critical mass and only lose functionality after being killed. Not sure it's worth it.
I like ensnare better. Less mana and don't need more than a couple of queens. Hydra ling lurk is so powerfull vs ensnared protoss ball ^_^
On July 07 2009 00:30 Batibot323 wrote: By not using up 800/800 for Mutas, you get to use it on queens. It would just require higher apm to execute Spawn Broodlings properly but it would be better if P got some anti-muta units. I think 3 hatch spire transitioned to 5 hatch hydra has its ability to save larva for mutas after getting a bunch of hydras therefore, would catch the P off-guard. He has to delay his push to get some anti-muta units. Plus, mutas can give you that advantage when he hasn't build any cannons in his mineral line.
I'm not saying this isn't viable but, I'd like to point that out this just needs to be a transition when you're assuming that the P would go for more dragoons/archons/sair or the anti-muta units. You are forgetting alot of the other benefits of mutas. Once queens snipe the templar they serve no further purpose other than potential scouting. Mutas aren't just a 1 shot unit to kill templar then die. They can be used to further damage the P army once the HT are sniped. They force more cannons in the main and depending on the nat setup, some in the nat. Mutas can be used to stop drops, snipe probes laying around the base, shutting down expos before they get up, etc.
I've actually tried this a few times, and the biggest problem I found was how long it took to recharge enough energy to broodling again. I was able to stop the first push using 4 or so broodlings, but the P pushed out again with more HT faster than I could recharge the energy needed. 150 is just way too much for broodling. The queen is really just a slightly more viable ghost. In theory you can always think of some great ideas to abuse the units spells, but in reality it's not that great.
On a side note, I think getting a fast queen vs sair reaver to parasite the shuttle, then maybe ensnare later on would actually be pretty useful.
Bosnia-Herzegovina41 Posts
After watching the demo I think its really worth using queens. Parasite has great vision range, and it decloaks dark templars. Very useful, and queen is also great scout herself. And parasiting one Archon is invaluable for the info you get, you could argue that queen payed itself already with only that parasite. If toss kills the archon, its quite a loss for him.
I think smaller number of queens, about 3-4, would be, at least for start, better solution for standard hydra build. Getting 6-8 queens is excessive. Parasiting 1 templar/archon and killing 3 other high templars is invaluable, and standard strategy would be that much boosted. For the cost of 4 queens, protoss would be screwed and his timings would suffer, since protoss also have to wait templar's mana pools.
It will take some apm but i think its very viable. It would be nice if some more skilled player, would try experimenting a bit with build/s - incorporating few queens in it.
Bosnia-Herzegovina41 Posts
Btw even if we forget about broodling, since its slow - mana wise/inefficient to base whole gameplay on it, wouldn't be useful, for a cost of say 2-3 queens, to parasite expensive protoss units constantly through the game. I bet it would be very annoying : ).
Would Ensnare allow you to catch the Protoss Corsair group with Scourge or Hydra?
Yes, you make them chase ur mutas with their corsair group and once they get over ur burrowed hydras u ensare and scourge them. This is how i counter reaver sair builds..
I really wish we'd see more Queen usage in pro games. I find it very hard to believe that in a late-game TvZ or PvZ that queens ensnare would not pay for itself. Even catching 1-2 units that you wouldnt have would pay for the queen. I've seen all the queen abilities used in pro games and every time it seems to help them a lot more than if they never used it.
Great write-up, hopefully we will see some more queen action in the future :D
United States889 Posts
I think this could actually work--actually--and well for a time. However, it's like a rookie pitcher's first trip around the majors. It seem magical, and then after they've seen him enough, the balls start flying off the bats. If Protoss see this enough, the magic will be all gone.
The real problem with this is that it is far too easily countered. It's a big investment particularly in gas, and the queens are completely defenseless if found in their hiding space. 2+ corsairs and they're all gone.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Disagree Arrian, thats like saying if your overlords are found in their hiding place 2+ corsairs and they're all gone (this is clearly not the case!)
Great effort and a nice organization of and old but fun as hell build.
But the real question, what is going to keep you from getting run over by pure goon?
Answer: Nothing
Good luck holding 3 bases while getting fast mass queen against a decent.
And I actually think queen/hydra would work BETTER against sair reaver than against ground only play. But with parasite/ensnare obviously
Also you need to factor in feedback. Feedback rapes queens pretty badly. Id love to play against this off race(im a z user) as P though. I think it would be fun to test out the timings/dynamics of it.
The rep posted is kinda blah...the p isn't very strong.
There are a LOT more benefits of mutas that you're neglecting. One is map control, another is it forces p to spend about 900 in mins JUST to defend from it (3 cannons by the min lines).
On the other hand, 1 queen while going to hive tech is awesome and something everyone (including me) should get used to doing. Parasite is a great and cheap skill...100/100 for the queen...thats it! Its just hard toget used to actually using it.
Yeah, I agree with Plexa. The other thing is, if the parasite queens still have mana left over [based on the timings, they might], they could ensnare escape if it was really a problem. Might be able to get scourge in time [I'd say yes, especially if the queens are semi close to a base] to counter that.
Pretty cool idea. :D Well thought out.
On July 07 2009 03:05 Weaponx3 wrote: Yes, you make them chase ur mutas with their corsair group and once they get over ur burrowed hydras u ensare and scourge them. This is how i counter reaver sair builds.. OH MAN YOURE SO GOSU.
On July 07 2009 03:25 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:Great effort and a nice organization of and old but fun as hell build. But the real question, what is going to keep you from getting run over by pure goon? Answer: Nothing  Good luck holding 3 bases while getting fast mass queen against a decent. And I actually think queen/hydra would work BETTER against sair reaver than against ground only play. Also you need to factor in feedback. Feedback rapes queens pretty badly.
Yeah. Feedback will be a problem. Depends on the range of both I suppose. Isn't broodling seriously long range? With first strike, you might be able to dodge this problem.. but you'll definitely lose some queens in the process.
The other thing is if they go pure goon, you can probably revert to standard play without that much expense.. unless you're pushing queens like a 3 hatch muta rush and saving larva [which sounds way too fast to me]. Should you survive you have the queens nest still. I don't know the effectiveness of ensnare on goons, but if you had a queen or two built you can always research that as well.
Seems flexible enough to be able to adapt to that situation though, if you're scouting it.
United States889 Posts
On July 07 2009 03:24 Plexa wrote: Disagree Arrian, thats like saying if your overlords are found in their hiding place 2+ corsairs and they're all gone (this is clearly not the case!)
Ah, but overlords are a necessity. Queens have less health, and their helplessness cannot be an argument for having to guard them, too.
The implication in the OP is that you have to hide your queens. Hiding them separates them from what can defend them, generally. With overlords, you keep them close and you can defend them.