[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 5
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Mexico1364 Posts
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China26351 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:19 Zooper31 wrote: Nope but now he's comparable to the other more tanky junglers like shyvanna or mundo. 12% more mr/armor is a ton. udyr has always been more tanky than shyvanna, if you don't find him tanky then you're using turtle wrong. | ||
United States17234 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:21 Dandel Ion wrote: Wow those amumu nerfs totally unplayable champ now /sarcasm I've already ticketed support demanding a refund. | ||
United States13684 Posts
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9871 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:24 Two_DoWn wrote: Does IBG even WORK on Udyr? Like do his skills proc it? yeah, of course ![]() | ||
United States1693 Posts
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914 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() About Udyr, he gains up to 12% armor/MR from his passive. If it applies to the whole and not only the bonus, then it means he gets 18 free armor/MR once he reach 150 of each. Relying on the cloth armor/NMM prices, this amounts to about 600 gold in free stats from his passive (AS not included). It's not that much when you think about it. On January 16 2013 11:58 Chrispy wrote: Hahaha you call that a Kha'zix nerf? Oh and the Talon nerfs are completely redonkulous. Maybe I'll see you again in Season 4 Talon, until then bye. :[ Yeah, the nerf would be better if targeted at his W and E which are the really problematic stuff (I mean, his whole kit and mix of resets (E/passive through ult) and dps is silly, especially for somebody intended as an assassin), but at least he won't snowball as easily off of Q spam, and the isolated bonus, while still very good, won't be as bonkers. Regarding Talon, level 5 E gives you damage amplification of 18%, so roughly 1/6, while his ratios are reduced by 1/6 (and the damage a bit more), which means you shoud do slightly less damage on your full combo at level 18, assuming you can pull it off under 3 seconds (I'll have to test it, but E -> W -> aa into Q -> ult could "probably" fit in depending in the responsiveness of the aa after W, though if you try to escape with your ult the second part won't benefit from the %amp). Your harass shouldn't be particularly weak in lane since W was untouched, but you'll lose some damage on Q and you will be less powerful until you reach level 18, unless you max E earlier (which could be better from a full burst point of view: you lose 160 damage from keeping Q at level 1 instead of 5, but in exchange you enhance your combo by 15% instead of 3%. You'll mainly lose out on those cases where you would Q before using E beforehand, and not even when splitpushing since they only nerfed the bleed damage that doesn't apply to structures anyway. Oh, yeah. You'll also do less damage when you use your ult to flee from level 11 onward, but then doing manage isn't your primary concern, right? + Show Spoiler [maths on the combo] + We assume a E -> W -> aa -> Q -> ult combo, with the second part of the ult used immediatly for his E's purpose. His passive makes the aa deal 10% more damage, resulting in additional 0.1 base AD and 0.1 bonus AD ratios. I don't know exactly how his Q DoT works: it's over 6 seconds, every half-second. I'll assume 12 ticks so. For the purpose of his E's damage amplification, I'll assume his Q hits at 1.5s, so 25% (3 ticks out of 12) are amplificated.
Talon's base AD at level 13 is 91.3, so it's: 1- 1072 + 6.6 bonus AD 2- 1047 + 6.4 bonus AD, nerf 3- 954 + 6.9 bonus AD, nerf until 393 bonus AD, buff after that, obviously nerf Maxing E second beats maxing Q second after 186 bonus AD, so maxing Q is actually still better. TL;DR: Assuming you don't get cc'd so that your E debuff runs off before you do your combo, it's a nerf to Talon's early and midgame, that reverts slowly from level 14 onward to a buff to his level 18 combo. | ||
United States540 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:20 Amarok wrote: What changed in S3 to ruin her? I haven't tested it extensively but I've had a great time running Hydra and nomming through a teamfight. She still has an insane clear time, and ganking junglers don't seem to be any more or less powerful in S3 than they were in S2. Counterjungling against an organized team with more than one Sightstone is very dangerous. You can't really counter this with Oracle's either, so against a team with multiple Sightstones, she's really shut down. Also, buffs to single target junglers are essentially nerfs to her since it means that champions that can probably kill her if they catch her now have competitive clear times. In addition, her AoE is generally less valuable than it was before because of this, since you don't need it to clear the jungle. They also probably have better ganks and more CC too. In addition to all that, most of the items she likes to buy have been nerfed. Resistances have been nerfed, and Attack Speed has been nerfed. Phage is more expensive. Heart of Gold is gone. It's the same problem Irelia's having right now (though her kit is just so good that even in spite of that, she's still a good pick). The only real advantage she enjoys in itemization is that she can use Wriggles well, which is really strong right now. Also, her mixed damage means she can't really take good advantage of the Black Cleaver compared to other more physical damage oriented junglers. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:34 TheKefka wrote: Also for chirst sake plz revert the buff animations.These tiny shitty things are the stupidest idea I have ever seen,when you watch LoL you need like 20 seconds to figure out if someone actually managed to steal a buff or baron during a fight. I've gotten in the habbit of always clicking on someone and looking at their target frame to see if they have a buff or not. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:36 TheKefka wrote: I can hardly click on a stream to check if someone got the buff can I? ![]() Click harder. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:25 Perplex wrote: at 2:30 in the patch video smashgizmo dies on cho gath XD Noob died many times in the patch video. ![]() | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
I'm spam click you right now,you experiencing any headaches? | ||
United States37500 Posts
On January 16 2013 13:41 TheKefka wrote: I'm spam click you right now,you experiencing any headaches? Yes I am. Might ban if you don't cut it out. >_o | ||
United States37500 Posts
Long live Smash. ![]() | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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United States2233 Posts
Diana Pale Cascade Orb detonation has been adjusted to better match Diana’s basic attack range Shield duration increased to 5 seconds from 4 Lunar Rush Cast range increased to 825 from 750 Yay Diana jungle is going to be a lot more fun. | ||
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