On January 16 2013 11:54 Dusty wrote: They're fixing the cones on annie/morde/cho/riven
best change of this patch IMO That was always so obnoxious esp after playing any of the new champs like Graves
Udyr Monkey's Agility Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack
If this is total Armor/MR
Russian Federation798 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:11 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +Udyr Monkey's Agility Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack If this is total Armor/MR AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
Udyr's passive used to give him dodge I think, it's about time they give him some compensation....
Still on a champ who builds almost exclusively defense it will be pretty ridiculous hehe
On January 16 2013 12:11 xes wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 11:54 Dusty wrote: They're fixing the cones on annie/morde/cho/riven
best change of this patch IMO That was always so obnoxious esp after playing any of the new champs like Graves
Maybe one day they will also fix Karthus/Cassiopeia Q so they can be made to NOT be smartcasted.....
Most impactful change for this patch: new turret targetting priority IMO, big buff for cannon minions who'll tank turret shots more effectively now.
The cone fixes are great (most impactful one is for Talon / Kassadin); happy to see Blitz, Eve, Kha'Zix, Kat & Lee Sin nerfs, as well as jungle monster gold increases. Not happy with the jungle monster health changes though, it feels like they just widen the advantage Wriggle's junglers already have over Spirit Stone junglers.
I like the patch a lot overall.
Shyvana's quickly entering into "needs a rework" territory with all the S3 changes, and now the new patching continuing to dull whatever miniscule advantages she maintains over other junglers. Makes me sad to see my favorite jungler nerfed so hard =(.
I think a TON of these changes are quite good. I'm happy for the most part about this patch. Good job Riot!
And hooray for the Kass fix.
On January 16 2013 12:08 Irave wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 12:06 BlackPaladin wrote: "Fixed a rare issue where certain spells (ex: Ezreal’s Mystic Shot) could land an unintentional critical hit"
I KNEW IT WAS DOING REDIC DAMAGE. Yea the first day the s3 patch went live, Chaox streamed some EZ play. His reaction to seeing it crit was priceless. It didn't happen very often though.
Yeah, first time in s3 I tried EZ my q somehow did over 200 damage. I was like wtf?? Ez q can't crit. APPARENTLY IT COULD. It was dumb b/c if it happened you could literally instakill ANYONE if you reacted fast enough, but I never could reproduce it. x_x It made me think shit did a lottttt more damage in s3 than they really did the first few days and monte called me crazy.
Yes! Now I can use Diana and Alistar again (the 600 range on W really messed up my combo success rates).
Too bad Ezreal and Evelynn got nerfed though.
Also, thinking of the jungle changes, anyone got a nice opinion on Mundo's jungling now? Maybe leaving his Burning Agony at level 1 and maxing his E first would be a better option now?
Might need to run some tests on that. Personally I'd love a faster maxing on E so that I can counter jungle and bully the enemy out of his jungle.
I think that actually buffed blue side, again. Taking doubles is probably going to consist of nuking the small golem and then kiting the big one for ~10 seconds. 300 health is a skill and 2-3 autoattacks, not very long and kiting isn't all too hard with just one golem to worry about.
Twin shadows also might make a decent replacement for abyssal in some specific midlane matchups. It gives almost as much MR, costs a good amount less and gives MS.
Tabis got buffed, might be worthwhile to get them semi-early in top lane again.
On January 16 2013 12:19 Cheap0 wrote: Shyvana's quickly entering into "needs a rework" territory with all the S3 changes, and now the new patching continuing to dull whatever miniscule advantages she maintains over other junglers. Makes me sad to see my favorite jungler nerfed so hard =(. Wait, she has an advantage over other junglers still? lol. It's such a shame too, I really liked how she changed how jungle was played during her introduction in S2.
On January 16 2013 12:14 fishinguy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 12:11 Requizen wrote:Udyr Monkey's Agility Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack If this is total Armor/MR AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH Udyr's passive used to give him dodge I think, it's about time they give him some compensation.... Still on a champ who builds almost exclusively defense it will be pretty ridiculous hehe Not really,it's going to be ok I guess but nothing major.
United States47024 Posts
People going to gloss over it, but the Ez BAT nerf is actually huge.
On January 16 2013 12:27 TheYango wrote: People going to gloss over it, but the Ez BAT nerf is actually huge.
Of course it's big. It's the same kind of nerf that destroyed Graves.
It's funny they haven't nerfed MF yet. Her R definitely needs a nerf.
United States37500 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:27 TheYango wrote: People going to gloss over it, but the Ez BAT nerf is actually huge.
Things I wouldn't realize without yanger messaging me.
On January 16 2013 12:27 TheYango wrote: People going to gloss over it, but the Ez BAT nerf is actually huge. Ya he got hit this patch. Not sure he needed the as decrease.
I actually wouldnt mind seeing some% of his q be able to crit. Not the whole thing, but maybe an additional 50% damage or somethin.
Just noticed this change
Turrets Now prioritize minions in the following order: Player-owned minions (ex: Tibbers, Zyra Plants)
Super Minions, Cannon Minions
Melee Minions
Caster Minions
It's a small but very nice QoL change to last-hitting. You might miss the siege minion but you'll lose fewer regular creeps now.
Much harder to deny pentas now:
"You now have a few extra seconds to finish a kill streak if the target is the last member of the team alive"
These lee sin nerfes are completely retarded. I thought they are just nerfing his W and not E as well TT
United States47024 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:29 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 12:27 TheYango wrote: People going to gloss over it, but the Ez BAT nerf is actually huge. Things I wouldn't realize without yanger messaging me. G_G It would have been safer for them to nerf his attack speed growth than his BAT.
Personally see no reason why ez needed a nerf. If anything, all the assisin'y bullshit needs to be toned down so that other heros with less mobility can actually compete and have a way to stay alive. Maining AD has never been this utterly frustrating and unbelievably boring at times.