[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 3
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1560 Posts
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Canada5878 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:33 scarper65 wrote: i hate the nerfing of graves and ez attack speed. I hardly ever play graves anymore just because it feels so terrible in the early game. Now ez is going to feel just as bad. Cept you can compensate with autoing the creeps just once in a while and taking care your stacks don't drop.. The nerf is completely fine this just puts him in line with other champs and makes people be more active,god forbid. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:32 Divine-Sneaker wrote: Personally see no reason why ez needed a nerf. If anything, all the assisin'y bullshit needs to be toned down so that other heros with less mobility can actually compete and have a way to stay alive. Maining AD has never been this utterly frustrating and unbelievably boring at times. Ezreal definitely needs a nerf. He is way too strong in lane right now and his late game is good (not Vayne/Kog/Twitch kind of good, but he doesn't die). As soon as Ezreal gets ahead in lane he snowballs extremely hard. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:34 Chrispy wrote: Wow just noticed the jungle buffs. That's gotta make junglers out there happy. Slowly, ever so slowly, they are moving back towards S1 jungle. Eventually they will just admit they ruined the game for 1+ years and fully revert it. | ||
United States5710 Posts
•Monkey's Agility ◦Now additionally increases Udyr's armor and magic resist by 4% per stack Can I finally play udyr again?! | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States9965 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:36 Sufficiency wrote: Ezreal definitely needs a nerf. He is way too strong in lane right now and his late game is good (not Vayne/Kog/Twitch kind of good, but he doesn't die). As soon as Ezreal gets ahead in lane he snowballs extremely hard. BAT is one of the worst ways to go about nerfing though. Could've nerfed e damage and cool down could've nerfsd mana costs a bit but that's going to kill ez | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:39 Slusher wrote: Eve still looks playable to me, hard to say lvl1 e base damage has not changed. hard to say until I play it, then mana costs on q for pre 6 might make her even worse than kass 1-5 but you could already zone her with the right champion and she'd go 100-0 someone with boots2 @6 so I feel like if this makes her less banned it will be worth. Uh Eve can last hit with her Q, which still costs a minimal amount of mana, has low cooldown, and reasonable range. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:41 Irave wrote: Watching CLG lose a scrim against Pulse. Then Hotshot turning his stream off right after is almost satisfying. Vi almost looks viable. hue | ||
United States37500 Posts
Tankiness was never Udyrs prob... | ||
196 Posts
so sad but if its true that his e wasnt working and they fixed it, it might cancel out. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:42 Sufficiency wrote: Uh Eve can last hit with her Q, which still costs a minimal amount of mana, has low cooldown, and reasonable range. 6 mana more per q, with how much you cast it in early lane phase isn't nothing. thats like, the entire point of my post you glossed over, remains to be seen, but if it's not that bad, then it's worth, still not sure what you are contesting. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
Well, it does help Tigerdyr. Like a lot. Specially with the health movin around on minions. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On January 16 2013 12:45 Slusher wrote: 6 mana more per q, with how much you cast it in early lane phase isn't nothing. thats like, the entire point of my post you glossed over, remains to be seen, but if it's not that bad, then it's worth, still not sure what you are contesting. The point is that she is so different from Kassadin that it's not really comparable. | ||
United States3962 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
Why not? The only defensive steroid he has had for the past few months was his spammable shield, which while good, is nowhere near as good as some of the stuff other champions have later on in the game. Making him more tanky doesn't help him with being kited, but it helps him do what Udyr do best; punch people. | ||
United States7226 Posts
Muting a player will now mute that player's emote sounds The biggest nerf to Singed/Lux/Lulu/Nunu Bot I've ever seen. | ||
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