On January 05 2011 13:20 TheRPGAddict wrote: My favorite stream listed on Teamliquid bar none. Definitely the most entertaining and communal. Feature this stream!
Yeah, I have to agree with this.
Not only is Steven a good player, but he's entertaining. I'm surprised he's not featured on TL yet.
This guy is responsible for probably 90% of my teamliquid.net traffic and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Out of all the streams on Teamliquid, this is by far my favourite and I don't even play zerg.
Steven interacts more with his viewers than any other streamer on teamliquid. He skypes with viewers almost daily and if you ask a question in chat, he is going to answer it.
Although you might not see a ton of variations in builds vs all races, his ability to micro and execute a proper engagement vs an unstoppable army is something to learn from. Steven is especially good at manipulating armies and takes advantage of them the second they are out of position.
Best moments on the stream is when Steve sparks a "genius idea" during a game that completely rapes and instantly gets put into a pimpest plays montage OR when he drops 2 spires for fast double ups
Best stream by far... educational, as fun as it gets, interactive... always playing tourneys... always playing ladder... always raging in a funny way...
His "rage" is not like: OMG I need a life I play 24/7 and rage. His "rage" is like: OMFG marines marines marines marines.... fuck this game.. I hate sc2 so much.. jesus Christ.... Ok bros.. I gotta go to bed.. work in the morning.. TOMORROW MOAR GAMES WOOT!!!!
Watched this stream during early beta, it's the reason I started with Zerg and the reason I stay with Zerg. I can't explain how many people I catch stealing Steven's phrases in these forums, guy is influential in every aspect and funny as hell. Always interacting with his viewers, owning chat trolls and political debates. Especially good when all his buddies are on, especially Kyle because then you KNOW something is going to be debated down to the bone.
I don't understand why he isn't featured yet, he is miles ahead of most of the guys that are.
favorite stream to watch by far, still remember the day someone told me to check him out because he was ragin (and it was a while back), loved him ever since. His jokes are once of a kind and you will never EVER hear anyone else say the kind of funny shit that steven does. This stream literally make me LOL, doesnt matter if im tired as shit, or that i need to wake up early in the morning if steven is streaming, im there till the end. He is a very intelligent guy too, not afraid to get into debates, concentrates on chat alot due to his dual monitor, great stream quality, never bans people and great people in chat, gives lots of tips on what to do in certain situations overall.... best stream and i cant believe i didnt find him sooner and ill never know what i missed. first post, and it was becuz i had to give my props to the best stream on TL. I only wish that there was a place where i could find the best quotes from steven, cuz they are classssssssic
Steven is my bro. Please feature this stream so I can access it faster when logging onto TL.net. Great strategist... in-game decision making is super high level. Great music... always watches and interacts with chat... answers questions etc. Hilarious, highly entertaining. My favorite stream by far, and I dont play zerg.
his stream was featured, until he got all of us to spam syndicate's thread. can't remember what it was, but it was funny. he was promptly un-featured and banned. least he's back on TL :O haha
Yes, Please TL feature this stream, it is very unique to the others and a nice change of pace, not too mention he always has a ton of viewers for not being a pro stream.
On January 06 2011 11:03 WarSong wrote: his stream was featured, until he got all of us to spam syndicate's thread. can't remember what it was, but it was funny. he was promptly un-featured and banned. least he's back on TL :O haha