yeah this works again. eng to kor works pretty flawlessly both ways.
kor to zhTW and eng to zhTW have button/HUD display issues. (eng client doesn't display some letters on zhTW. and kor client on zhTW just displays boxes between the numbers and for races.) i attempted to set unicode to both korean and chinese without success. it's a cosmetic issue but kind of annoying for those of us with taiwan accounts.)
thanks for your work.
On October 01 2011 10:00 multiversed wrote: yeah this works again. eng to kor works pretty flawlessly both ways.
kor to zhTW and eng to zhTW have button/HUD display issues. (eng client doesn't display some letters on zhTW. and kor client on zhTW just displays boxes between the numbers and for races.) i attempted to set unicode to both korean and chinese without success. it's a cosmetic issue but kind of annoying for those of us with taiwan accounts.)
thanks for your work.
ohh which link did you download it from?!
*********************UPDATE********************* Starcraft 2 Relocalizer, 141 FINAL X
New Features:
*Added auto update It will display the current version, if update is availabe, it will download update, and display new version (example, 141, 142, 143,) *Improved memory management(using arrays instead of stack overflowing) *Added support for sc2 1.4.1 (it will update itself from now on (just let me know a patch is available, so I can put new files in server) *Can move window by clicking and holding anywhere on the window. *Auto Update ON THE FLY.
Error Messages explanation:
Example: You have usEN client, and you relocalize it to krKO, on no problem... Blizzard launches a patch, and you let it patch AS krKO, with out re-relocalizing back to usEN ... Ok now you have a MD5 missmatch, and even if the game runs, you will no,longer be able to relocalize untill you reinstall again, because your mpq file is corrupted, and can't be edited as is.
Solution: Download this file, OR latest one available at the time, to save 60% of patching time: Blizzard SC2 Manual Patch lol this saving patching time, but won't fix any MD5 missmatches.
.net 4.0 Download (requred for Relocalizer X to run)
********************************* **** >>>Download <<< **** *********************************
Futurelly, I will implement a way to detect for updates, to avoid us all from having to reinstall client because of accidental file corruption.
Ok, since im planning on working more on the project, how do I open a new thread in team liquid ?
Hey I have a Tw account but I want the game to be in Korean, do I put 134 in the 1st option then 135 in the 2nd or the other way around?
wel;, then in you case, you need to download the korean client :D
I have Kr Tw and US cLient
when i do 134 and then 135 and then try to play it goes into the patch updater ( even though im already up to date on sc2 patches on all 3 clients ) and stops at 17% and gives me a error and closes.
""koKR \ Campaigns \ Liberty.SC2Campaign \ koKR.SC2Data \ LocalizedData \ GameStrings.txt" can not apply the patch. (MD5 mismatch: expected 0xE47CF7F3AE30A5B45B3D7900F4446D59, actual 0x04542D00A959E582B5C6DBAE9A6706FB.) (PTCApply_BSDiff failed.) If this problem persists, delete and then reinstall the program to run may be able to solve the problem. If you are unable to correct this problem, if you please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate:: PTCApply)"
( translated from Korean )
Russian Federation367 Posts
Hello, everyone. I have a problem: I installed zhTW sc2, patched it to 1.4.1 patch, downloaded Starcraft 2 Relocalizer 141 FINAL X and used it (source: zhTW; target: koKR). Everything was fine untill I opened sc2. Even I had korean welcome page (I mean this page with some text about less violence and ect), but all fonts were still taiwanese. I tryed to login, but sc2 wrote something about Language Packaged.. So, does anyone know what I should to do to fix it? How can I play with taiwanese accaunt on korean client?
[UPDATE] Hah, finally I solved the problem. I installed sc2 koKR, patched it to 1.4.1 and just relocalized it with source: koKR and target zhTW. Now it works fine, thanks for the program man
On October 02 2011 03:20 KiZoGe wrote: when i do 134 and then 135 and then try to play it goes into the patch updater ( even though im already up to date on sc2 patches on all 3 clients ) and stops at 17% and gives me a error and closes.
""koKR \ Campaigns \ Liberty.SC2Campaign \ koKR.SC2Data \ LocalizedData \ GameStrings.txt" can not apply the patch. (MD5 mismatch: expected 0xE47CF7F3AE30A5B45B3D7900F4446D59, actual 0x04542D00A959E582B5C6DBAE9A6706FB.) (PTCApply_BSDiff failed.) If this problem persists, delete and then reinstall the program to run may be able to solve the problem. If you are unable to correct this problem, if you please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate:: PTCApply)"
( translated from Korean )
try my download link if you haven't already. (previous page)
Uhm, where's the enSG option to relocalize from/to?
On October 01 2011 23:59 hydraliskplasma wrote: wel;, then in you case, you need to download the korean client :D
ohhh I see.. so then we install the Korean client, put the source as Korean and the target as Taiwan? And this will let me play through the Taiwan servers with Korean localisation.
I was doing it the other way and wondering why it wasn't working out for me. Will give this a go now...
Russian Federation367 Posts
So guys, is there any solution to "boxes" problem on koKR client relocazed for zhTW servers?
![[image loading]](http://s48.radikal.ru/i122/1110/d3/0fadb5df89e9.jpg)
Where can I download the Korea Client EDIT: Found it.
Using: GSC SC2 Relocalizer Current Version: v0.15 Supported SC2 Version:
Playing on enUS. Wanted Korean voicing. My krKR client was showing but it asked for a patch. Option 3 in the relocalizer did not work to do "Clean Install" before patch. Instead used option 2 to switch back from enUS to krKR so it can update again. Then ran it again to switch back to enUS.
Works. Menu is in English, Korean lettering once you enter game and korean voicing.
Is there any support for this on Mac?
So am I understanding that with this I'm supposed to be able to switch my english client to the taiwan client so I can use my taiwanese battle.net account to play? I don't want to download the entire sc2 client again for tw server
So after relocalizing several different times (and uninstalled and reinstalling starcraft), I still haven't been able to go from enUS -> enGB without it saying "You need a correct language pack", I have an EU account, my computer is in the correct timezone, etc etc, any solution for this or did I mess something up?
Hey, I am trying to switch enUS to koKR, but it doesnt progress at patching battle.net
Russian Federation8 Posts
thx alot.
and screw blizzard for such an asshole behavior.
Doesn't work for transition from enus to ruru. "You need an authorized language pack blah-blah". Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.