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What is my budget? Somewhere around 1000$ USD, flexible, but I don't want performance I don't need.
What is my resolution? 1920x1080
What will I be using it for? Starcraft 2 almost exclusively, if I play anything else it will be Dota 2 or maybe LoL for the lolz.
What is my upgrade cycle? 4 years hopefully, as long as I can eke performance out of it.
When do I plan on building it? Anything that's on sale now. My paycheck comes on Friday as well.
Do I plan on overclocking? Yes
Do I need an Operating System? No
Do I plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? No
Where will I be purchasing my parts from?
So it's time for me to do an entirely new build, I'm selling my old budget one to a family friend and hoping to get more performance out of this one. I currently have:
120GB Samsung 840 8GB Kingston HyperX black 1600 RAM as both of them came on good deals.
I think I want to build in a Silverstone Temjin TJ08-E, because I need a smaller build. I'll post again next week, but is there anything out right now on sale that I can buy? I need a good quality PSU especially - I don't believe a Rosewill Capstone (170mm) fits in the Temjin (160mm max). All other help is certainly appreciated as well, I'm not very good at the deal finding part.
Edit: I'll be streaming as well.
Longer power supplies fit but cause issues with long optical drives. Will you be using an internal optical drive?
~170 mm is borderline okay. It's mostly the modular ones with connectors sticking out farther that are of issue. Double-check clearance.
Were you not waiting on Haswell?
On May 30 2013 07:11 Myrmidon wrote: Longer power supplies fit but cause issues with long optical drives. Will you be using an internal optical drive?
~170 mm is borderline okay. It's mostly the modular ones with connectors sticking out farther that are of issue. Double-check clearance.
Were you not waiting on Haswell?
I will be waiting on Haswell, but since things like cases (and basically) power supplies etc. aren't exactly ivy bridge/haswell dependent, I figured I could start buying this week if there is anything worth buying now. If there isn't, I can always repost next week or whenever it's a good idea to buy a Haswell PC.
Edit: I was planning/hoping to use an optical drive.
On more than one occasion I've taken far too long to realize the reason my card wouldn't come out was because the third panel was pressing down on the smallest of edges (the part where the thumb screws go in).
I've also more than once left a monitor plugged in and been baffled as to why the card was stuck on something.
I thought Haswell chips will be soldered on the board. i.e. not swap-able. Was this information incorrect?
This is incorrect. It's only for the mobile parts in notebooks. There's some news or rumors about future generations expanding that to desktop CPUs.
On May 30 2013 08:56 Ropid wrote: This is incorrect. It's only for the mobile parts in notebooks. There's some news or rumors about future generations expanding that to desktop CPUs.
I think that OEMs will also be receiving soldered on desktop parts for the Iris graphics, but those won't be showing up in consumer retail space anyways.
Many notebooks for a long time have had BGA CPU versions that are soldered on the motherboards. Sometimes even in relatively large notebooks, GPUs are soldered on too; for smaller ones, RAM and other components may be too. That said, socketed CPUs on the non-really-thin notebooks are common.
Non-socketed CPUs have existed on the desktop for a while, common for low-power, cheap stuff like Atom or Brazos (in the nearish future, Kabini). You can buy combo motherboard/CPU (/GPU) setups. Though maybe they're mostly sold to system integrators, for kiosks, industrial, etc. settings.
Haswell will have the usual socketed desktop offerings, the usual socketed laptop offerings, and the usual non-socketed soldered-on options for the higher-wattage laptop chips and no option (non-socket only) for the lower-power stuff
The difference is offering a few -R suffix desktop processors that are non-socketed only, in BGA. Those are the ones with the embedded DRAM cache and beefier iGPU config. I wonder if boards / CPUs with the R processors will be available for consumers to buy, like those Atom combos. Wouldn't the cooling need to be attached? Now, cooling would be more awkward here as we're talking 65 W TDP on those, much higher than Atom. Actually, it seems like the laptops with the highest-end iGPU config with the eDRAM will be BGA as well, not socketed. There's probably a technical reason for that.
Earlier there were rumors of typical socketed processors going away, but it's not happening, at least for the near future.
Anyone actually have luck replacing the Twin Frozr 560Ti with a aftermarket cooler? Its almost impossible with the non-reference PCB, thinking about giving up at this point.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
pro3 is one of the shittiest boards you can get, if you're shooting for low overclock just get a 212+ or something
The PSU price jumps out to me a bit, doesn't make sense to spend that much (even if it's a high quality model) unless you're looking for all high end components (in which case you probably wouldn't have a pro3)
I also dont know what you're spending 100 euro on at the bottom.
Haswell releases in 3 and a half days
With this kind of budget, it looks to me like you'd want a decent board, and to target a higher OC
So basically;
Pro3 +hr-02macho, pro3, pro3, (psu??) and Haswell. Also, there's probably stuff you could salvage from your current PC.
last part is that they build it for me, i got no time to relearn to build a pc (sounds stupid i know) :D
as i said, snap decision, got no working pc now, dont wanna wait for haswell, i need a pc "now" lol
any suggestion for a psu (have no clue i just want it to be modular and quite. any suggestion for motherboard?, so lets just say i ve a budget of 900€, what would u build if u r not waiting for haswell.
(personally i think that the haswell release is gonna be like the i5 etc release where u ve some problems with bad motherboards / etc and everyone said to wait for them to fix it plus motherboards for the new socket should be expensive in the beginning,no?)
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Depends what you're trying to do
as said above, skyrim sc2 (other games but no bf3 etc - i dont play shooter) streaming, resolution is 1920x1080, a quite pc is important for me plus a psu which doesnt kill my whole pc like the one i had now...)
Do they actually build the PC for you with that massive cooler? It's weighing about 1 kg and they could be afraid that it will rip off when shipping the PC to you.
Also, I think in another place (hardwareversand.de?), I saw that 100 € service split into smaller parts. This meant you could simply let them build the PC for you for 40 € or something without that 24 hour testing or whatever's done to justify the full 100 €.
bad experience with hardwareversand so no i prefer mindfactory and nowadays its not a problem with cpu cooler.
Update on my build at the top: id like to buy everything I can this weekend, and buy haswell on sunday/monday when it comes out. I am going to try and meet up with a friend of mine I haven't seen in a while on Friday and build with him.
For a CPU cooler I was thinking the NH-U12S. And I probably don't need more power than a 7850 - I was thinking about a 660 earlier but probably don't need it. Does anybody know if a blower or open air GPU would be better for the Temjin?
I'm pretty sure there was something off with the Pro4, curiously increased temperatures for the board itself when overclocking towards the typical limit you will have with an air cooler. I think the Pro3 did not have the same problem as bad. It used similar overall design, but different parts that didn't get as hot.
That said, looking through the list of Z77 boards sorted by price, I don't know what else to suggest. The first one's that might be better is that Asus that shows up around 100 € so maybe look at that. All the Gigabyte boards you should avoid until the 114 € Z77X-D3H which has very good hardware but is overkill because of that. Compared to Gigabyte, the ASRock and Asus boards might also have better BIOS options for controlling the fans and reigning in their speed for a quiet PC, though you'll perhaps want to use SpeedFan from inside Windows anyways.
Did you try to search for some kind of discussions about graphics cards and quiet PCs and seen people suggest the graphics card you chose? You should definitely try to google for opinions about that. The graphics card can be very annoying as all the cards try to limit themselves in size and don't use massive slow fans.
Nvm if anyone actually cares. Managed to get my Gelid Icy Vision on my Twin Frozr and attached some thermal strips to compensate for the smaller base size. So close to giving up...