En Taro Adun We are excited to push Patch 5.0.11 to PTR which features various amounts of balance, bugfixes, and quality of life improvement done by our community members.
Creep Tumor
Cooldown increased from 11 to 13 seconds. Sight range reduced from 11 to 10.
Hatchery, Lair and Hive
Creep spread interval decreased from 0.3 to 0.25. Sight range increased from 10,11,12 to 12.
Added 0.71 second Cast Finish Time to abduct (can not move or use other abilities during this time).
Reduced size by 12.5%. Increase range slop from 1 to 1.4 (range target can move before miss).
Muscular Augments move speed bonus increased from 0.79 to 1.05. Damage point reduced from 0.15 to 0.1.
Brood Lord
Move speed increased from 1.97 to 2.3.
Duration reduced from 5.71 to 3.57.
Build time increased from 12 to 17 seconds.
Shield Battery
Battery Overcharge recharge rate reduced from 200% to 150%.
Move speed increased from 2.63 to 2.82. Model size increased by 17.5%.
Can now fit between single-gap walls. (Collision size with other units unaffected).
High Templar
Move speed increased from 2.63 to 2.82.
Purifier Orb radius reduced from 1.5 to 1.35.
Interceptor shields reduced from 40 to 30. Interceptor attack target priority reduced from 20 to 19. Interceptor flying radius around target increased.
Build time reduced from 26.4 to 22.9 seconds.
Level 1 upgrades research time reduced by 7 seconds. Level 2 upgrades research time reduced by 9 seconds. Level 3 upgrades research time reduced by 11 seconds.
Enhanced Shockwaves upgrade removed. Base EMP radius increased from 1.5 to 1.75. Steady Targeting is canceled if the target moves more than 13.5 range away from the ghost while casting (Cast range is 10).
Hyperflight Rotors upgrade time reduced from 121 to 100 seconds. Hyperflight Rotors cost reduced from 150/150 to 125/125.
Mag-Field Accelerator damage bonus changed from +20 vs armored to +10 vs all.
Sensor Tower
Radar range reduced from 30 to 27.
Raven (rework)
Gas cost reduced from 200 to 150. Build time reduced from 43 to 30 seconds. Starting Energy increased from 50 to 75. Interference Matrix duration reduced from 11 to 8 seconds. Anti-Armor Missile armor reduction reduced from 3 to 2. Corvid Reactor upgrade removed. Auto Turret energy cost increased from 50 to 75.
Misc Bug fixes / QOL Changes
All Units
Follow acquire range reduced from 5 to 2 (Units will switch to attacking from moving when within this range of the follow target).
Dark Templar
Attack blink delay reduced from 0.75 to 0.71 seconds (standardized number on Normal game speed).
Increase maximum spawn radius by 1.
Widow Mine
Reduced random unburrow/burrow delay from 0.36 seconds to 0.18 seconds (average time remains the same). No longer targets Zerg Eggs without a manual order.
Fixed an issue where lock-on could enter cooldown while the Cyclone is loaded into a medivac. Lock On no longer targets Zerg Eggs without a manual order.
Shield Battery
Fixed an issue where repeatedly issuing a Stop command could increase the shield regen rate.
Fixed an issue where Adepts could not be ordered to cancel the Shade ability when selected with Adepts who are not finished warping in. Can now be ordered to load into a warp prism while shading, automatically cancelling the shade.
Fixed an issue where initial Creep Tumors could be canceled. No longer unable to receive certain orders for 0.6 seconds after spawning.
Attacks will no longer be blocked by certain low-ground terrain features.
Orbital Command
Fixed an issue where MULE could be cast targeting refineries close to Command Centers.
Fixed an issue where Hydralisks attacked faster at melee range. Fixed an issue where Morph to Lurker would be canceled with a Smart command issued immediately after the Morph command.
Stasis Ward
Attack target priority increased from 10 to 20. Units affected by Stasis can be issued any non-build commands instead of only move commands, to be acted upon stasis expiring.
Fixed an issue where units affected by Interference Matrix could not be issued Stop commands. Fixed an issue where units affected by Interference Matrix would walk forward below their Attack range when given Attack Move commands.
Nydus Worm
Fixed a visual bug introduced in the previous patch (nydus creep behavior).
Fixed an issue where Mutalisk’s attack launch sound would play each time the attack bounced.
Fixed an issue where Zerglings could not receive queued Morph to Baneling commands.
Zergling/Swarm Host
Fixed an issue where Zerglings and Swarm Hosts could not be given commands while unburrowing.
Fixed an issue where Morph to Ravager would be canceled with a Smart command issued immediately after the Morph command.
Fixed an issue where Liberators could not be given certain orders immediately after being ordered to unsiege.
Worker Units
No longer need to wait for full deceleration before beginning to attack.
Steady Targeting (Snipe) can now be manually canceled.
Creep got nerfed again lol. Justifiably so. Glad they are buffing hatcheries a little bit so it doesn't get out of hand in the early game.
Abduct is getting a small nerf? I love it! It's tiny but it gives you the chance to feedback or snipe the Viper as it's casting.
Hydralisk change interesting. Faster, but weaker damage?
Broodlord speed buff makes me annoyed, if Vikings have to be unreasonably slow so do Broodlords. Should come with an offsetting buff to Viking speed, no one is gonna mind a slightly faster Viking that you can't run from as easily.
Disruptor nerfs and HT buffs? I like.
Ghost changes are interesting. Adding some counterplay options to Snipe instead of outright nerfing it? That's a remarkably smart change that I'm not accustomed to seeing from the Blizzard balance team. They even added a manual cancel option to the spell! I love this!
Sensor Tower nerfs? Why?
And another Raven rework. Nerfing Interference Matrix I like, it addresses how oppressive the Raven is in TvT atm, without really killing its usefulness vs Protoss. Auto Turret energy increase is off set a little bit by the starting energy buff but in the long run it's a nerf because now Ravens can't drop as many turrets per Raven. Again trying to nerf how effective Massing Ravens can be.
Anti Armor nerf doesn't really affect much. I guess the reasoning here is that this spell like the rest is having more of an impact in TvT than in the other match ups so it's ok to cut its effectiveness a little. Makes sense I guess.
ALIVE GAME?! What are these nerfs and buffs?! I don't know how to feel about this.
Wish they address Nukes being a tiny red dot. Otherwise I like a lot of these changes. Scarlett is going over the proposed changes right now.
shield battery overcharge getting a nerf is long overdue,
forge upgrade nerf being slightly reverted is a welcome change.
Overall i am a fan of the patch, other than the carrier nerf which I think is unwarranted, especially considering that battlecruiser and broodlords are not getting similar nerfs.
This looks fairly good. Not sure why the Carrier is getting nerfed right now and I'm a little concerned about the fast Brood Lords, but we'll see how that plays out.
Edit: I would have liked to see more to help Mech out. Even as a niche option it feels pretty bad now.
I don't think I disagree with any of these changes, but it seems like a lot to change all at once when balance seems ok at the moment
On December 08 2022 08:54 AkashSky wrote: shield battery overcharge getting a nerf is long overdue,
forge upgrade nerf being slightly reverted is a welcome change.
Overall i am a fan of the patch, other than the carrier nerf which I think is unwarranted, especially considering that battlecruiser and broodlords are not getting similar nerfs.
No one is using Battlecruisers and Broodlords are getting buffed. They are buffing Protoss while nerfing Skytoss that is oppressive in late game PvZ all over the ladder. It's logical.
On December 08 2022 08:40 Vindicare605 wrote:
Hydralisk change interesting. Faster, but weaker damage?
Thats not what an attack point is.
Is the forced delay between an attack animation and any new order given. It's what makes a unit microable (marines have a really low damage point for example).
Canada8988 Posts
What we're still getting patches!?!?!?
Loving the quality of life change altought, you know the worker attack thingy is gonna make probe and SCV harrass vs terran a pain. I'm liking that they up the responsivness from a lot of units.
As for the actual patch, I certainly didn't expect anything that massive to hit anymore. Not sure who get the big end of the stick. I'm a bit affraid of the conjonction of an ultra buff + a brood lord buff + a ghost nerf + a carrier nerf + a disruptor nerf, hopefully the viper nerf is enough to save us from late game zerg fiesta. Altought not sure how the Brood ling duration will change how the unit, my feeling is that the brood ling die before hitting most of the time anyway, but I could be wrong.
Way more than I was expecting, but honestly the changes read really well as far as my know-nothing brain is concerned. Pretty hype stuff!
here's my prospective as a m1/gm terran player I think a lot of these changes are reasonable, but im not a fan of some:
what I like:
Archon change:
this is just a qol change that should have been in the game from the start, its was super stupid in pvz especially, I don't think anyone can complain about this change. Nice!
Observer change:
even though it will be a bit annoying I'm good with this it was a weird thing to nerf way back then. The one interaction i don't like about this is its now just that little bit harder to scan and kill and obs spotting for 4 gate blink stalker as terran, still I'm good with it.
Raven change:
This change Mainly has implications for tvt. having the raven be a cheaper but weaker unit is honestly very nice in my opinion, this helps balance the strength of raven openings against other builds and will shake up the meta a bit. This is also a direct buff in other matchups where the raven was often a bit to cost prohibitive to be a good option in comparison to other starport units, I could see terrans experimenting with raven hellion openings vs zerg as a more creep denying focused macro opening. Vs toss I could also see this being a nice soft nerf to dt allins, which although not imba are an annoying coinflip build. Overall this is a very nice change. thumbs up. ( i dont like the buff to bad toss players though that makes it so disabled collosi wont walk into your army that comes from the bug fix)
as a terran player honestly carriers were never that big of a deal to begin with, probably see them 1 in 60 games, but I know that in zvp, pvp, team games, and lower levels of play they are a menace. I think nerfing them is good for the game. the priority change definitely will help lower level players deal with them. I think that since good players almost always target the carriers instead of the interceptors this change is more a qol change for metal league players. The interceptor change is also a slight buff to marines and hydras vs them which could matter when the carriers don't have splash under them and are low in number. Nice.
Banshee Hyperflight Rotors: Since this saw basically 0 competitive play and was only used in meme builds I think that buffing it is good. I could see people experimenting with it in tvz, maybe their is a build where you make 3-4 banshees with 3 cc and get this before/instead of cloak. I think their might be some niche uses for this now, but overall I dont think it changes that much, we still wont see it that often (unless I'm very wrong about how good this upgrade is)
this unit was to powerful when it hit a good shot. Im biased as a terran player about it admittedly but I'm not going to complain about nerfing it, I approve. ( it does kill my pvz style though, but i can live with that)
Ht move speed:
this is not that big of a change but Im ok with it, I think that it will help them stay with your army better and also let you split them up when facing banes/aoe. Im ok with it.
sentry build time:
nice small buff to defending certain allins, I'm good with that. I think it most heavily affects pvp, and pvz though.
viper abduct nerf:
this is really not that big of a nerf, but it does give you a window to fight back against having your units abducted. Nice.
Shield battery nerf & bug fix:
Shield batteries impact in not just early but midgame fights was to powerful in my opinion. in general it just was to impactful of a defensive mechanic and allowed toss to be very very greedy. Its important that toss have something like this in the game or certain allins would be busted. But it was to good. I think adjusting its power level is a good change.
Changes I'm meh about:
Creep nerf: This small enough it will only affect the very best zerg pros, most zergs are not good enough at macro to maximize the cooldown, also alot of the excessive amount of creep on the map is not due to repeat spawns of creep but mass creep spam from 13+ queens, this really does not do enough in my opinion to nerf this extremely opressive mechanic.
Ultralisk buff:
Ultras are kind of bad, but buffing them while nerfing ghosts worries me, Guess we will see how this plays out, I'm not a huge fan of buffing them given that back when they were good (8 armor patch) it was very oppressiv to play against them for terrans.
Hatchery vision range/creep spread: a buff against cannon rushes and bunker rushes. I know people don't like playing against cheese but nerfing it like this. I'm not sure its a good idea, it reduces variety instead of increasing it because we will see even less cannon/bunker rushes at a high level.
Cyclone change:
I'm not sure how to evaluate this one, on one hand this makes the cyclone more versatile, and is a nice buff against queens, on the other hand cyclones with magfield usually was used to fight armored units like stalkers and roaches, or in mech vs tempests. It also a nerf vs buildings. This might actually be a nerf, and if so an unwarranted one, I have seen 0 people claim cyclones are an imbalanced (or even a good unit). I'm not much of a mech enjoyer so my knowledge on this one is limited but I'm skeptical about this change. ehh???
ravager change:
Its a small nerf to ravager allins. and a nerf to ravager morph micro zvt. this change reduces the skill cap for zergs, instead of increasing it. and nerfs an allin that was pretty much fine. Not a fan of this change, but its not that big of a deal.
sensor tower:
I don't think this needed to be nerfed (maybe as a terran im biased) the vison range was massive and this does significantly reduce the total area revealed. On the other hand it still basically does the same thing it did before well enough that I don't think it will change anything. This is kind of like when they nerfed observer speed, its not a huge deal but also why?
Forge buff:
This is a pretty big buff to toss (especially factoring in chrono boost). I think this is very powerful, I don't really think toss needed this kind of buff. It will make gateway man in pvz even stronger, and will basically buff every type of mid to late game build toss has. I don't think toss is hurting for power level right now. Still they also got some nerfs so I guess we will see how it shakes out.
Changes I don't like:
As a terran player I hate the ghost changes (of course I do) The ghost was very strong, but its also the cornerstone of terran late game, while the other races mainly got small/medium nerfs terran is getting a huge nerf, with really no compensation to even it out. This is just a big loss of power level for terran in late game. Expect to see more people play like bunny with lots of 2 base allins ect. because terran is now weaker then it was before, and it is just straight up worse then it was pre patch. Other races got a buff/nerf set of changes that make me think ok they lost x but gained y so lets see how that goes. for terran I just feel like my late game is worse then before. Guess i will focus even harder on not playing late game.
now snipe is even more awkward to use (it was powerful but finicky since it can be canceled) now this ability requires you to be at the exact right range to get good value...
(I'm also not sure how the snipe is now self cancellable change will work, It might just make ghosts harder to use depending on how it is implemented.)
Also the removal of enhanced shockwaves is a really big nerf tvp. I expect terran to go from 40% of the time winning vs toss in late game situations to 35% of time with this patch... great! Yes ruptors also were nerfed but they will still be very powerful, terran straight up lost one of its strongest tools. Toss lost some defensive power but will still wreck late game, and now they have fast upgrades. IDK I dont think this is good for terran.
hydras are not great but they are good enough to get used a lot, I think power creeping them is bad, this just makes ling bane hydra stronger, I'm not seeing anything on terrans side that helps to even that out. I know i am biased but I dont think terran mid/late game is to strong vs zerg. I think that buffing zerg at these stages of the game and nerfing terran is a pretty bad move for game balance.
broodlords: I think overall they are better now, yeah you cant build up as many broodlings as before but the speed gain is a much bigger buff then the nerf they received. BL late games are some of the most boring so I'm really not happy that we are going to see that more then before.
My verdict:
Terran is now worse
Protoss is kind of neutral in power level change, but is weeker then before
Zerg Is now stronger then it was before the patch. Wow a patch where we buffed the race with the most championships and titles!
Look now patch was going to be perfect but this does feel pretty biased against terran, basically our useless crap got made slightly less useless (but still bad), Our raven is now usable and also not broken in tvt ( I do really like this change). But our cornerstone late game unit got hit with the nerf bat, with nothing to spread that power out to other units (big ooof).
Zerg patch
Still it is cool to see sc2 get some attention for once. So its not all bad. Maybe we will get more patches in the future, or maybe this is the last. Time will tell. I do appreciate the fact we actualy got a patch!
I just dont like the timing of this patch, imo it should be applied before Atlanta so that we can see how the dynamic works. Now the only time we see it would be ST1 next year (if there is one) before IEM hit with a new patch AND a new map pool. That might be intentional so that every players have a fresh start but also means there will be some thing weird that might not get caught until we see it.
On December 08 2022 11:29 tigera6 wrote: I just dont like the timing of this patch, imo it should be applied before Atlanta so that we can see how the dynamic works. Now the only time we see it would be ST1 next year (if there is one) before IEM hit with a new patch AND a new map pool. That might be intentional so that every players have a fresh start but also means there will be some thing weird that might not get caught until we see it.
Their patch timing ALWAYS sucks because it's only a couple months before Katowice. So the tournament that is supposed to culiminate the 2022 season will be played with a brand new 2023 meta. I wish they'd hold off on doing these balance patches until after Katowice is over.
But it's always gonna clash with something.
When do these changes go live?
They finally gave archons what is essentially the ability to suck in their tummies a bit so they could squeeze through those one square gaps in walls. It only took 12 years but it finally happened.
I'm pretty sure with these numbers a Lurker with adaptive talons can unburrow and get out of snipe range before the snipe goes off.
So look forward to Lurkers wrecking Terrans for a year.
Zergs are going to come out of this well ahead overall-- a core unit and both their lategame techs got buffed in exchange for a small viper and creep nerf. Meanwhile both Protoss and Terran got substantial lategame nerfs. So not only is Zerg stronger, but we're likely to see more Broodlord Infestor which is some of the worst shit in this game.
United States33075 Posts