Translated upon request from someone in the community. TL staff & mods: please move or edit as necessary; it's been a while since I did something like this here.
영국 게임단 TCM게이밍에서 활동했던 '철벽' 김민철이 소속팀으로부터 임금을 체불당한 것으로 알려졌다.
김민철은 최근 전 프로게이머 김명운의 개인방송에 출연해 최근까지 활동했던 TCM게이밍으로부터 5개월 넘게 월급을 받지 못했다고 말했다. 김민철은 지난 6월쯤 팀을 나와 무소속으로 지내는 중이다.
김민철은 "5개월 넘게 월급을 안줬고 나에게 신경도 쓰지 않았다. 그냥 팀에서 잠수를 타버렸다"며 "원래 협회 팀을 들어가려고 했지만 TCM게이밍에서 2,800파운드(한화 약 400만원) 이적료를 요구하는 바람에 입단이 좌절됐다"고 설명했다.
이어 그는 "'공허의 유산' 출시 이후 열심히 하려고 했다. 하루에 40게임 정도 연습했다. 그렇지만 한국 선수들의 해외 대회 출전이 금지되면서 의욕이 꺾이고 말았다"고 전했다.
김민철은 "SK텔레콤에 있을 때는 9연승을 하는 등 성적은 잘 나왔지만 적응을 잘못했다. (지금 생각해보면) 웅진 스타즈 때의 분위기가 제일 좋았던 것 같다"고 아쉬움을 나타냈다.
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Title: "Iron Wall" Kim Min-Chul (Soulkey), "Unpaid victim since joining prior team"
September 19th, 2016
It is reported that "Iron Wall" Kim Min-Chul (Soulkey), who played for european team TCM Gaming, fell victim to being unpaid by his team.
Recently, Soulkey made an appearance on former progamer ZerO (Kim Myung-Hoon)'s stream and announced that for over five months since joining TCM gaming, he has not received his salary from the team. Soulkey left the team around June of last year and has been teamless since.
Soulkey explained, "The team didn't pay me a salary for over five months and didn't care about me. I ended up on the down-low while on the team. I originally had plans to join another team, but TCM gaming demanded a transfer fee of 2,800 pounds, which led to more frustration."
The player tried to perform his best post release of "Legacy of the Void." He played approximately 40 games a day. However, Soulkey went on to convey that he "lost his will to play as Korean players were prevented from participating in foreign tournaments."
Soulkey expressed regret by stating that, "while on SK Telecom, I adjusted to the team poorly despite having results where I was making 9 consecutive wins. (If I think about it now), the environment was best when I was on Woongjin Stars."
On September 19 2016 22:34 [Svall]Granis wrote: I really hope he gets the money and that he can find a good team who arent scumbags, i miss seeing him play
Highly doubt backpay will happen since the team no longer exists. Also, another Korean player mentioned it wasn't the only reason why Soulkey quit; it was just a influencing factor.
On September 19 2016 22:42 ReachTheSky wrote: If my employer missed even just one of my paychecks I would slam down the hammer. These kids are real pushovers these days.
If Soulkey does so, I would arrest him in no time.
Jokes aside, I know it`s a bummer but there`s nothing you can do but going bananas when foreign teams do things like that.
This is ridiculous. I've seen so many players go unpaid by their teams, it's outright terrible. I think KR players should turn down any offers to join a foreign team unless it's reputable (TL, EG et c...).
On September 19 2016 23:10 BigFan wrote: This is ridiculous. I've seen so many players go unpaid by their teams, it's outright terrible. I think KR players should turn down any offers to join a foreign team unless it's reputable (TL, EG et c...).
I think a lot of Koreans think that the foreign scene is "better" than the Korean ones while it is totally not the case.
Korean infrastructure is much better organized in all levels than foreign ones.