On April 10 2014 11:22 JaKaTaK wrote: You can dodge widow mines with: blink, building something with a drone
You can also dodge them by picking up the targeted unit with a Medivac/Overlord/Warp Prism, right? Also, what about Vikings changing modes or Templars merging?
and this is why I verify before the video. gold mineral bases provide less income in total because there are less mineral patches 6*1500 vs 8*1500. Also gold minerals mine out faster because of this. I'll be replacing that fact with the baneling fact that admiral posted (forgot to add it to the poll). Still in the verification process, so get your votes in now!
The Facts have been chosen, we will release the video tomorrow morning. Thanks to everyone for contributing.
The next poll will get posted tomorrow (that way we can have a week of voting instead of a day. All submissions will be included in the poll that happen between now and then, so post fast facts you think should be in the next video now
Not so popular but interesting tips for Zerg (and others, but more usefull for zerg)
1) Shift-clicking (2-5 times or more) on scv-builder with your drone will force drone to follow that SCV around the building in process and not react to incoming SCVs
2) doing extractor-trick cancels enemy worker following order. I.e enemy "attached" his worker to your scouting Drone. Do an extractor trick and following order will be canceled untill enemy clicks on your worker again. You're paying just 6 minerals for resetting enemy worker order status. Sometimes it worths it.
On April 11 2014 02:51 JaKaTaK wrote: and this is why I verify before the video. gold mineral bases provide less income in total because there are less mineral patches 6*1500 vs 8*1500. Also gold minerals mine out faster because of this.
I think when most people hear the word "income" they think of something like "minerals per minute", and not the total amount of minerals you can mine from a base. So this is a matter of semantics rather than facts.
Can you point out in the next Fast Facts that Brood Lords can be microd if you don't wait for the broodlings to fire before moving it... Brood Lords can surprisingly stutter step really well but I never see them used properly.
Any fast facts posted after this post will be added to the poll for Fast Facts #13. Thanks to everyone for participating! Keep your fast facts coming!!
Assign "Choose Target for ability or A.I" command to worker mining command, so you can just select your worker, mouseover on mineral patch and hold that harvest-resource-command. Result - worker will instantly try attach that mineral patch, so no need to constantly clicking on that mineral patch to attach 2 workers to one patch
Another simple tip to save Swarm Hosts against Ravens is Nydus Worm. If you will always have Nydus Worm nearby your Swarm Hosts, you can save them from tons of splash damage that Seeker Missile can deal to you. Also you can abuse Nydus to drop Swarm Hosts quickly through map: for example drop somewhere, land Locusts and retreat. This is very deadly Zerg weapon that is not so expensive in late game since you're paying only 100 minerals / 100 gas for each SH drop.
Assign "Choose Target for ability or A.I" command to worker mining command, so you can just select your worker, mouseover on mineral patch and hold that harvest-resource-command. Result - worker will instantly try attach that mineral patch, so no need to constantly clicking on that mineral patch to attach 2 workers to one patch
Do you mind clarifying? Are you saying that you spam the gather minerals command? Or is there a command titled "choose target for ability or AI" somewhere on the command card that can then be assigned to another command? I'm confused. And this method doesn't require any spamming?
Assign "Choose Target for ability or A.I" command to worker mining command, so you can just select your worker, mouseover on mineral patch and hold that harvest-resource-command. Result - worker will instantly try attach that mineral patch, so no need to constantly clicking on that mineral patch to attach 2 workers to one patch
Do you mind clarifying? Are you saying that you spam the gather minerals command? Or is there a command titled "choose target for ability or AI" somewhere on the command card that can then be assigned to another command? I'm confused. And this method doesn't require any spamming?
Add "Gather mineral" hotkey to alternate hotkeys of "Choose ability or AI target" and just hold gather mineral command on mineral patch. You will see how it works greatly
The charge surround thing was kind of cute but pretty much useless. Couldn't manage to get any footage demonstrating that it was advantageous so it was cut from the video. Has anyone used this technique in a way that proves its more useful than just A-moving?
Here's Fast Facts #12!
and the poll for Fast Facts #13: EDIT: poll closed
We're going back to weekly releases for the time being so you can expect a new fast facts video every monday! Enjoy :D
On May 09 2014 09:32 Deathblood wrote: So i found out on ladder today that the grooved spines upgrade for hydras doesn't require a lair, but muscular augments does.
This seems like a bug, right? I can't imagine why they would be intentionally inconsistent with hydralisk upgrades.
On May 09 2014 09:32 Deathblood wrote: So i found out on ladder today that the grooved spines upgrade for hydras doesn't require a lair, but muscular augments does.
Thats is nonsence. Hydra den reqiures Lair itself.
- Load queens into overlord>generate creep>drop queen and place tumor (great for mid-game creep spread for gargantuan maps.
- You can use Nydus networks in multiple locations inside a main base to draw enemy forces back from a protected expo
- Burrowing Bainlings on a mineral line is far more effective than chasing workers. If the oppponet sees the burrow, his mining operations will be hindered until he is able to deal with it. If he doesnt see the burrow, He loses all his workers when he brings the workers back to mine
- A pack of Changlings can block ramps. This is especially annoying because you have to kill them individually.
Burrowing Bainlings on a mineral line is far more effective than chasing workers. If the oppponet sees the burrow, his mining operations will be hindered until he is able to deal with it. If he doesnt see the burrow, He loses all his workers when he brings the workers back to mine
SInce everyone doing his expands with prebuilt turrets/photons, I'm not sure it's a good solution. Except some rare situations when no turrets/photons or worker transfer happens instantly after HQ is built
A pack of Changlings can block ramps. This is especially annoying because you have to kill them individually.
Colossies / Tanks / hellbats / helions can clear changeling-block very quickly