Q: What do you think of his comment that the individual sponsorship offer going to BoxeR instead?
A: I definitely said that is not true. MMA indeed asked BoxeR about it and BoxeR then asked me. I was actually very sad when BoxeR asked me back then. I said, 'I know your [BoxeR] personality and why would I not tell you this.' What I later found out was that company N and company S offered sponsorships for MMA but they went to BoxeR instead. Sponsorship matters were dealt with by manager J, so I directly contacted related parties in those companies to confirm. However, they didn't even know who manager J was. Do other StarCraft 2 teams' players have the same questions and do managers answer them? I really do not understand this issue.
Wait what? So she said what MMA claimed isn't true, but then she later found out that it is true? I don't really get the wording of this.
So she's basically saying MMA's claim about sponsorship going to Boxer isn't true, then in the next paragraph, she admitted it's true, but she doesn't know how it magically went to Boxer instead? wtf?
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
TL is on the player's side because we have evidence that Jessica alone would create a toxic environment simply by acting like bitch. We have tons and tons of that. On the other side we have:
1. Phone call that sounded like Jessica and Boxer were trying to extort Crank.
2. Evidence of a disorganized, DIY practice ban on Slayers (this is the only real evidence here).
3. Jessica's E-mail to Team Liquid, where she later revealed that she was a liar and actually had been looking for $90,000 transfer fee, but decided to send this offer to TL so she could have dirt on ESF.
4. The fact that she did definitely support Alicia with 3 whole dental visits.
5. The fact that she actually rented those cars the players had to drive themselves to get to the GOMtv studio. Geez talk about basic transportation, these players aren't even getting paid. Taking the bus as someone like crank or dark or arthur or what have you, generally 0 income players apart from the A-team is a real burden...as they have no money.
6. The fact that MMA's "J" account was actually true and she "the 2 sponsorships ended up going to boxer somehow." This especially is ridiculous. No amount of good will and money you poured into the team means anything if it is managed like this (not to mention this would convince everyone that Jessica and Boxer were little embezzling thieves if this was a real corporation).
7. The fact that MMA acts like an asshole. Yeah, he's might be mad about those personal sponsorships not getting to him.
8. Statements from Cella that say that crank left the team without formally telling Jessica he did. Well shit, free labor lied to you, that's definitely a good reason to go after him because you're too incompetent and stupid to get the guy who sabotaged you. Get the equivalent of a glorified intern for running away from his problems (Jessica's personality is a big enough problem to get people to run away. See: Dragon). Free labor leaving your company isn't even a crime.
9. Proof that MC called Genius a play-on-words name. MC got attacked as a result. If this were America he could go sue Jessica for slander and the guy who punched him in the face for battery. Genius was sitting in a damn practice game and could've leaked the build (even inadvertently he's Protoss and on the guy's team).
You call this evidence? It's barely enough reading material to keep Korean netizens in small scale "Tablo game." Koreans are fucking retarded sometimes when it comes to offenses. Take this from a Korean American who has Korean family and has seen this type of stuff go down.
Most of the people were on Jessica's side at the start because no one gave counter views, because they knew she was like this. However, when parts of the real story started coming out and Jessica herself had to give a more realistic account of things, her story began to reconcile with the players' and the real picture is an extremely muddy mess. Most of that is over- Jessica on a rampage is not.
I can't believe Jessica and Boxer have the gall to claim that they spent money and it was for the player's benefit. No, it was for their business. Their business fell apart because they hired a guy who ran around sabotaging their sponsors. They fucked up and their money ended up exactly where it should. Now they should sue the guy and stop being little shits. Instead they are using their superior popularity to form an argument ad populum. This is disgusting. This is why those hardcore Korea fanboys are so annoying. They don't know how ridiculously petty Koreans can become when they feel wronged. They are petty enough when "wronged" that they go after those that speak against them rather the guy who ripped them off.
If there was any realm of possibility that Jessica's jihad against her "sworn enemies" is justified, it has become completely moot when she started targeting people like crank for "lying" to her and people like MC for calling Genius a name. The only Korean word I associate with people like this is "byungshin." Korean society is just so disgusting sometimes. No wonder their politics are completely cooked and their suicide rates are 2x that of the runner up.
It's funny, when MC was telling her he got hit in the face by a mad guy, she told him he wasn't important enough to be talking to. Ha, that's real funny. What a egocentric, disgusting excuse for a human.
On October 24 2012 12:01 TimeFlighT wrote: Waxangel,
Could you possibly please copy and paste both translated replies of Jessica to MMA and CranK to the original post?
I'm seeing a lot of posters here who have not clicked Jessica's reply link and only read whatever's copy/pasted in the OP and base their opinion off of that.
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
Maybe because people see it as the MANAGERS responsibility to 1. get sufficient sponsors and 2. make players feel good enough about a team to NOT look for greener pastures. Thus it is entirely the fault of the MANAGERS (Jessica and Boxer) to let the situation deteriorate so far as to have dissatisfied players and no sponsors and ultimately no team. I havent seen any of the "oh its entirely the players fault" faction address this responsibility issue yet ...
It is to be expected that Korean players actually want to play for a team which offers them a salary instead of playing "for free", since even Korean kids grow up eventually and have 40 more years of work ahead of them and without any money made between 15 and 25 they will have a severe disadvantage, because they wasted the best years for learning things by playing a computer game which does ZERO to help with any real life jobs.
Oh and I dont think "changing your mind" is the same as lying ... as Crank probably did when he went back home and saw that he wasnt able to make enough money from streaming to support himself.
I also cant say that I have to fully disagree with the "Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly." comment by Xiphos, because coming out every once in a while from playing Troy and not reacting to complaints is NOT what I would describe as "treating great". They may have done well in the beginning of the team by supporting the players and giving them a chance to compete, but that doesnt mean it will always be like that.
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
TL is on the player's side because we have evidence that Jessica alone would create a toxic environment simply by acting like bitch. We have tons and tons of that. On the other side we have:
1. Phone call that sounded like Jessica and Boxer were trying to extort Crank.
2. Evidence of a disorganized, DIY practice ban on Slayers (this is the only real evidence here).
3. Jessica's E-mail to Team Liquid, where she later revealed that she was a liar and actually had been looking for $90,000 transfer fee, but decided to send this offer to TL so she could have dirt on ESF.
4. The fact that she did definitely support Alicia with 3 whole dental visits.
5. The fact that she actually rented those cars the players had to drive themselves to get to the GOMtv studio. Geez talk about basic transportation, these players aren't even getting paid taking the bus as someone like crank or dark or arthur or what have you, generally 0 income players apart from the A-team.
6. The fact that MMA's "J" account was actually true and she "the 2 sponsorships ended up going to boxer somehow." This especially is ridiculous. No amount of good will and money you poured into the team means anything if it is managed like this (not to mention this would convince everyone that Jessica and Boxer were little embezzling thieves if this was a real corporation).
7. The fact that MMA acts like an asshole. Yeah, he's might be mad about those personal sponsorships not getting to him.
8. Statements from Cella that say that crank left the team without formally telling Jessica he did. Well shit, free labor lied to you, that's definitely a good reason to go after him because you're too incompetent and stupid to get the guy who sabotaged you. Get the equivalent of a glorified intern for running away from his problems (Jessica's personality is a big enough problem to get people to run away. See: Dragon). Free labor leaving your company isn't even a crime.
9. Proof that MC called Genius a play-on-words name. MC got attacked as a result. If this were America he could go sue Jessica for slander and the guy who punched him in the face for battery. Genius was sitting in a damn practice game and could've leaked the build (even inadvertently he's Protoss and on the guy's team).
You call this evidence? It's barely enough reading material to keep Korean netizens in small scale "Tablo game." Koreans are fucking retarded sometimes when it comes to offenses. Take this from a Korean American who has Korean family and has seen this type of stuff go down.
Most of the people were on Jessica's side at the start because no one gave counter views, because they knew she was like this. However, when parts of the real story started coming out and Jessica herself had to give a more realistic account of things, her story began to reconcile with the players' and the real picture is an extremely muddy mess. Most of that is over- Jessica on a rampage is not.
I can't believe Jessica and Boxer have the gall to claim that they spent money and it was for the player's benefit. No, it was for their business. Their business fell apart because they hired a guy who ran around sabotaging their sponsors. They fucked up and their money ended up exactly where it should. Now they should sue the guy and stop being little shits. Instead they are using their superior popularity to form an argument ad populum. This is disgusting. This is why those hardcore Korea fanboys are so annoying. They don't know how ridiculously petty Koreans can become when they feel wronged. So much so that they go after those that speak against them rather the guy who ripped them off.
If there was any realm of possibility that Jessica's jihad against her "sworn enemies" is justified, it has become completely moot when she started targeting people like crank for "lying" to her and people like MC for calling Genius a name. The only Korean word I associate with people like this is "byungshin." Korean society is just so disgusting sometimes. No wonder their politics are completely cooked and their suicide rates are 2x that of the runner up.
It's funny, when MC was telling her he got hit in the face by a mad guy, she told him he wasn't important enough to be talking to. Ha, that's real funny. What a egocentric, disgusting excuse for a human.
Most of the rants on this thread have annoyed me, even the ones that complemented my own views. This one, though, I can only give a *slow clap* lol
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
Because it is always a management problem when an entire team falls apart (that or financial/sponsor problems).
One or two players can never ever cause an entire team to collapse like that; regardless if those players are actually in the wrong or not, it is always the management's job to apply crisis management with their management controls. That's what they're there for, that is the whole point of management: to manage a team when shits happen
Attitudes like "Why should I call them to set up a meeting? I'm the manager here" when doing so can fix a problem is definitely a management issue.
Bottom line is, regardless of which fault the side actually lies, Jessica was NOT suitable in the position as a manager, and it is very very clear from the way she's been doing things; and THIS imo is the main cause of the fall out.
On October 24 2012 12:01 TimeFlighT wrote: Waxangel,
Could you possibly please copy and paste both translated replies of Jessica to MMA and CranK to the original post?
I'm seeing a lot of posters here who have not clicked Jessica's reply link and only read whatever's copy/pasted in the OP and base their opinion off of that.
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
Alicia got caught lying about what? The tweets proved little, except he got encouragement for some MLGs before getting silver three times, whereas he specifically talked about not getting any congratulations afterward (he did for his first MLG that he won silver ~June 11, but I never got a translation for the second MLG on July 22nd)
Crank didn't go under Jessica's nose, he quit SlayerS and was told "do what you want," and so he did. He said he wasn't quitting for money, and after having all that grief, who can blame him? He quit in part because he was sick of all the bs, but telling Jessica that he's sick of her to her face as he quit would've gone over rather poorly.
MMA bad influence is complete speculation and interpretation. MMA may have been instigating rebellion against poor leadership, or telling Ryung and Alicia the contracts sucked, which they apparently did.
Jessica's evidence is anything but hardcore. Until Coach Ryu Won comes forward or MMA admits it, it's just her word. MMA already stated that Coach Won went to Jessica for payment and came up null. It sounds like there was a lot of miscommunication. It's still possible that MMA went back on his word, but that's very far from proven.
Yeah, with Jessica's complete search for vengeance, somehow she's siding with the players. If this was really about money only, you'd think she'd have sued by now. After all, she tried to get $90,000 for MMA's contract buyout. That same number also popped up relating to how much she invested or the cost of a vehicle or something.
Jessica is out to ruin these players and possibly recoup any lost money, as in her twisted world, she is right to do these things. Her behavior has been the definition of selfish when it comes to hurt pride "after all the things I did for you." She sounds like a great enough person to be around when times are good, but when things spin out of control, out fly the accusations.
On October 24 2012 12:31 Mozzery wrote: Money quote from the phone call transcript from axiom translation
Choi: I am just sad about the way Jessica thinks. I don't even think I can join a good foreign team. She thinks I made the group leave the team.
Boxer: You know her style. If you fight back she is going to have a fight to the death. You don't seem to stay quiet.
Man, if that doesn't say something...
LMAO i was thinking the same thing; It's probably why Boxer is staying so quiet in all of this, he probably experienced enough fighting with her all these years.
On October 24 2012 10:45 KanoCoke wrote: Did they have oversized pants barely held in place by their belts, gold necklaces, basketball jerseys and chain wallets too?
The conversation, despite not being perfectly translated, only made things a bit clearer regarding the state of the team at the time. No one knew exactly what the hell was happening and people were blaming each other, including Jessica who's a pitbull when it comes to arguments. They all should have just sat on a table and talked like BoxeR repeatedly tried to say.
For a bit, everyone is to be blamed to a extend. However the players are more to be blamed for the outcome of the team's fate. To sum up: Jessica + BoxeR treated the players greatly. Got MMA, ALICIA, and CranK to be superstars with great benefit, much better than other teams in Korea.
The players seen the big money from the foreigners, started complaining. (Players' fault +1)
(Series of events happening: Coach Won incident being told by Cella, Manager J, ESF's ban and etc.)
Jessica and BoxeR tried to remedied the situation with BoxeR asking for a reconciliation meeting.
This is where Jessica and BoxeR came to be faulted for not proceeding with the initial agreement, however so should the players try to schedule the meeting (+1 for both).
Alicia got caught lying.
CranK went under Jessica's nose in search for a team.
Apparently MMA was like a virus influence the players.
Team lost sponsors, people went to LoL, got dissolved.
And now Jessica is fighting against the player's words with hardcore evidence.
And somehow TL is siding with the players.
yea not sure how tl is on the players side.
TL is on the player's side because we have evidence that Jessica alone would create a toxic environment simply by acting like bitch. We have tons and tons of that. On the other side we have:
1. Phone call that sounded like Jessica and Boxer were trying to extort Crank.
2. Evidence of a disorganized, DIY practice ban on Slayers (this is the only real evidence here).
3. Jessica's E-mail to Team Liquid, where she later revealed that she was a liar and actually had been looking for $90,000 transfer fee, but decided to send this offer to TL so she could have dirt on ESF.
4. The fact that she did definitely support Alicia with 3 whole dental visits.
5. The fact that she actually rented those cars the players had to drive themselves to get to the GOMtv studio. Geez talk about basic transportation, these players aren't even getting paid. Taking the bus as someone like crank or dark or arthur or what have you, generally 0 income players apart from the A-team is a real burden...as they have no money.
6. The fact that MMA's "J" account was actually true and she "the 2 sponsorships ended up going to boxer somehow." This especially is ridiculous. No amount of good will and money you poured into the team means anything if it is managed like this (not to mention this would convince everyone that Jessica and Boxer were little embezzling thieves if this was a real corporation).
7. The fact that MMA acts like an asshole. Yeah, he's might be mad about those personal sponsorships not getting to him.
8. Statements from Cella that say that crank left the team without formally telling Jessica he did. Well shit, free labor lied to you, that's definitely a good reason to go after him because you're too incompetent and stupid to get the guy who sabotaged you. Get the equivalent of a glorified intern for running away from his problems (Jessica's personality is a big enough problem to get people to run away. See: Dragon). Free labor leaving your company isn't even a crime.
9. Proof that MC called Genius a play-on-words name. MC got attacked as a result. If this were America he could go sue Jessica for slander and the guy who punched him in the face for battery. Genius was sitting in a damn practice game and could've leaked the build (even inadvertently he's Protoss and on the guy's team).
You call this evidence? It's barely enough reading material to keep Korean netizens in small scale "Tablo game." Koreans are fucking retarded sometimes when it comes to offenses. Take this from a Korean American who has Korean family and has seen this type of stuff go down.
Most of the people were on Jessica's side at the start because no one gave counter views, because they knew she was like this. However, when parts of the real story started coming out and Jessica herself had to give a more realistic account of things, her story began to reconcile with the players' and the real picture is an extremely muddy mess. Most of that is over- Jessica on a rampage is not.
I can't believe Jessica and Boxer have the gall to claim that they spent money and it was for the player's benefit. No, it was for their business. Their business fell apart because they hired a guy who ran around sabotaging their sponsors. They fucked up and their money ended up exactly where it should. Now they should sue the guy and stop being little shits. Instead they are using their superior popularity to form an argument ad populum. This is disgusting. This is why those hardcore Korea fanboys are so annoying. They don't know how ridiculously petty Koreans can become when they feel wronged. So much so that they go after those that speak against them rather the guy who ripped them off.
If there was any realm of possibility that Jessica's jihad against her "sworn enemies" is justified, it has become completely moot when she started targeting people like crank for "lying" to her and people like MC for calling Genius a name. The only Korean word I associate with people like this is "byungshin." Korean society is just so disgusting sometimes. No wonder their politics are completely cooked and their suicide rates are 2x that of the runner up.
It's funny, when MC was telling her he got hit in the face by a mad guy, she told him he wasn't important enough to be talking to. Ha, that's real funny. What a egocentric, disgusting excuse for a human.
I dont know if anyone actually read the entire transcript of the conversation between Crank, Jessica and Boxer, but I lost quiet a bit of respect for Boxer after reading it. Basically he was acting like a bully because Crank couldn't even defend himself. Crank was not even a contracted player and was receiving 0 money, yet he actually seemed to care more about the team than Boxer who actually shut himself up in the room playing some retarded MMORPG.
Jessica deserved to have this blow up in her face, and in fact, I say that MMA and Crank should have gone on the offensive right at the beginning before Jessica even released her one sided, slandering bullshit.
Edit: And all the people saying that the players didnt have any evidence on their sides...what were they supposed to do? Be a manipulative, deceitful bitch like Jessica and record all their conversations secretly? Have hidden cameras taped to them to record the goings on in the house? Are you guys really saying that Jessica is a fucking saint and MMA, Ryung, Alicia, Ganzi, Dragon, Crank and everyone who left the team is guilty?
I feel so sorry for the Slayers players, especially MMA and Crank. If an environment is so toxic you're afraid to tell the truth as to why you're leaving(Crank) or simply don't want to play the game anymore (MMA), its far too much and eventually torpedoes the team.
A manager's job is not to only get money for the team or to get them discounts for things, its to provide an emotional anchor for the players and act as a guardian and a leader for them. You need to be able to not just gain trust, but hold it. Jessica was unfit from the start to have that sort of responsibility and yes, the majority of the blame rests on her shoulders. There is no shirking that.
Could other things have been done to prevent that? Sure. But they didn't.
As a side note, if you're constantly looking at media sites and forums for criticism and then taking THAT to heart, you aren't cut out for a sport with that magnification.
I feel so sorry for the Slayers players, especially MMA and Crank. If an environment is so toxic you're afraid to tell the truth as to why you're leaving(Crank) or simply don't want to play the game anymore (MMA), its far too much and eventually torpedoes the team.
A manager's job is not to only get money for the team or to get them discounts for things, its to provide an emotional anchor for the players and act as a guardian and a leader for them. You need to be able to not just gain trust, but hold it. Jessica was unfit from the start to have that sort of responsibility and yes, the majority of the blame rests on her shoulders. There is no shirking that.
Could other things have been done to prevent that? Sure. But they didn't.
As a side note, if you're constantly looking at media sites and forums for criticism and then taking THAT to heart, you aren't cut out for a sport with that magnification.
So what does that mean to the drama? Jessica was lying? I forgot what I read... Been reading too much >.<
I feel so sorry for the Slayers players, especially MMA and Crank. If an environment is so toxic you're afraid to tell the truth as to why you're leaving(Crank) or simply don't want to play the game anymore (MMA), its far too much and eventually torpedoes the team.
A manager's job is not to only get money for the team or to get them discounts for things, its to provide an emotional anchor for the players and act as a guardian and a leader for them. You need to be able to not just gain trust, but hold it. Jessica was unfit from the start to have that sort of responsibility and yes, the majority of the blame rests on her shoulders. There is no shirking that.
Could other things have been done to prevent that? Sure. But they didn't.
As a side note, if you're constantly looking at media sites and forums for criticism and then taking THAT to heart, you aren't cut out for a sport with that magnification.
So what does that mean to the drama? Jessica was lying? I forgot what I read... Been reading too much >.<
Yes that tweet leaves more questions then answers because what happened to it? Follow the sponsorship trail and where does it lead? His tweet doesn't answer any of that.
I feel so sorry for the Slayers players, especially MMA and Crank. If an environment is so toxic you're afraid to tell the truth as to why you're leaving(Crank) or simply don't want to play the game anymore (MMA), its far too much and eventually torpedoes the team.
A manager's job is not to only get money for the team or to get them discounts for things, its to provide an emotional anchor for the players and act as a guardian and a leader for them. You need to be able to not just gain trust, but hold it. Jessica was unfit from the start to have that sort of responsibility and yes, the majority of the blame rests on her shoulders. There is no shirking that.
Could other things have been done to prevent that? Sure. But they didn't.
As a side note, if you're constantly looking at media sites and forums for criticism and then taking THAT to heart, you aren't cut out for a sport with that magnification.
So what does that mean to the drama? Jessica was lying? I forgot what I read... Been reading too much >.<
Yes that tweet leaves more questions then answers because what happened to it? Follow the sponsorship trail and where does it lead? His tweet doesn't answer any of that.
She kinda addressed it (but vaguely) in that interview:
"Q: What do you think of his comment that the individual sponsorship offer going to BoxeR instead?
A: I definitely said that is not true. MMA indeed asked BoxeR about it and BoxeR then asked me. I was actually very sad when BoxeR asked me back then. I said, 'I know your [BoxeR] personality and why would I not tell you this.'
What I later found out was that company N and company S offered sponsorships for MMA but they went to BoxeR instead. Sponsorship matters were dealt with by manager J, so I directly contacted related parties in those companies to confirm. However, they didn't even know who manager J was. Do other StarCraft 2 teams' players have the same questions and do managers answer them? I really do not understand this issue."
But like I asked in the earlier post, wth does this even mean? She's basically saying what MMA said wasn't true, then the next paragraph saying that it was indeed true, and that it just magically went to Boxer and she had no idea why. o_O
I feel so sorry for the Slayers players, especially MMA and Crank. If an environment is so toxic you're afraid to tell the truth as to why you're leaving(Crank) or simply don't want to play the game anymore (MMA), its far too much and eventually torpedoes the team.
A manager's job is not to only get money for the team or to get them discounts for things, its to provide an emotional anchor for the players and act as a guardian and a leader for them. You need to be able to not just gain trust, but hold it. Jessica was unfit from the start to have that sort of responsibility and yes, the majority of the blame rests on her shoulders. There is no shirking that.
Could other things have been done to prevent that? Sure. But they didn't.
As a side note, if you're constantly looking at media sites and forums for criticism and then taking THAT to heart, you aren't cut out for a sport with that magnification.
Can we just use this as conclusive evidence and just ban Jessica from esports just like we did with combatex and sayuri?
Goro Shigeno @Goro87: @MitchellChris But the million dollar question is what happened to mma's personal sponsorship?Did it go to boxer like MMA thought?Withdrawn?
Chris Mitchell @MitchellChris: @Goro87 It was rejected.
Goro Shigeno @Goro87: @MitchellChris Oh boy now there's opening a can of worms. Rejected by who, manager J or Jessica? That ? is a key part of drama.