TSL has been expelled from SC2 Conference.
Back in 30th of July, SC2 progamers FruitDealer and Trickster requested of the SC2 Players Association to arbitrate in a dispute between them and TSL & Manager Lee. The SC2Con proceeded to bring both parties together on the 1st of August for mediation.
After the meeting on the 1st of August, the SC2Con sent the following conclusions to both sides:
1. While we acknowledge that disciplining players who negatively affect the team is fair, withholding wages without any prior notification is wrong.
2. Though sponsors continued to provide funds for the team, it is wrong that the manager lied to the players, saying they hadn't.
3. Even though the wages of the TSL players who returned theirs to help with operating expenses were different to FruitDealer and Trickster's sum, the manager used it in an interview to slander the two players. This is not a quality a team manager should possess.
4. Even after they released FruitDealer and Trickster from the team, they continued to use their images in adverts. They finally took action after the relevant players notified them of this. This kind of action does not befit the actions of someone running a progaming team.
5. The team has an obligation to continue paying promised wages until the players are released.
Therefore, the SC2Con recommended the following to both sides:
We ask FruitDealer and Trickster to do some introspection concerning their actions over the past month and in the future, set examples as progamers.
Manager Lee of TSL needs to pay 5,250,000 won (~$5,000) in 45 days of unpaid wages, another 500,000 won (~$470) to FruitDealer in unpaid wages, and 750,000 won (~$700) for using their images in adverts without permission. He should either pay the total 6,500,000 won (~$6,100) to FruitDealer and Trickster or pay 4,000,000 ($3,800) and give an interview apologising for his previous account of slander and defamation. If the said reparations are not paid in full, SC2Con will expel TSL and take further measures.
However, even after these conclusions were made, the SC2Con invited all parties to come together for another face-to-face talk, given how much they had contributed to the team. They were allowed to bring witnesses who could provide evidence and support each side's opinions. On the 4th of August, we received a message from Manager Lee saying they would withdraw from the SC2Con, therefore, we were left with no other choice but to announce their forced expulsion. However, the SC2Con does not wish to cripple the competition in Korea and is not considering any sanctions regarding their participation in leagues.
We will continue to use monetary disciplinary actions to punish teams and players who bring the scene into disrepute. We will also do our best to create an environment where it isn't just one manager who controls the players, but the players who lead themselves forward.
Thank you.
4th of August, 2011
SC2 Conference President, Won Jong Wook (StarTale's Manager)
SC2Con members - Manager of oGs Park Sang Ik (TheWinD), Manager of Prime Park Wea Shik (Gerrard), Manager of MVP Choi Yoon Sang, Manager of NSHoseo Park Yung Sik, Manager of FXOKorea Lee Hyung Seop (Choya), Manager of ZeNEX Yoon Hee Won, Manager of IM Kang Dong Hoon and the President of SC2 Players Association Park Gyung Lak (Junwi).
Back in 30th of July, SC2 progamers FruitDealer and Trickster requested of the SC2 Players Association to arbitrate in a dispute between them and TSL & Manager Lee. The SC2Con proceeded to bring both parties together on the 1st of August for mediation.
After the meeting on the 1st of August, the SC2Con sent the following conclusions to both sides:
1. While we acknowledge that disciplining players who negatively affect the team is fair, withholding wages without any prior notification is wrong.
2. Though sponsors continued to provide funds for the team, it is wrong that the manager lied to the players, saying they hadn't.
3. Even though the wages of the TSL players who returned theirs to help with operating expenses were different to FruitDealer and Trickster's sum, the manager used it in an interview to slander the two players. This is not a quality a team manager should possess.
4. Even after they released FruitDealer and Trickster from the team, they continued to use their images in adverts. They finally took action after the relevant players notified them of this. This kind of action does not befit the actions of someone running a progaming team.
5. The team has an obligation to continue paying promised wages until the players are released.
Therefore, the SC2Con recommended the following to both sides:
We ask FruitDealer and Trickster to do some introspection concerning their actions over the past month and in the future, set examples as progamers.
Manager Lee of TSL needs to pay 5,250,000 won (~$5,000) in 45 days of unpaid wages, another 500,000 won (~$470) to FruitDealer in unpaid wages, and 750,000 won (~$700) for using their images in adverts without permission. He should either pay the total 6,500,000 won (~$6,100) to FruitDealer and Trickster or pay 4,000,000 ($3,800) and give an interview apologising for his previous account of slander and defamation. If the said reparations are not paid in full, SC2Con will expel TSL and take further measures.
However, even after these conclusions were made, the SC2Con invited all parties to come together for another face-to-face talk, given how much they had contributed to the team. They were allowed to bring witnesses who could provide evidence and support each side's opinions. On the 4th of August, we received a message from Manager Lee saying they would withdraw from the SC2Con, therefore, we were left with no other choice but to announce their forced expulsion. However, the SC2Con does not wish to cripple the competition in Korea and is not considering any sanctions regarding their participation in leagues.
We will continue to use monetary disciplinary actions to punish teams and players who bring the scene into disrepute. We will also do our best to create an environment where it isn't just one manager who controls the players, but the players who lead themselves forward.
Thank you.
4th of August, 2011
SC2 Conference President, Won Jong Wook (StarTale's Manager)
SC2Con members - Manager of oGs Park Sang Ik (TheWinD), Manager of Prime Park Wea Shik (Gerrard), Manager of MVP Choi Yoon Sang, Manager of NSHoseo Park Yung Sik, Manager of FXOKorea Lee Hyung Seop (Choya), Manager of ZeNEX Yoon Hee Won, Manager of IM Kang Dong Hoon and the President of SC2 Players Association Park Gyung Lak (Junwi).
Source Text:
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스타크래프트 II 협의회 TSL 게임단 탈퇴에 관한 입장
스타크래프트 II 협의회는 게임단과 게이머의 권익 보호 및 분쟁시 중재 역활을 하기 위해 발족되었습니다.
지난 7월30일 서기수 선수와 김원기 선수의 요청에 의해 스타크래프트 II 선수 협의회 (회장 박경락)에서 이와 관련된 분쟁 조정을 스타크래프트 II 협의회측에 요청하였으며
이에 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 8월1일 TSL게임단 이운재 감독과 서기수 선수 양측을 출석시켜 중재 회의를 진행하였습니다.
8월1일 회의 결과 스타크래프트 II 협의회에서는 다음과 같은 내용을 양측에 전달하였습니다.
1. 게임단 운영에 지장을 주는 선수의 개인적인 태도는 지탄 받아 마땅하나 아무런 사전 통보 없이 급여를 지급하지 않는 것은 잘못되었다.
2. 후원사측에서 정상적으로 게임단의 후원비용을 지급하였음에도 불구하고 게임단 감독이 이를 선수에게 거짓으로 입금되지 않았다고 속인것은 잘못된 행동이다.
3. 급여를 운영비로 사용해달라며 반납한 선수의 액수와 김원기, 서기수 선수의 금액 자체의 크기가 다름에도 불구하고 이를 예로 들며 김원기, 서기수 선수를 비방하는 인터뷰 내용은 해당팀 감독으로서 자질 문제일수 있다.
4. 해당 선수를 팀에서 방출 하였음에도 불구하고 선수의 초상권을 활용한 광고등에 대해 아무런 조치를 취하지 않았으며 오히려 해당 선수가 이에 대해 이의를 제기하고서야 조치를 취한 것은 게임단을 운영하는 자로서 할 행동이 아니라고 판단된다.
5. 게임단에서는 선수에게 약속된 급여를 방출시까지 지급할 의무가 있다.
따라서 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 양측에 아래와 같이 권고하였습니다.
서기수 선수와 김원기 선수는 지난날의 행동에 대해 반성하고 차후 게이머로서의 모범을 보이도록 할것을 요청한다.
TSL 게임단 이운재 감독은 미지급 급여 45일분 525만원과 김원기에게 미지급하였던 50만원, 게임단 탈퇴 이후 기간에 사용된 초상권에 대한 비용 75만원을 포함한
총 육백오십만원을 서기수, 김원기에게 지급하거나 총 육백오십만원 중 사백만원의 금액만을 김원기, 서기수에게 지급하되 인터뷰 기사를 통해 두 선수의 명예를 회손한 부분에 대해 바로 잡도록 한다.
이와 관련되어 TSL 게임단에서 해당 선수에게 금액을 지불하지 않거나 이를 거부시 스타크래프트 II 협의회의는 TSL게임단을 강제 제명 및 차후 조치를 취할 예정이다.
그러나 이러한 회의 결과에도 불구하고 그동안 게임단을 이끌어온 공로를 인정하여 김원기, 서기수와 TSL 이운재 감독의 삼자대면하에 자신들이 주장하는 의견에 대해 증언을 해줄수 있는
제3의 인물을 참석시켜 다시 회의를 진행하려는 의도를 TSL 이운재 감독에게 전달하였음에도 불구하고 8월4일 유선상으로 " 스타크래프트 II 협의회를 탈퇴하겠다 "라는 내용을 전해왔으며
이에 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 TSL 게임단의 협의회 강제 제명을 발표하기로 결정하였습니다.
그러나 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 현재 진행되고 있는 국내 대회의 파행을 원하지 않기에 TSL 게임단의 리그 참여 제재에 대한 고려는 하지 않고 있습니다.
앞으로도 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 금전적인 부분으로 인해 분란을 일으키는 해당팀 또는 선수에 대해 강한 징계를 내릴 것이며
관리자 한명이 선수를 좌지우지 할수 있는 그러한 구조에서 벗어나 선수가 이끌어 나갈수 있는 그러한 구조가 될수 있도록 최선을 다할것입니다.
2011년 8월4일
스타크래프트 II 협의회장 원종욱
스타크래프트 II 협의회 위원 - oGs 감독 박상익, 감독 PRIME.WE 박외식, 감독 MVP 최윤상, NS호서 감독 박영식, FOXKorea 감독 이형섭, ZeNEX 감독 윤희원, IM 감독 강동훈, 스타크래프트 II 선수협의회장 박경락
스타크래프트 II 협의회는 게임단과 게이머의 권익 보호 및 분쟁시 중재 역활을 하기 위해 발족되었습니다.
지난 7월30일 서기수 선수와 김원기 선수의 요청에 의해 스타크래프트 II 선수 협의회 (회장 박경락)에서 이와 관련된 분쟁 조정을 스타크래프트 II 협의회측에 요청하였으며
이에 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 8월1일 TSL게임단 이운재 감독과 서기수 선수 양측을 출석시켜 중재 회의를 진행하였습니다.
8월1일 회의 결과 스타크래프트 II 협의회에서는 다음과 같은 내용을 양측에 전달하였습니다.
1. 게임단 운영에 지장을 주는 선수의 개인적인 태도는 지탄 받아 마땅하나 아무런 사전 통보 없이 급여를 지급하지 않는 것은 잘못되었다.
2. 후원사측에서 정상적으로 게임단의 후원비용을 지급하였음에도 불구하고 게임단 감독이 이를 선수에게 거짓으로 입금되지 않았다고 속인것은 잘못된 행동이다.
3. 급여를 운영비로 사용해달라며 반납한 선수의 액수와 김원기, 서기수 선수의 금액 자체의 크기가 다름에도 불구하고 이를 예로 들며 김원기, 서기수 선수를 비방하는 인터뷰 내용은 해당팀 감독으로서 자질 문제일수 있다.
4. 해당 선수를 팀에서 방출 하였음에도 불구하고 선수의 초상권을 활용한 광고등에 대해 아무런 조치를 취하지 않았으며 오히려 해당 선수가 이에 대해 이의를 제기하고서야 조치를 취한 것은 게임단을 운영하는 자로서 할 행동이 아니라고 판단된다.
5. 게임단에서는 선수에게 약속된 급여를 방출시까지 지급할 의무가 있다.
따라서 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 양측에 아래와 같이 권고하였습니다.
서기수 선수와 김원기 선수는 지난날의 행동에 대해 반성하고 차후 게이머로서의 모범을 보이도록 할것을 요청한다.
TSL 게임단 이운재 감독은 미지급 급여 45일분 525만원과 김원기에게 미지급하였던 50만원, 게임단 탈퇴 이후 기간에 사용된 초상권에 대한 비용 75만원을 포함한
총 육백오십만원을 서기수, 김원기에게 지급하거나 총 육백오십만원 중 사백만원의 금액만을 김원기, 서기수에게 지급하되 인터뷰 기사를 통해 두 선수의 명예를 회손한 부분에 대해 바로 잡도록 한다.
이와 관련되어 TSL 게임단에서 해당 선수에게 금액을 지불하지 않거나 이를 거부시 스타크래프트 II 협의회의는 TSL게임단을 강제 제명 및 차후 조치를 취할 예정이다.
그러나 이러한 회의 결과에도 불구하고 그동안 게임단을 이끌어온 공로를 인정하여 김원기, 서기수와 TSL 이운재 감독의 삼자대면하에 자신들이 주장하는 의견에 대해 증언을 해줄수 있는
제3의 인물을 참석시켜 다시 회의를 진행하려는 의도를 TSL 이운재 감독에게 전달하였음에도 불구하고 8월4일 유선상으로 " 스타크래프트 II 협의회를 탈퇴하겠다 "라는 내용을 전해왔으며
이에 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 TSL 게임단의 협의회 강제 제명을 발표하기로 결정하였습니다.
그러나 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 현재 진행되고 있는 국내 대회의 파행을 원하지 않기에 TSL 게임단의 리그 참여 제재에 대한 고려는 하지 않고 있습니다.
앞으로도 스타크래프트 II 협의회는 금전적인 부분으로 인해 분란을 일으키는 해당팀 또는 선수에 대해 강한 징계를 내릴 것이며
관리자 한명이 선수를 좌지우지 할수 있는 그러한 구조에서 벗어나 선수가 이끌어 나갈수 있는 그러한 구조가 될수 있도록 최선을 다할것입니다.
2011년 8월4일
스타크래프트 II 협의회장 원종욱
스타크래프트 II 협의회 위원 - oGs 감독 박상익, 감독 PRIME.WE 박외식, 감독 MVP 최윤상, NS호서 감독 박영식, FOXKorea 감독 이형섭, ZeNEX 감독 윤희원, IM 감독 강동훈, 스타크래프트 II 선수협의회장 박경락
TSL's Official response (courtesy of moonmeh from r/starcraft):
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moonmeh from r/starcraft did a speed translation
Okay gonna go through TSL's reponse bit by bit(prime)
* 스타크래프트2 협의회 탈퇴이유
The reason for leaving the association.
-협의회 회의 안건자체가 명예훼손과 과장이 심했고 거짓도 상당수 있었습니다.
There was a lot defamation and exaggeration during the meeting along with a lot of lies
-회의 목적이 '중재 회의'임에도 불구하고 협의회 회의에 준비해간 사용내역 및 금액등 에 대해 이운재감독의 의사를 무시하였습니다.
Despite the fact that it was supposed to be an arbitary meeting, the comittee ignored much of Coach Lee's statements and intentions.
-확고한 주관없는 회의과정
The lack of a strong unbiased discussion process
서기수 선수의 안건만으로 너무 빠른 판결이 난 것에 유감 이였습니다. 협의회 결정에 대해서는 이의제기를 할 수 없었습니다.
The fact that this was judged so quickly by Tricker's views is regretful. We could not appeal the decision done by the comittee.
TSL과 저에 대한 의견발표를 한 뒤 판결이 나도 늦지 않다고 봅니다.
I believe that the decision could have been made after TSL and I making an announcement on our opinion
또한 중재회의 결과 발표 후, 협의회에 이의 신청을 할 수 없다고 결정을 내린 뒤 3일 후, 이의 신청이 가능하다는 등 뒤로 합의를 하는 것이 가장좋다. 등등 협의회가 주관이 없고 편파적이라고 판단했습니다. (bwah so much technical terms)
In addition, afer the results we came to the conclusion it would be impossible to appeal and judged that it would be better if after making a decision we were able to appeal after 3 days as it makes it less biased and prejudiced.
* 김원기, 서기수 선수의 마지막달 연봉이 지급되지 않은 이유
The reason why FD and Tricker did not recieve their final payment.
-불성실한 태도와 팀웍을 헤치는 행동, 팀 리빌딩에 참여 및 관심이 없다고 하는 등의 행동으로 감독 및 TSL선수들은 연봉지급을 할 필요가 없다고 판단하였습니다. 그러한 기간이 한달가량입니다.
Due to their attitude actions which hurt their team mates such as not being interested in team rebuilding and ect, the coach and the players decided that there would be no need to give the final payment. That duration was for a month
-이러한 두 선수들의 행동이 연봉보다 소속 선수들의 생활비가 먼저라 판단하였습니다.
Thus we decided that before the 2 player's payment, the livelihood of the TSL players would come first.
당시 운영비가 모자라 추가 대출을 받는 상황이라 더더욱 그렇습니다. 팀운영에 지출된 내역에는 한점 부끄럼없습니다.
This was worse due how we were low on maintenance fees and getting additional loans. I am not ashamed of how I did my team organization.
Model, in this case the ads
-초상권에 대해서는 이적한 선수입장을 고려하여 지급을 의사를 밝혔습니다. 다만, TSL 소속일 때 생산된 컨텐츠이며, 곧바로 수정이 불가능하였고, 수정을 하는데 시간이 들 수 밖에 없었습니다.
About the ads, due to those players leaving we brought up the idea of changing it, but due to the fact that the content was created while they were in TSl and the fact that it takes a while to modify the ads made it that it would take a lot of time to change the ads.
현재 일부 컨텐츠에 대해선 비용을 들여 수정이 완료된 상태입니다. Currently this is finished by modifying the conten by utilizing money. (god this sound awkward)
TSL선수 및 감독은 위 사실에 동의하고 있습니다. 선수들 또한 이러한 결정을 내린 스타2협의회 탈퇴에도 동의하고 있으며 현재 GSL, GSTL 등 차기대회 일정에 맞추어 연습에 매진하고 있습니다. 좋지 않은 소식을 전하게 되어 유감이며 걱정해주시는 많은 분들께 고맙다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
The players of TSL and the coach agree with those statements above and addition agree with leaving the association and currently busy with focusing on GSL and GSTL.
Sorry to give this regretful news and thank you to those who were worried about us.
덧붙이자면 대회를 앞두고 있는 선수들에게 GSL경기맵 공지는 아주 중요합니다. 왜 GSL공식맵에 대한 공지를 TSL선수에게만 늦게주는 지 아쉽습니다.
TSL감독 이운재
In addition(As an after thought) to the players preparing for the tournaments, the patches for the maps are very important. The fact that you always give these information late only to TSL players is very disappointing.
TSL Coach Lee
Okay gonna go through TSL's reponse bit by bit(prime)
* 스타크래프트2 협의회 탈퇴이유
The reason for leaving the association.
-협의회 회의 안건자체가 명예훼손과 과장이 심했고 거짓도 상당수 있었습니다.
There was a lot defamation and exaggeration during the meeting along with a lot of lies
-회의 목적이 '중재 회의'임에도 불구하고 협의회 회의에 준비해간 사용내역 및 금액등 에 대해 이운재감독의 의사를 무시하였습니다.
Despite the fact that it was supposed to be an arbitary meeting, the comittee ignored much of Coach Lee's statements and intentions.
-확고한 주관없는 회의과정
The lack of a strong unbiased discussion process
서기수 선수의 안건만으로 너무 빠른 판결이 난 것에 유감 이였습니다. 협의회 결정에 대해서는 이의제기를 할 수 없었습니다.
The fact that this was judged so quickly by Tricker's views is regretful. We could not appeal the decision done by the comittee.
TSL과 저에 대한 의견발표를 한 뒤 판결이 나도 늦지 않다고 봅니다.
I believe that the decision could have been made after TSL and I making an announcement on our opinion
또한 중재회의 결과 발표 후, 협의회에 이의 신청을 할 수 없다고 결정을 내린 뒤 3일 후, 이의 신청이 가능하다는 등 뒤로 합의를 하는 것이 가장좋다. 등등 협의회가 주관이 없고 편파적이라고 판단했습니다. (bwah so much technical terms)
In addition, afer the results we came to the conclusion it would be impossible to appeal and judged that it would be better if after making a decision we were able to appeal after 3 days as it makes it less biased and prejudiced.
* 김원기, 서기수 선수의 마지막달 연봉이 지급되지 않은 이유
The reason why FD and Tricker did not recieve their final payment.
-불성실한 태도와 팀웍을 헤치는 행동, 팀 리빌딩에 참여 및 관심이 없다고 하는 등의 행동으로 감독 및 TSL선수들은 연봉지급을 할 필요가 없다고 판단하였습니다. 그러한 기간이 한달가량입니다.
Due to their attitude actions which hurt their team mates such as not being interested in team rebuilding and ect, the coach and the players decided that there would be no need to give the final payment. That duration was for a month
-이러한 두 선수들의 행동이 연봉보다 소속 선수들의 생활비가 먼저라 판단하였습니다.
Thus we decided that before the 2 player's payment, the livelihood of the TSL players would come first.
당시 운영비가 모자라 추가 대출을 받는 상황이라 더더욱 그렇습니다. 팀운영에 지출된 내역에는 한점 부끄럼없습니다.
This was worse due how we were low on maintenance fees and getting additional loans. I am not ashamed of how I did my team organization.
Model, in this case the ads
-초상권에 대해서는 이적한 선수입장을 고려하여 지급을 의사를 밝혔습니다. 다만, TSL 소속일 때 생산된 컨텐츠이며, 곧바로 수정이 불가능하였고, 수정을 하는데 시간이 들 수 밖에 없었습니다.
About the ads, due to those players leaving we brought up the idea of changing it, but due to the fact that the content was created while they were in TSl and the fact that it takes a while to modify the ads made it that it would take a lot of time to change the ads.
현재 일부 컨텐츠에 대해선 비용을 들여 수정이 완료된 상태입니다. Currently this is finished by modifying the conten by utilizing money. (god this sound awkward)
TSL선수 및 감독은 위 사실에 동의하고 있습니다. 선수들 또한 이러한 결정을 내린 스타2협의회 탈퇴에도 동의하고 있으며 현재 GSL, GSTL 등 차기대회 일정에 맞추어 연습에 매진하고 있습니다. 좋지 않은 소식을 전하게 되어 유감이며 걱정해주시는 많은 분들께 고맙다는 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
The players of TSL and the coach agree with those statements above and addition agree with leaving the association and currently busy with focusing on GSL and GSTL.
Sorry to give this regretful news and thank you to those who were worried about us.
덧붙이자면 대회를 앞두고 있는 선수들에게 GSL경기맵 공지는 아주 중요합니다. 왜 GSL공식맵에 대한 공지를 TSL선수에게만 늦게주는 지 아쉽습니다.
TSL감독 이운재
In addition(As an after thought) to the players preparing for the tournaments, the patches for the maps are very important. The fact that you always give these information late only to TSL players is very disappointing.
TSL Coach Lee
StarTale Manager and SC2Con President Won Jong Wook's post on PlayXP (thanks to Sein):
+ Show Spoiler +
On August 05 2011 04:20 Sein wrote:
Translation of the Startale manager's response:
This is Startale's manager, Won Jong-Wook.
First of all, I would like to apologize for having to greet you all with this uncomfortable situation and I would like to explain everything from the perspective of a team manager,
First of all, it is true that Fruitdealer and Trickster's lack of professional attitude was wrong, and both players are admitting and regretting that fact that they were overly lazy.
However, Fruitdealer and Trickster's free practice schedule/lifestyle was something that was agreed upon with TSL's manager Mr. Lee at TSL's creation, and it is petty to bring this up as a problem after all this time. If the two players' behavior really was that problematic, then the manager shares a part of the blame for not getting them under control over the past year. Otherwise, the promise of free practice schedule would only have been a lie to sign these two players.
Next, I will talk about the issue of TSL not giving out salaries to their players.
TSL is the only team that was sponsored by multiple companies from the beginning. To be honest, compare to other teams that are run on money out of the managers' own pockets, TSL's manager Mr. Lee is financially very well off. FD and T received their salaries for only April and May, but a part of FD's May salary, about 500,000 WON ($500) was delayed to June after the manager cited TSL's financial difficulties. TSL have received their appropriate sponsor money including FD and T's wages since March, so I don't understand why Lee lied about not receiving their sponsor money. Lee has said that their sponsor money was reduced, but this is only since July, so it is irrelevant to FD and T's circumstances.
Can you imagine how much FD and T blamed their sponsors because of Lee's lies? There should be no blame placed on those several companies including TIMU that have sponsored TSL from the early days of SC2. It would have been a strange situation in which those companies are badmouthed by the very players they sponsor. Can you imagine the sense of betrayal FD and T must have felt when there is no other conclusion than that the manager they have trusted has been pocketing the sponsor money for himself? When FD and T found out that the sponsor money has been coming in, they approached Lee about it, but Lee continued to lie and made up an excuse that the sponsor money came in very late and was reduced. I was disappointed to observe how this situation was folding out. I don't understand how TSL is in trouble financially when their sponsor money was increased this year, which led them to giving their players salaries in the first place. At the time [of FD and T's departure?] TSL was one of the smallest teams and their maid only came by briefly 3 times a week to make their food [presumably talking about how TSL's expenditure was probably low].
I am still trying to understand how they don't have enough money to run their team. Manager Lee said that they give out 1,000,000 WON ($1000) to their players as snack money each month, and that money is enough to pay for their monthly utility fee and car maintenance. He also claimed their their food expenses are over 5,000,000 WON ($5000) each month, but our team only spends 2,000,000 - 2,500,000 WON for 15 player, and that's including feeding them weekly beef/chicken/fish, so I don't understand why TSL needs that much money for only 8-9 players. I would like to ask TSL's manager if he thinks spending that much on food is wise, and you would have to question if he has the right qualities as a manager. I would like to ask him if thinks withholding player salaries to run his team is the correct decision.
The sponsor money is a very important part of running a team. [Blah, blah, blah, then he further talks about the importance of money in life. Not gonna bother to translate all that] There is an old saying that a lie will lead to another lie. I sincerely hope that TSL's manager will become more honest in the future.
The following section is summarizing F and TD's point of view:
We left oGs when they were becoming more organized as a team, because we preferred a flexible practice scheduling. There are various reasons for us joining up with manager Lee and forming TSL.
At first, we started TSL with our relationship with Manager Lee being that of business partners rather than a manager and a player. He promised us free practice schedule, compensation for the starcraft 2 guide [Not sure what this is about], and salaries. At first, Lee was someone in charge of the sponsors, but he eventually became more of a coach. However, he did not keep his promises with us.
Problems with how Lee was running TSL
1. Lack of involvement
There was a time when Lee would visit the teamhouse 1-2 times during 2 months. No matter how busy he was with his sponsors and running his PC Cafe, he should always put his team as his No.1 priority. I don't understand why we had to check our schedule that Lee never told us about on our own. There were occasions when Lee couldn't be contacted, so the outsiders contacted Trickster instead. This was stressful and we asked the manager to improve this, but nothing was done.
2. Withholding salaries
[This part basically says the same thing ST's manager said above about Lee withholding FD and T's salaries and lying to them about how the sponsor money wasn't coming in]
3. Imagerights
Lee did not take down various ads containing our images and when we asked him for a fee for continuing to use our image, he refused. These ads are still on and I hope they are taken care of ASAP.
4. Trust
FD never informed the team that he was leaving. Lee assumed after his phonecall with T that FD was also leaving and it is unbelievable from FD's perspective. He told us that the team's main sponsor is looking to depart during the team meetings and I remember that we (FD and T) even encouraged the other team members to work harder because the income from prize money is a better way to earn money than through salaries.
We are exhausted physically and mentally from Manager Lee's continuous lies. If what he said about the team's financial circumstances was true, then we would've waited for our salaries. After all, we had been waiting since last August, so there is no reason we can't wait more. If it really was becoming difficult to run the team, he should have just told us the truth and we would have willingly not received our salaries.
From what we understand, our sponsor money has increased since March, but nothing in our food menu has changed, so we don't see how the team was short on money.
[The next two sentences are something about their sponsored equipments, but I don't really understand it, so I'll let someone else do it] (그리고 후원사가 선수들에게 지급한 부품중 교체 이후 반납하지 않는 물품을 우리에게는 반납해야 한다며 부품을 가져갔다.
(확인 결과 후원사에 반납하지 않았다)
-[Telcontar's translation]: Also, after our sponsors provided us with equipments, he told us the they needed the old ones back and took them away (Sponsors have confirmed that these were not returned).-
In any case, Lee is running a team as its manager as well as a PC cafe. Things have gotten better for him since TSL's creation. However, the same cannot be said for us players who have much spent time and passion. We also need to do our military duty soon. It is frustrating to think that only us players have been taking losses from this. I know that his PC cafe has greatly profited from using TSL's name.
It's true that each team should ultimately aim for profit, but there should be an initial investment. That investment includes money, time, and passion, but Manager Lee only follows money.
We admit that we partially share the blame in this incident. We met up with our personal friends and others more than we did with our teammates and there were drinking occasions. Manager Lee probably didn't like us in that aspect.
Some will say that we were unprofessional in our conduct, but we don't agree with that. We are old enough to take responsibilities for ourselves and we put in efforts that we wouldn't be ashamed of. The current situation is regrettable and I don't know how it got to here. I would just like to tell the truth and hope that there are no more unfortunate victims like us from TSL or other teams.
Finally, we would like to apologize for this incident and will try to become better gamers.
Translation of the Startale manager's response:
This is Startale's manager, Won Jong-Wook.
First of all, I would like to apologize for having to greet you all with this uncomfortable situation and I would like to explain everything from the perspective of a team manager,
First of all, it is true that Fruitdealer and Trickster's lack of professional attitude was wrong, and both players are admitting and regretting that fact that they were overly lazy.
However, Fruitdealer and Trickster's free practice schedule/lifestyle was something that was agreed upon with TSL's manager Mr. Lee at TSL's creation, and it is petty to bring this up as a problem after all this time. If the two players' behavior really was that problematic, then the manager shares a part of the blame for not getting them under control over the past year. Otherwise, the promise of free practice schedule would only have been a lie to sign these two players.
Next, I will talk about the issue of TSL not giving out salaries to their players.
TSL is the only team that was sponsored by multiple companies from the beginning. To be honest, compare to other teams that are run on money out of the managers' own pockets, TSL's manager Mr. Lee is financially very well off. FD and T received their salaries for only April and May, but a part of FD's May salary, about 500,000 WON ($500) was delayed to June after the manager cited TSL's financial difficulties. TSL have received their appropriate sponsor money including FD and T's wages since March, so I don't understand why Lee lied about not receiving their sponsor money. Lee has said that their sponsor money was reduced, but this is only since July, so it is irrelevant to FD and T's circumstances.
Can you imagine how much FD and T blamed their sponsors because of Lee's lies? There should be no blame placed on those several companies including TIMU that have sponsored TSL from the early days of SC2. It would have been a strange situation in which those companies are badmouthed by the very players they sponsor. Can you imagine the sense of betrayal FD and T must have felt when there is no other conclusion than that the manager they have trusted has been pocketing the sponsor money for himself? When FD and T found out that the sponsor money has been coming in, they approached Lee about it, but Lee continued to lie and made up an excuse that the sponsor money came in very late and was reduced. I was disappointed to observe how this situation was folding out. I don't understand how TSL is in trouble financially when their sponsor money was increased this year, which led them to giving their players salaries in the first place. At the time [of FD and T's departure?] TSL was one of the smallest teams and their maid only came by briefly 3 times a week to make their food [presumably talking about how TSL's expenditure was probably low].
I am still trying to understand how they don't have enough money to run their team. Manager Lee said that they give out 1,000,000 WON ($1000) to their players as snack money each month, and that money is enough to pay for their monthly utility fee and car maintenance. He also claimed their their food expenses are over 5,000,000 WON ($5000) each month, but our team only spends 2,000,000 - 2,500,000 WON for 15 player, and that's including feeding them weekly beef/chicken/fish, so I don't understand why TSL needs that much money for only 8-9 players. I would like to ask TSL's manager if he thinks spending that much on food is wise, and you would have to question if he has the right qualities as a manager. I would like to ask him if thinks withholding player salaries to run his team is the correct decision.
The sponsor money is a very important part of running a team. [Blah, blah, blah, then he further talks about the importance of money in life. Not gonna bother to translate all that] There is an old saying that a lie will lead to another lie. I sincerely hope that TSL's manager will become more honest in the future.
The following section is summarizing F and TD's point of view:
We left oGs when they were becoming more organized as a team, because we preferred a flexible practice scheduling. There are various reasons for us joining up with manager Lee and forming TSL.
At first, we started TSL with our relationship with Manager Lee being that of business partners rather than a manager and a player. He promised us free practice schedule, compensation for the starcraft 2 guide [Not sure what this is about], and salaries. At first, Lee was someone in charge of the sponsors, but he eventually became more of a coach. However, he did not keep his promises with us.
Problems with how Lee was running TSL
1. Lack of involvement
There was a time when Lee would visit the teamhouse 1-2 times during 2 months. No matter how busy he was with his sponsors and running his PC Cafe, he should always put his team as his No.1 priority. I don't understand why we had to check our schedule that Lee never told us about on our own. There were occasions when Lee couldn't be contacted, so the outsiders contacted Trickster instead. This was stressful and we asked the manager to improve this, but nothing was done.
2. Withholding salaries
[This part basically says the same thing ST's manager said above about Lee withholding FD and T's salaries and lying to them about how the sponsor money wasn't coming in]
3. Imagerights
Lee did not take down various ads containing our images and when we asked him for a fee for continuing to use our image, he refused. These ads are still on and I hope they are taken care of ASAP.
4. Trust
FD never informed the team that he was leaving. Lee assumed after his phonecall with T that FD was also leaving and it is unbelievable from FD's perspective. He told us that the team's main sponsor is looking to depart during the team meetings and I remember that we (FD and T) even encouraged the other team members to work harder because the income from prize money is a better way to earn money than through salaries.
We are exhausted physically and mentally from Manager Lee's continuous lies. If what he said about the team's financial circumstances was true, then we would've waited for our salaries. After all, we had been waiting since last August, so there is no reason we can't wait more. If it really was becoming difficult to run the team, he should have just told us the truth and we would have willingly not received our salaries.
From what we understand, our sponsor money has increased since March, but nothing in our food menu has changed, so we don't see how the team was short on money.
[The next two sentences are something about their sponsored equipments, but I don't really understand it, so I'll let someone else do it] (그리고 후원사가 선수들에게 지급한 부품중 교체 이후 반납하지 않는 물품을 우리에게는 반납해야 한다며 부품을 가져갔다.
(확인 결과 후원사에 반납하지 않았다)
-[Telcontar's translation]: Also, after our sponsors provided us with equipments, he told us the they needed the old ones back and took them away (Sponsors have confirmed that these were not returned).-
In any case, Lee is running a team as its manager as well as a PC cafe. Things have gotten better for him since TSL's creation. However, the same cannot be said for us players who have much spent time and passion. We also need to do our military duty soon. It is frustrating to think that only us players have been taking losses from this. I know that his PC cafe has greatly profited from using TSL's name.
It's true that each team should ultimately aim for profit, but there should be an initial investment. That investment includes money, time, and passion, but Manager Lee only follows money.
We admit that we partially share the blame in this incident. We met up with our personal friends and others more than we did with our teammates and there were drinking occasions. Manager Lee probably didn't like us in that aspect.
Some will say that we were unprofessional in our conduct, but we don't agree with that. We are old enough to take responsibilities for ourselves and we put in efforts that we wouldn't be ashamed of. The current situation is regrettable and I don't know how it got to here. I would just like to tell the truth and hope that there are no more unfortunate victims like us from TSL or other teams.
Finally, we would like to apologize for this incident and will try to become better gamers.