I also hope Nestea comes over. I assume they won't have the GSL finals in the same weekend as MLG though if they are bringing over all those Code S players.
On a side note, how awesome would it be if they brought over MVP, Nestea, Bomber and MC! D: That would be insane.
Regardless, they have so many good players they can invite, so we might even see players like Puma. Ahh... there are so many Terran's.
Edit: I actually wouldn't mind seeing some players who aren't doing well in Code S so they also have a shot though. Bring Ace and Maka!
On August 02 2011 03:28 Premier wrote: WTB Nestea invite so we can watch him 2-0 everyone all tournely long
Same like all Koreans do at MLG against Foreigners? Problem with Next MLG is that its right between CodeA Finals (probably no MKP) and CodeS RO8 (Probably no MC/NesTea etc)
They are allowed to invite MVP again? I thought league exchange was for different players each time? Hmm, would really like to see more Zerg and Protoss coming over, but I guess there are really slim pickings.
On August 02 2011 03:42 KimJongChill wrote: They are allowed to invite MVP again? I thought league exchange was for different players each time? Hmm, would really like to see more Zerg and Protoss coming over, but I guess there are really slim pickings.
if we're just talking players that haven't had a shot at mlg already i'd like to see nestea invited obv, failing that maybe leenock or hongun. puzzle i guess could also work. need more toss love
I would love to see Tassadar or Alicia represent the Korean Protoss line. It would be nice to see Protoss win every now and then. Tassadar's play of late has impressed me a lot. Since I definitely see NesTea going because of winning GSL, MVP getting reinvited, and the lack of Protoss invites, I would say those four get the invite. Although bringing Boxer back in would significantly increase viewer numbers.