On July 20 2011 00:11 HelloAnnyong wrote: Yikes. The number of people who think it should be legal to repeatedly and publicly sexually harass someone is more than a little frightening. This kind of garbage is pretty much the entire reason e-sports has the reputation it has, and the reaction of about half the people in this thread (maybe more) is only making it worse.
This isn't sexual harassment. What happened to her was a nuisance. Something that you shrug off if you want to be famous and known.
I mean, seriously. I knew the inevitable "this is hurting ESPORTS" was coming, but this is too much.
Photoshopping someone's head onto porn isn't sexual harassment..? What IS, then?
From Wikipedia: Sexual harassment, is intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.
Glad I could help! Ask me if you have problems with any other words, too.
Isn't that exactly what is happening? If someone photo shopped my face onto a gay porn star, I would consider that person bullying me in a sexual nature.
Uh, seriously? Even if they just posted it to some random image board? Even if they had no idea who the hell you were and just used your face from a stock photo?
Its never that simple.
Thanks for the "What If's" to my "What If". Some of you guys are acting like you have to pull your dick out and slap someone across the face with it for it to be sexual harassment. Seriously how can you not understand, they bullied her online using pictures of sexual intercourse (which she was actually not apart of *SHOOCK*). I'm not going to define what bullying is, but if you don't think that photo shopping can be a form of harassment or bullying..... *facepalm*
Seriously, some teenage girl just committed suicide because kids wouldn't stop texting her and leaving comments on her FaceBook. And she was not famous.
Honestly, it justs sound like this shit to me...
I can't really think of much other than, your life isn't over because of petty shit like this, yes the people doing this are dicks and in cases action should be taken against them, but what Jessica is doing is going after just about everyone who says anything remotely negative. Oh yeah, I feel so fucking bad for Eve, she gets to sit next to Cella at GSTL games but god forbid people post dumb shit about her online.
On July 20 2011 01:01 Xiphiass wrote: Because trolling is illegal.
Thing is, there are different kinds of trolling.
I see a lot of people who jokingly reference cheeky memes, are sarcastic etc, that is one kind of trolling. I see people who ignite flame wars for fun, that is one kind of trolling. Unfortunately, I also see people who make hurtful, personal comments and then hide behind a transparent shroud of "I was just trolling", or the equivalent.
Trolls can be really funny. Once it's taken too far, trolls can just be plain old douchebags.
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Don't bother with PrimeTimey, he has already told more than one person who commmited suicide to toughen up. Seriously not worth the time.
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Nobody is defending harassment. We are arguing over the definition of harassment. Apparently, some people are of the opinion that if I posted a picture of, lets say, Leah Jackson's face pshopped onto some pornographic scene, to 4chan, believing that Leah Jackson doesn't browse 4chan at all, I would somehow be guilty of harassment.
I'm not even certain if innocent until proven guilty holds in Korea, but it should.
On July 20 2011 00:54 Tatari wrote: Good god... way to take the troll bait. Not only that, she went in guns blazing to use tweets as harassment evidence. She's treating this too much like a black-or-white argument, either people are for her decision or against it.
Or does she not know what trolls are? ._.
Trolls need to be punish, ignoring is not enough.
Because trolling is illegal.
oh so you scared you won't be able to troll , harrass others without punishment anymore? hahaha [:
Trolling is a art. It will never die.
Because we will give trolls a fate so terrible that they'd beg us to kill them
On July 20 2011 00:54 Tatari wrote: Good god... way to take the troll bait. Not only that, she went in guns blazing to use tweets as harassment evidence. She's treating this too much like a black-or-white argument, either people are for her decision or against it.
Or does she not know what trolls are? ._.
Trolls need to be punish, ignoring is not enough.
Because trolling is illegal.
oh so you scared you won't be able to troll , harrass others without punishment anymore? hahaha [:
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Don't bother with PrimeTimey, he has already told more than one person who commmited suicide to toughen up. Seriously not worth the time.
Don't worry, I don't think she took offense at him saying it.
On July 20 2011 01:02 Wrongspeedy wrote: Thanks for the "What If's" to my "What If". Some of you guys are acting like you have to pull your dick out and slap someone across the face with it for it to be sexual harassment. Seriously how can you not understand, they bullied her online using pictures of sexual intercourse (which she was actually not apart of *SHOOCK*). I'm not going to define what bullying is, but if you don't think that photo shopping can be a form of harassment or bullying..... *facepalm*
Seriously, some teenage girl just committed suicide because kids wouldn't stop texting her and leaving comments on her FaceBook. And she was not famous.
Of course pshopping can be part of bullying or harassment, but not if its posted to an imageboard that isn't visited by the "target".
In all fairness as long as the poster doesn't know that the "target" visits the board there's no way it can be bullying or harassment, unless they incite others to post it to sites where the "target" does visit.
The act of creation cannot in itself ever be part of bullying or harassment.
You think she won't find out about the image? Maybe she did, or jessica wouldn't be mad, the starcraft community isn't that huge, also just to make it worse, starcraft is actually quite popular in korea so that she will get recognised on the street because of these images.
Its exactly like posting naked pictures of someone in your school all around the town and say he didn't know the "target" will see it.
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Don't bother with PrimeTimey, he has already told more than one person who commmited suicide to toughen up. Seriously not worth the time.
Don't worry, I don't think she took offense at him saying it.
The criteria of who is allowed to post on TL has seriously declined over the years. Users who made comments like these would have been instant banned a year ago.
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Don't bother with PrimeTimey, he has already told more than one person who commmited suicide to toughen up. Seriously not worth the time.
Don't worry, I don't think she took offense at him saying it.
The criteria of who is allowed to post on TL has seriously declined over the years. Users who made comments like these would have been instant banned a year ago.
On July 20 2011 01:02 Wrongspeedy wrote: Thanks for the "What If's" to my "What If". Some of you guys are acting like you have to pull your dick out and slap someone across the face with it for it to be sexual harassment. Seriously how can you not understand, they bullied her online using pictures of sexual intercourse (which she was actually not apart of *SHOOCK*). I'm not going to define what bullying is, but if you don't think that photo shopping can be a form of harassment or bullying..... *facepalm*
Seriously, some teenage girl just committed suicide because kids wouldn't stop texting her and leaving comments on her FaceBook. And she was not famous.
Of course pshopping can be part of bullying or harassment, but not if its posted to an imageboard that isn't visited by the "target".
In all fairness as long as the poster doesn't know that the "target" visits the board there's no way it can be bullying or harassment, unless they incite others to post it to sites where the "target" does visit.
The act of creation cannot in itself ever be part of bullying or harassment.
You think she won't find out about the image? Maybe she did, or jessica wouldn't be mad, the starcraft community isn't that huge, also just to make it worse, starcraft is actually quite popular in korea so that she will get recognised on the street because of these images.
Its exactly like posting naked pictures of someone in your school all around the town and say they didn't know he will see it.
Except its not even remotely like that because you'd have to be retarded not to know they'd see it if they go to your school, while you'd probably have to be retarded to think Leah Jackson actually browses 4chan all that much, if at all.
You cannot hold the creator of something accountable for its distribution, unless he incited the distribution.
If there is anything anyone has ever learned about bullying, online or otherwise, it is that responding in this manner just encourages the behavior. For every troll that Jessica responds to, 10 more will come out of the woodwork to get a similar reaction. And I doubt she will actually see any "justice" done in the matter.
If she's really that concerned, she should be doing her best to not be a target and just shrugging off the ones who decide to victimize her. In the case of personal threats, those should be taken seriously, but random internet trolls will get bored and move to something else as long as she doesn't respond like this.
People saying they should be prosecuted for photoshopping pictures need to step back and get a little perspective.
On July 20 2011 00:54 Tatari wrote: Good god... way to take the troll bait. Not only that, she went in guns blazing to use tweets as harassment evidence. She's treating this too much like a black-or-white argument, either people are for her decision or against it.
Or does she not know what trolls are? ._.
Trolls need to be punish, ignoring is not enough.
Because trolling is illegal.
oh so you scared you won't be able to troll , harrass others without punishment anymore? hahaha [:
I'm sorry, but can you explain yourself? Without any ad hominem, in what law does it say that trolling is illegal?
If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything. Crazy, I know.
On July 20 2011 01:02 Wrongspeedy wrote: Thanks for the "What If's" to my "What If". Some of you guys are acting like you have to pull your dick out and slap someone across the face with it for it to be sexual harassment. Seriously how can you not understand, they bullied her online using pictures of sexual intercourse (which she was actually not apart of *SHOOCK*). I'm not going to define what bullying is, but if you don't think that photo shopping can be a form of harassment or bullying..... *facepalm*
Seriously, some teenage girl just committed suicide because kids wouldn't stop texting her and leaving comments on her FaceBook. And she was not famous.
Of course pshopping can be part of bullying or harassment, but not if its posted to an imageboard that isn't visited by the "target".
In all fairness as long as the poster doesn't know that the "target" visits the board there's no way it can be bullying or harassment, unless they incite others to post it to sites where the "target" does visit.
The act of creation cannot in itself ever be part of bullying or harassment.
You think she won't find out about the image? Maybe she did, or jessica wouldn't be mad, the starcraft community isn't that huge, also just to make it worse, starcraft is actually quite popular in korea so that she will get recognised on the street because of these images.
Its exactly like posting naked pictures of someone in your school all around the town and say they didn't know he will see it.
Except its not even remotely like that because you'd have to be retarded not to know they'd see it if they go to your school, while you'd probably have to be retarded to think Leah Jackson actually browses 4chan all that much, if at all.
You cannot hold the creator of something accountable for its distribution, unless he incited the distribution.
Pretty sure posting something on 4chan should count as distribution just as well as anything else would. I don't think it makes sense to draw a distinction.
So it would be fine if they posted a photoshopped picture on 4chan, but then if Eve found out about it, it's sexual harassment? I'm confused by your stance.
On July 20 2011 01:02 Wrongspeedy wrote: Thanks for the "What If's" to my "What If". Some of you guys are acting like you have to pull your dick out and slap someone across the face with it for it to be sexual harassment. Seriously how can you not understand, they bullied her online using pictures of sexual intercourse (which she was actually not apart of *SHOOCK*). I'm not going to define what bullying is, but if you don't think that photo shopping can be a form of harassment or bullying..... *facepalm*
Seriously, some teenage girl just committed suicide because kids wouldn't stop texting her and leaving comments on her FaceBook. And she was not famous.
Of course pshopping can be part of bullying or harassment, but not if its posted to an imageboard that isn't visited by the "target".
In all fairness as long as the poster doesn't know that the "target" visits the board there's no way it can be bullying or harassment, unless they incite others to post it to sites where the "target" does visit.
The act of creation cannot in itself ever be part of bullying or harassment.
You think she won't find out about the image? Maybe she did, or jessica wouldn't be mad, the starcraft community isn't that huge, also just to make it worse, starcraft is actually quite popular in korea so that she will get recognised on the street because of these images.
Its exactly like posting naked pictures of someone in your school all around the town and say they didn't know he will see it.
Except its not even remotely like that because you'd have to be retarded not to know they'd see it if they go to your school, while you'd probably have to be retarded to think Leah Jackson actually browses 4chan all that much, if at all.
You cannot hold the creator of something accountable for its distribution, unless he incited the distribution.
[edit] Or he distributed it himself, obviously.
You are excluding the fact that every piece of starcraft news is spread extremely quickly amongst the community (more so in Korea because its the game most people play/follow).
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
Don't bother with PrimeTimey, he has already told more than one person who commmited suicide to toughen up. Seriously not worth the time.
You better not make fun of me! I might go commit suicide dude!
This is what happens when a professional team signs a player on looks and for attention, not skill, you don't see pro football or baseball teams recruit people based on looks. Why did slayers recruit a gold leaguer on the team? She obviously won't play in tournaments for the team. This is pretty unprofessional and this if things keep going this way sc2 won't become as huge as everyone wants it to be
She had low self esteem? What can we do about it create laws where people can't have freedom of speech on the internet? lol get real
Cyber-bullying is illegal. In the U.S., all 50 states have laws that prohibit online stalking, harassment, and bullying. Why should you be allowed to harass another person on the Internet without consequence? I can't believe people are actually defending those who viciously attack others on the Internet.
I guess cause some people don't understand why anyone would be offended by something people write on the internet.
I find trolls & antis very sad, but someone who reacts to them I find just as sad. Why would anyone even read anti stuff and waste your time on it. The joke is on the anti if you dont react to it, cause he's the one who put his time in it. In time they might even stop if you dont react to them, because thats what most are out for, getting an angry reaction.
All she has done now in my opinion is increasing the amount of hate and trolling she'll get.
On July 20 2011 00:54 Tatari wrote: Good god... way to take the troll bait. Not only that, she went in guns blazing to use tweets as harassment evidence. She's treating this too much like a black-or-white argument, either people are for her decision or against it.
Or does she not know what trolls are? ._.
Trolls need to be punish, ignoring is not enough.
Because trolling is illegal.
oh so you scared you won't be able to troll , harrass others without punishment anymore? hahaha [:
I'm sorry, but can you explain yourself? Without any ad hominem, in what law does it say that trolling is illegal?
If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything. Crazy, I know.
"Many states have enacted "cyberstalking" or "cyberharassment" laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws. In addition, recent concerns about protecting minors from online bullying or harassment have led states to enact "cyberbullying" laws. This chart identifies only state laws that include specific references to electronic communication. However, other state laws may still apply to those who harass, threaten or bully others online, although specific language may make the laws easier to enforce. This chart classifies the various state laws addressing these three different types of online behaviors, as described below."