On July 25 2011 18:14 AKspartan wrote: The sole goal of trolls is to get a reaction out of people. The only way you beat them is by not giving them anything. The opposite happened here, instead we have multiple massive threads on TL because a girl got trolled on the internet. Not only are the trolls rewarded by this, but also the victim who now gets a massive amount of attention from TL. Enough. Life is tough - comments on the internet are nothing, NOTHING.
Yeah, the trolls are rewarded by being reported to the police, where they can get serious sentences, even jail.
Stop thinking that everything everywhere works just like it does in the US.
On July 19 2011 16:45 Maynarde wrote: Taking matters to the police is definitely overreacting :| Haters gonna hate, gotta have thicker skin on the interwebs.
Like that one comedian "when did 'sticks and stones may break my bones' stop being relevant"? I highly doubt its their culture completely, after all it was greatly changed by western incursions in the Korean War, among other things. would you say Japans culture is currently the way it is purely from internal forces? Its the most European and "sex free" culture in Asia. Its got an almost universal acceptance of all forms of personal taste and decisions, I say more so than the U.S. That didnt happen because Japan kept to its fundamental cultural past. It integrated a LOT of western ideals so quickly that it probably went far off into the extreme in many regards. .
wow you REALLY dont know what you're talking about
Japan have had this "sex free" culture way before the first 'westerner' even set foot in the Islands, so in a way Japan kept its fudamental cultural past very tight
there use to be this of one case where a Japanese Adult game makers are blocking people from outside of Japan from seeing their website because of the 'Judgemental westerner point of view of Japan culture'
On July 19 2011 16:45 Maynarde wrote: Taking matters to the police is definitely overreacting :| Haters gonna hate, gotta have thicker skin on the interwebs.
Like that one comedian "when did 'sticks and stones may break my bones' stop being relevant"? I highly doubt its their culture completely, after all it was greatly changed by western incursions in the Korean War, among other things. would you say Japans culture is currently the way it is purely from internal forces? Its the most European and "sex free" culture in Asia. Its got an almost universal acceptance of all forms of personal taste and decisions, I say more so than the U.S. That didnt happen because Japan kept to its fundamental cultural past. It integrated a LOT of western ideals so quickly that it probably went far off into the extreme in many regards. .
wow you REALLY dont know what you're talking about
Japan have had this "sex free" culture way before the first 'westerner' even set foot in the Islands, so in a way Japan kept its fudamental cultural past very tight
there use to be this of one case where a Japanese Adult game makers are blocking people from outside of Japan from seeing their website because of the 'Judgemental westerner point of view of Japan culture'
that's on their webpage, but there was some other message on other official game sites it was due to some Western feminists or something at the time and some if I recall correctly... back in July 2009( around the time of "equalitynow" making some random crusade... on a culturally accepted medium... ) pdf about video games http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/ngos/Equality_Now_June2009_Japan_CEDAW44.pdf
Whatever she did was fine since the laws are slightly different in Korea.
On July 19 2011 16:45 Maynarde wrote: Taking matters to the police is definitely overreacting :| Haters gonna hate, gotta have thicker skin on the interwebs.
Like that one comedian "when did 'sticks and stones may break my bones' stop being relevant"? I highly doubt its their culture completely, after all it was greatly changed by western incursions in the Korean War, among other things. would you say Japans culture is currently the way it is purely from internal forces? Its the most European and "sex free" culture in Asia. Its got an almost universal acceptance of all forms of personal taste and decisions, I say more so than the U.S. That didnt happen because Japan kept to its fundamental cultural past. It integrated a LOT of western ideals so quickly that it probably went far off into the extreme in many regards. .
wow you REALLY dont know what you're talking about
Japan have had this "sex free" culture way before the first 'westerner' even set foot in the Islands, so in a way Japan kept its fudamental cultural past very tight
there use to be this of one case where a Japanese Adult game makers are blocking people from outside of Japan from seeing their website because of the 'Judgemental westerner point of view of Japan culture'
wrong. you cant believe every anime you see of 16th century japan where sex runs like water. It is not that way at all. Also, you know what Japan has done recently with banning certain manga books because they say they are being "too free" and that "the West doesn't allow what we're allowing". Seems like they are trying to become MORE prudish like the west, after having a longstanding explosion of freedom of thought due to the 1900's. two invasion of japan that forced Western ideas into Japan. One was actually in the late 1800's, by the U.S. The other was the nukes of WW2, by the U.S.
On July 19 2011 16:45 Maynarde wrote: Taking matters to the police is definitely overreacting :| Haters gonna hate, gotta have thicker skin on the interwebs.
Like that one comedian "when did 'sticks and stones may break my bones' stop being relevant"? I highly doubt its their culture completely, after all it was greatly changed by western incursions in the Korean War, among other things. would you say Japans culture is currently the way it is purely from internal forces? Its the most European and "sex free" culture in Asia. Its got an almost universal acceptance of all forms of personal taste and decisions, I say more so than the U.S. That didnt happen because Japan kept to its fundamental cultural past. It integrated a LOT of western ideals so quickly that it probably went far off into the extreme in many regards. .
wow you REALLY dont know what you're talking about
Japan have had this "sex free" culture way before the first 'westerner' even set foot in the Islands, so in a way Japan kept its fudamental cultural past very tight
there use to be this of one case where a Japanese Adult game makers are blocking people from outside of Japan from seeing their website because of the 'Judgemental westerner point of view of Japan culture'
that's on their webpage, but there was some other message on other official game sites it was due to some Western feminists or something at the time and some if I recall correctly... back in July 2009( around the time of "equalitynow" making some random crusade... on a culturally accepted medium... ) pdf about video games http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/ngos/Equality_Now_June2009_Japan_CEDAW44.pdf
Whatever she did was fine since the laws are slightly different in Korea.
I really liked their game A-GA. Got it off the Edonkey2000 torrent-like P2P system.
I also downloaded a trial version of a game from their site where some young girl (presumed 18, but with such small boobs probably more like 14-15 if you want to be really realistic about it and Im basing it solely on the shape of the body and the size and shape of the boobs, women classically are meant to get more curvy with age to be considered beautiful, although, like in "The Screwtape Letters", there was a movement in the early to mid 1900's to have women "who's bodies almost resemble boys" according to the text of the Screwtape Letters, which is actually touching on reality, women with short hair, no real curves, and small boobs, tall and thin etc.) goes to get checked up by the doctor, and you have to convince her to take her clothes off and touch her in the right spots, and u eventually get her gown off and shes topless while you're in the "above while shes lying back" position, and then you have to touch her more in the right sequence of events to get her to willingly take her panties off and start touching her boobs and stuff for pleasure. Failure means game ends as she says "ha-ha, goodbye!" in Japanese. leave it to the Japanese to turn stripping and persuading a girl to have sex into a puzzle game (via needing the right sequence of shoulder taps, boob palpates, and whatnot, although really, it truly is anyway, so can you blame em?).
Basically, what I can summarize from the article is that if Rebecca Black was living in South Korea, she'd be a billionaire from all the people she sued. I don't understand why she got so angry at that high school girl... I am pretty sure grown ups know when to not argue with kids. Besides, do people not have the right to voice their own opinions online anymore? Perhaps Fox news should do a report on certain S. Korean pro gamers and see if they get sued.